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Why are the Israelis so racist??

same can be said for hinduism.it's the people who created caste system not the religion.read vedic principles you pray to god in any form be it muslim,christian or jew
and other hand islam teaches non muslims as kafir,idle worshiper/false gods,muslim unmah itself is biggest bs dividing humans into muslims and non muslims it's where the hatred starts.except for this thing i have nothing agains't islam,it's has some awesome principles

hinduism talks about vasudevaya kutumbakam. i.e. whole world is one single family. vedas don't talk about caste system and that too according to birth.
If ur a muslim then u may not get discriminated in arabia..?? u r one right?


You're partially correct. Yes Alhamdulillah I am Muslim but still I will be treated like any other Asain be it's my Hindu or christian brothers. You know what? When read your post two thing come to my mind.

1. You're too innocent or trying be one or intentionaly your stating half truth to decieve other members.

2. Actually you familiar with the situation of Indian or Asains in Saudi Arabia or any another Arab country regardless of any religion they belongs too but still you're deliberatly lying as you don't know. You want read between line so that you can able to twist my post and project your own ideology. Every nation has it own blacksheep community and we have our own share like, Islamic extremist and saffron terroist. Hope you get your Answer.

Israeli daily, Haaretz, reported Thursday that a medic working for the Bank Hapoalim in Tel Aviv, refused to provide the needed first aid to a Sudanese refugee who was wounded in a traffic accident near the Bank.

Haaretz said that the refugee was struck by a taxi as he was riding his bicycle in Rothschild Boulevard in Tel Aviv, close to the Bank. The impact of the accident threw him off his bicycle and he was he was bleeding from his head.

Two guards of the bank witnessed the accident, and one of them called an ambulance, the other guard is a trained medic who rushed to the wounded man and when he looked at him he refused to provide first aid.

The guard claimed that he was “just following bank procedures”, an issue that was denied by the bank.

Minutes later, an Israeli ambulance arrived at the scene and took the injured Sudanese man to a local hospital.

The bank issued a statement saying that the security guards are trained medics; therefore, it is their responsibility to provide medical treatment to any injured person. The medic who refused to provide aid to the wounded man claimed that he left the scene after the ambulance arrived, Haaretz said.

But eyewitnesses at the scene said that both the guards left the injured man four and a half minutes before the ambulance arrived.

Shame on you Israel. This is the type of reason why you are so isolated
1) Illegal Sudanese immigrant was injured.
2) Security guard called ambulance.
3) Ambulance arrived and took him to hospital, where he got help.

Wow terrible Israeli racism :cheesy:

This girl just took first place in "a star is Born" (an Israeli version of "American Idol") contest:

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Hatred is present in every country, but hatred for non muslims in pakistan is very less then hatred for non jews in israel!!!

How can you say that, is beyond me. Thousands of people have been killed in Pakistan over the years due to sectarian violence.
Just today 11 people were killed in a shooting by muslim extremists in Pakistan. Except for one bystander, all the killed bus passengers were shia's.

Yesterday at least 8 people were killed and 25 injured by bombings and shooting attacks in Pakistans province Baluchistan. Target: shia's.

And these aren't even non-muslims, but people who adhere the same faith!
Pakistanis, Arabs and Indians have no right to talk about racism in another country.

Why? Do only pilots have the right to talk of flight? Do only astronomers have the right to peak of stars?

Would it not have been a better argument that based on the article, we cannot conclude why the two guards did not offer medical assistance - after all, the article does not deal with that issue.

indians defend israel just coz of their weapons.... somethin like the dinga dinga dee rafale missile add....

For once declare their bad deeds as bad...Or is it tht u try to justify what u guys do in iok?????
How much proof would u need?

Arabs or israelis etc who cares........ EVIL IS EVIL... DNT DEFEND IT
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indians defend israel just coz of their weapons.... somethin like the dinga dinga dee rafale missile add....

For once declare their bad deeds as bad...Or is it tht u try to justify what u guys do in iok?????
How much proof would u need?

Arabs or israelis etc who cares........ EVIL IS EVIL... DNT DEFEND IT

Dramatic music, amusing. Why do you do this to yourself Pakistani Nationalist? I mean Youtube is filled with videos and videos and videos of Arabs, Pakistanis and all sorts of other Muslims that i could publish here doing atrocities.
But instead i`ll put this for you.
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Israel's Identity Crisis

Since taking office more than two years ago, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has repeatedly pressed the Palestinians to recognize Israel as a “Jewish state.” In his speech before the U.S. Congress in May, Netanyahu even made this demand the linchpin of any future peace deal, promising “a far-reaching compromise” if only the Palestinian leader were to publicly declare “I will accept a Jewish state.”

Regrettably, the Obama administration has bought into Netanyahu’s idea and is currently working behind the scenes to press key allies to adopt a formula that would call on Israel and the Palestinians to resume negotiations on the basis of the 1967 lines and — for the first time in Mideast peacemaking — spell out international expectations that the Palestinians recognize Israel as a Jewish state.

Much has been said about why the Palestinians refuse to extend Israel such recognition — certainly at this stage of the negotiations. But ironically, Israelis may well be the first to demur at such a definition of their state, or at least to be confused by it. For it is far from clear to anyone, not least Israel’s own Jewish citizens, what Netanyahu’s demand actually means.

Historically, the modern Zionist movement has sought to transform the term “Jewish” into a distinctly national category. But it has not fully succeeded. If it had, “Jewish” might have signified today a member of a national community — in the manner, say, that “French” refers to a national of France or “Polish” that of Poland.

And yet in much of the world “Jewish” today remains a fuzzy term whose precise meaning depends on context. “Jewish” can stand for a religious attribute, an ethical or spiritual one. It can mean an ethnic group or cultural tradition. For some Jews, especially in pre-emancipation Europe, Jewishness was felt to be a destiny. In certain milieus in the U.S. today, “Jewish” primarily defines a genre of humor.

In fact, only in Israel does the term “Jewish” refer to one’s nationality, although the source of authority lies outside the exclusive purview of the state. Indeed, even as Israel proclaims to be the nation-state of the Jewish people, it has no legal definition for the term “Jewish” other than a religious one: It is rabbis who determine for the Israeli state who is a Jew.

This failure to forge a coherently national definition of the term “Jewish” dates back to the inception of the Zionist movement. Since in order to forge the Jewish people into a nation it was necessary to bind them to a single territory and decide upon a collective language — territory and language being understood as two key features of nationality in the 19th century — Zionism grappled with various choices for both. These included Uganda and Argentina as possible territories, while German was the language of preference of Theodor Herzl, the founder of the Zionist movement.

And yet, despite the secularist impulses of mainstream Zionism, the territory ultimately chosen was the biblical Land of Israel and the language that of the Bible. And while the choice of territory may have made pragmatic sense at the time (that of language less so), the emergence of the Zionist movement could not help heightening rather than attenuating the religious underpinnings of the Jewish nation.

These are among the fundamental reasons why the character of the Israeli state remains a highly contested issue within Israel itself. What makes Israel “Jewish”? Is sovereignty over biblical lands essential to Israel’s Jewish self-identity (as the settler movement argues)? Is Israel the state of the Jews living in Israel or also of those living elsewhere in the world? (Netanyahu concluded his speech to Congress by stating “I speak on behalf of the Jewish people and the Jewish state.”) Does Israel’s “Jewishness” preclude it from being the state of all its citizens, even the non-Jewish ones?

The debate inside Israel over these issues is passionate and ongoing. It prevents Israel from articulating a coherent definition of its own identity, let alone one that is accepted and recognized by the majority of its citizens, most of whom are secular and liberal by any Western standard.

Rather than asking the Palestinians to recognize Israel as a Jewish state, therefore, Israel has its own job cut out for itself. And while it is tempting to pass on the burden to others, it remains Israel’s duty — first and foremost to itself — to discover what it means when it says it is Jewish, and to make sure that such a definition be accepted, and recognized, by its own citizens.

Once it does so, Israel might be able to make a more coherent request to its neighbors — or more likely, feel secure enough in its own identity to move on.

Yonatan Touval is a foreign policy analyst based in Tel Aviv.
This thread should be deleted. How come a thread "Direct Racist to a country". isn't this unfair ?? By Mistake i click thank while reporting. :hitwall:

On Nutshell, Israelis are not racist. I personally met few Israelis people in India. They are really nice people. They don't talk crap things or anything against other religion. Muslim countries do have certain problem with Israel but it doesn't mean whole world thinks like that. There are 150 more countries and much bigger one.

Israelis have all right to defend Jews. Even Pakistan always try to be Flag bearer of Muslims, Even when Saudi Arabia don't agree and don't treat Indian sub continent Muslims including Pakistan and Bangladesh in same way.
This thread is going six pages? :blink:

Anyways, the topic is pretty ridiculous. There is racism in the Arab world against Asians in case people here didn't know ;)
This thread is going six pages? :blink:

Anyways, the topic is pretty ridiculous. There is racism in the Arab world against Asians in case people here didn't know ;)

Absolutely, Arab people are most racist in the world. They treat Indian subcontinent Muslims like Slaves and they don't even consider them as same race but few ignorant people don't talk such things and a country which is not racists actually - A Thread started.
Kafir = non-muslim.

In Islam, anyone can be a Muslim. It doesnt matter if he/she is a Pakistani, Indian, Chinese, African, or European. And anyone can be a Imam who studies Islam well.

We Muslims believe all human beings are born equally, and Islam is the truth. Islam is for all mankind.

Not like you people, only if you are born a Brahmin you are respected while being born a Dalit you are like animals.

So even Non Muslims are equal to Muslims??
Everything Jew is always presumed to be bad this days, it's sickening.

The other day, Chelsea football team came and played in my country, and the crowd boo-ed each time the Israeli football player touched the ball.. I can't speak for the rest of the crowd, but it was sickeningly embarrassing for me to be there. Felt bad for the Israeli dude..

Some of you need to get your head out of the cloud and realize most Israelis are just as human as we are.
Why? Do only pilots have the right to talk of flight? Do only astronomers have the right to peak of stars?

Would it not have been a better argument that based on the article, we cannot conclude why the two guards did not offer medical assistance - after all, the article does not deal with that issue.

This is not an article on the topic of racism in Israel but an incident in that country which may or may not be racism. My post was for the hypocrisy of OP for judging the whole country based on this incident while he fully knows his own country's track record in this topic is much much worse. You lost half your country to it.
And you lost the West and East of your country to it -- then who better than us to talk about ethnocentric attitudes?

But I agree that the article was not about racism but delinquent guards.

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