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Why are the Afghan Taliban listening to Pakistan?


Jul 26, 2018
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Dr. Shahid Masood mentioned in his latest t.v program that one thing that must be acknowledged is that the main reason the Americans are interested in getting Pakistan's help with the problem of the Afghan Taliban is because the Afghan Taliban are willing to listen to Pakistan.

This is despite the fact that the Afghan government is vehemently opposed to Pakistan and is pro India. Yet they are virtually being ignored in terms of the Afghan peace process.

So my question is why are the Afghan Taliban willing to listen to Pakistan when they easily could directly negotiate given that they brought the Americans to the table through a long hard military resistance?
Nature Shapes the Future and as we know River Kabul fall into Indus River .... it is natural it is the the DESTINY
our rivers orignate from india so by your logic we should listen to indua!


Dr. Shahid Masood mentioned in his latest t.v program that one thing that must be acknowledged is that the main reason the Americans are interested in getting Pakistan's help with the problem of the Afghan Taliban is because the Afghan Taliban are willing to listen to Pakistan.

This is despite the fact that the Afghan government is vehemently opposed to Pakistan and is pro India. Yet they are virtually being ignored in terms of the Afghan peace process.

So my question is why are the Afghan Taliban willing to listen to Pakistan when they easily could directly negotiate given that they brought the Americans to the table through a long hard military resistance?
id say initially we helped them trained and armed them gave them safe houses and passage when america attacked afghanistan so in return they listen to us.
US tried to go over our head with India to achieve their objectives before and got no where. What happened to trilateral meetings of US, India and Afghanistan advised by Lisa Curtis, Haquani and the rest of the think tanks. All empty threads went over heads and we didn't compromised on our core interests. Now their is a realization and acceptance in the corridors of US power structure that all roads to peace in Kabul go through Islamabad if they want to with draw their forces. All US is pressing now is Pakistan to hurry up as its costing $100's of millions every day for nothing plus human lives too. Sooner they get out is the better so they can have the ticker tack parade of home coming and save their faces that they withdrew and was not kicked out in defeat.
Nature Shapes the Future and as we know River Kabul fall into Indus River .... it is natural it is the the DESTINY
There is such a thing as geographic determinism which regards geography as a major variable in shaping of peoples/nations. Kabul and all of north east Afghanistan [which forms big % of Afghan population] is actually a natural part of the Indus River region. The Durand line is as artificial, if in fact more than the Radcliffe line. It was marked by the British. Consider this. Whereas the Radcliffe divides Punjabi from Punjabi but they are differantiated starkly by religion. That is on one side you have Musim Punjabi and the other Sikh Punjabi. However in the case of Durand it divides Muslim Pashtuns from Muslim Pashtuns.

What I am saying is despite all the vitriol and hatred you see Pakistan and Afghanistan are conjoined twins. History has shown that. And for those who b*tch about Afghans don't ever forget the primary value given by USA on Pakistan is Afghanistan. It's not like we have oil or trade to offer them. When we croak about our strategic location we actually primarily mean Afghanistan.

Despite the negatives that members here heap on Afghans never it be forgotten some of the most precious assets we have acquired is thanks to us prostituting the Afghans. Think of all the F-16s, military aid we have got over 1990s, 2000s and MOST important of all the nuclear bomb

You guys think that America would have allowed us the nuclear bomb? Not in your wildest dreams. We got the nukes because we were fcuking the Afghans in 1980s to everything and anything. That included using the Afghan jihad as shield against US poking in our nuke project. Notice soon after Soviets left Afghanistan America hit us with Pressler amendment and our famous F-16s got impounded.

So next time you bitch about Afgans keep the nukes, the F-16s, Pakistan strategic value in mind. I am not saying there have been negatives as well but sans Afghanistan we would have been in far worse position versus India. No nukes for starters. We could have resigned to become Mata India's cub.

And as if to highlight it even in 2019 Pakistan's relevance in Washington as seen by PMIK's visit was Afganistan. Othewise we are just another bankrupt country. Furthermore don't think even if US pulls out Pakistan's value will go to zero. It will drop to a degree but US will leave this region and rely on Pakistan to make sure that Af-Pak region never becomes a threat for the West again. So Pakistan's relevance will continue into the next decade at least, although somewhat reduced. Again thanks to Afghanistan.

Kabul River [Kabul River Basin] flows into Indus River at Attock, Pakistan

after u.s withdrawal afghan taliban will not remain limited to afghanistan but whole region will see Islamic revolution and india will lose kashmir and eventually whole india will come under Muslim rule.I think india end is near
Its because of Islamic Ummah concept which is most ridiculed by PDF Pakistanis.

I think these Afghan Talibans should come to PDF and see what Pakistanis think of them and how they have gotten money from their demise.

And at the same time i think pakistanis already know what afghans think of them so and also not about money when pakistan is still home to 3 million plus afghanis who arent willing to go back home no money is enough for that
Afghani talib come live now a days on facebook and debate with illetrate anti pakistan Afghan peoples.
I was listening talib very carefull and he spoken alot of things which is beyod our mind.
He said they do not like masters if its united states or Pakistan.
He said pakistan has no control over them anymore and they fight for own.
He said they do not beleive in democracy.
He said they only talk with pakistan because they are muslim brothers and they feel that Pakistan will never degrade them.
He said All mujahideens belongs to afghanistan and they are fighting for freedom and whoever support americans on thier soil they will not let them support masters.
While i was listening to him and i was thinking that they openly denies that they will work only for thier interest and now one can bow them down.
So the real question is how Pakistan will force them to do what trump wants.
Seems like a critical situation but i hope peace prevail .
The foreign diplomatic coup you have seen by Pakistan at the loss of India [who are knocked out and actually stunned] is premised on the simple change of US policy.

  • before it was nuture India to help with Afghanistan as a regional hegemon and look after US interests.
  • now in a enormous U-turn US is actually desperate for Pakistan to become the sub-contractor as the 'policemman' in the Af-Pak region.
Underlying this is geographic determinsm. Whoever thought India could do it ignored one jarring reality. India is NOT Afghanistan's neighbour.
You guys think that America would have allowed us the nuclear bomb? Not in your wildest dreams. We got the nukes because we were fcuking the Afghans in 1980s to everything and anything. That included using the Afghan jihad as shield against US poking in our nuke project. Notice soon after Soviets left Afghanistan America hit us with Pressler amendment and our famous F-16s got impounded.

Afghan WOT is one aspect for US keeping mum on Pakistan NUKES and nuclear program, think and it is written many times it is the Iran vs. Saudia factor as well with Saudia helping Pakistan with huge amount of money and US looking the other way as Saudia was firmly in US camp and US knew Saudia regards Pakistan nuclear program as something of its own...and there is a security pack between Saudia and Pakistan as well.

This might not be the whole truth but there is an element of truth in that Saudia has financed the Pak nuclear program...and one big reason US has not interfered due to the Iran vs. Saudia factor.


What you have written about Pakistan leveraging Afghanistan and using it as a pros. is also true.
Its because of Islamic Ummah concept which is most ridiculed by PDF Pakistanis.

I think these Afghan Talibans should come to PDF and see what Pakistanis think of them and how they have gotten money from their demise.
Not Pakistanis but only libturds.
I always supported Afghan Taliban..since the day one despite facing the wrath of coward libturd suckers.
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