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Why Are Poverty Rates in Pakistan Lower Than India, Bangladesh?

@Janmejay, the OP has picked and chosen just one stat (hasnt disclosed the source of it),

that stat is he claims one Pakistani farmer brings more value addition compared to a Bangladeshi or Indian farmer, and this single aspect he has linked up to a poverty comparison between these three countries - as because a Pakistani farmer brings in more value addition because he cultivates animals along with crops in his farm and he feeds the animals the grains he farms so he value adds to his farming.....(lol, wonder why no one else thought of that before).
Do you have a stat for the value addition of a farmer in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan? I couldnt get a source for such a comparision so would probably put the OP's self drawn chart as a "selfie".
Poverty rate in Nepal should be a lot higher. THere is no middle class in Nepal. You are either rich, or you are extremely poor. :unsure:
@Aamna14 - As per the UNDP Human Development Report of 2013 on the Index of Gender-Inequality, Pakistan's score is 0.567 which gives it a rank of 123rd most gender unequal nation in the world whilst India's score is 0.610 which gives it a rank of 132nd most gender unequal nation in the world ! (Page 158 of the UNDP Human Development Report of 2013)

Or you can simply beck the same figures from their country profiles on their website here : International Human Development Indicators - UNDP & International Human Development Indicators - UNDP

P.S The lower the gender inequality index the better !
@Janmejay, the OP has picked and chosen just one stat (hasnt disclosed the source of it),

that stat is he claims one Pakistani farmer brings more value addition compared to a Bangladeshi or Indian farmer, and this single aspect he has linked up to a poverty comparison between these three countries - as because a Pakistani farmer brings in more value addition because he cultivates animals along with crops in his farm and he feeds the animals the grains he farms so he value adds to his farming.....(lol, wonder why no one else thought of that before).
Do you have a stat for the value addition of a farmer in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan? I couldnt get a source for such a comparision so would probably put the OP's self drawn chart as a "selfie".
I posted a table but it all got messed up......
And regarding Indian farmers also feed the animals the grains they cultivate........
Many Indians and Banladeshi are smart, however they cannot move up the ladder because of poverty
British did it through canal colonies boom when British built one of the best canal system bringing agricultural boom in entire Punjab region. Except for Punjab other regions of Pakistan are still extremely backward.

not as backward as india.
@Koovie i remember arguing with you about poverty in india and pakistan, what do you have to say now puttar?

Pakistan has a great potential. We can turn our beautiful country around if we could get rid of Marxist policies and Islamist anarchy.

-- but that my friend is easier said than done.


if we get rid of extremists and bring law and order into balochistan and kpk.
to do that we need to get rid of the traitors in our own ranks the liberal fascists who are always the first to sell out pakistan. like najam sethi, asma janghir ect.
not as backward as india.
@Koovie i remember arguing with you about poverty in india and pakistan, what do you have to say now puttar?

Backup with data. :sarcastic: Still today, almost all Sindhis of Pakistan still live in villages with very low percentage of urbanization.
We can turn our beautiful country around if we could get rid of Marxist policies and Islamist anarchy.

Brother can you please explain what is your definition of "Marxism" & "Marxist Policies" ... And which "marxist policies" in "Islamic Republic of Pakistan" , according to you , are hindering our progress ??

no offence bro , but saying that "marxism" (actually non existent) in Pakistan is our biggest problem , is a really stupid argument .. And what adds insult to injury is ; It comes from someone "tagged" as a "Think Tank Analyst" !!!
Considering size of India and Pakistan; and that West Pakistan got some of the most prosperous land of India at the time of partition, correct comparison will be to compare Pakistan with similar population of India. i.e. compare Pakistan Vs (Maharashtra+Gujarat) or Pakistan Vs (Kerala+any two other south Indian states). These states together will have almost same population as Pakistan. Alternatively you may compare 'West (Pakistani )Punjab' with 'East Punjab(Indian Punjab+Himachal Pradesh+Haryana). And Sindh with Gujarat. And Pakistani Northwest with India's North-East.
I have requested this to Riaz Haq sahab previously few times. I hope he responds with an article some day.
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It is just not possible for India to rank lower than Pakistan on gender equality. I call BS

prove that
Backup with data. :sarcastic: Still today, almost all Sindhis of Pakistan still live in villages with very low percentage of urbanization.

thats one state in our country but thats the case with your whole country lmfao
Brother can you please explain what is your definition of "Marxism" & "Marxist Policies" ... And which "marxist policies" in "Islamic Republic of Pakistan" , according to you , are hindering our progress ??

no offence bro , but saying that "marxism" (actually non existent) in Pakistan is our biggest problem , is a really stupid argument .. And what adds insult to injury is ; It comes from someone "tagged" as a "Think Tank Analyst" !!!

Problem with good and kind hearted folks like yourself?

They do not study our society's approach towards industry, and our agriculture.

The way our taxation system controls the money flows.

If you ever do,


you will realize that our society is drenched in marxist approach and policies.

Oh and what you all call "Islamo-socialism" or Hazarat Umer's welfare state are all in fact marxist ideals.

But you will find this ONLY if you study, study, and study.

Thank you
It is just not possible for India to rank lower than Pakistan on gender equality. I call BS

Here are some key points about the low status of Indian women in Superfreakonomics:

1. If women could choose their birthplace, India might not be a wise choice of a place for any of them to be born.

2. In spite of recent economic success and euphoria about India, the people of India remain excruciatingly poor.

3. Literacy is low, and corruption is high in India.

4. Only half the Indian households have electricity, and fewer have running water.

5. Only one in 4 Indian homes has a toilet.

6. 40% of families with girls want to have more children, but families with boys do not want a baby girl.

7. It's especially unlucky to be born female, baby boy is like a 401 K retirement plan, baby girl requires a dowry fund.

8. Smile Train in Chennai did cleft repair surgery at no cost for poor children. A man was asked how many children he had. He said he had 1, a boy. It turned out that he also had 5 daughters which he did not mention.

9. Indian midwives in Tamil Nadu are paid $2.50 to kill girls with cleft deformity.

10. Girls are highly undervalued, there are 35 million fewer females than males, presumed dead, killed by midwife or parent or starved to death. Unltrasound are used mainly to find and destroy female fetuses. Ultrasound and abortion are available even in the smallest villages with no electricity or clean water.

11. If lucky enough not to be aborted, girls face inequality and cruelty at every turn because of low social status of Indian women.

12. 51% of Indian men say wife beating is justified, 54% women agree, especially when dinner is burned or they leave home without husband's permission.

13. High number of unwanted pregnancies, STDs, HIV infections happen to Indian women when 15% of the condoms fail. Indian Council of Medical Research found that 60% of Indian men's genitalia are too small to fit the condoms manufactured to international standard sizes.

14. Indian laws to protect women are widely ignored. The government has tried monetary rewards to keep baby girls and supported microfinance for women. NGO programs, smaller condoms, and other projects have had limited success.

Haq's Musings: Superfreakonomics on Status of Indian Women
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