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Why Are Poverty Rates in Pakistan Lower Than India, Bangladesh?

I suppose it is because of how our society is structured. People live in rural areas, grow their own food and eat their own food. People in rural areas are self reliant because of their life style.

I hope, we can develop our society by introducing new technology and knowledge to our rural population. e.g. Teach them how to produce their own electricity.

I think you misunderstand the graphs. These show "value added agriculture" which is much more than just growing crops. The biggest value added comes from livestock, meat, dairy, processed foods, etc

Haq's Musings: Strong Food & Beverage Demand Draws Investments in Pak Agribusiness
u will be surprised if u visit our country. Even we have Airforce female combat pilots. and just today i saw a thread in this site where we have SF of women in Police to take out terrorists.

well good for you man :) I could even visit but yea I would be scared for my life if they came to know about my religion and where I am from. May be one day sometime in future when I am brave enough lol
well good for you man :) I could even visit but yea I would be scared for my life if they came to know about my religion and where I am from. May be one day sometime in future when I am brave enough lol
LOL in this same forum there is a thread of a guy who is trying to sort out marring a Sardarni of indian origin and u seem living in some sort of dellusion.......Yr indian diplomats in Islamabad try to delay their transfer from this beautiful city and yr talking abt security.....Yr diplomats r by far the most attractive targets then u.
LOL in this same forum there is a thread of a guy who is trying to sort out marring a Sardarni of indian origin and u seem living in some sort of dellusion.......Yr indian diplomats in Islamabad try to delay their transfer from this beautiful city and yr talking abt security.....Yr diplomats r by far the most attractive targets then u.

yea security of diplomats is responsibility of Pakistani government no one would care about a peasant like me
Here are some key points about the low status of Indian women in Superfreakonomics:

1. If women could choose their birthplace, India might not be a wise choice of a place for any of them to be born.

2. In spite of recent economic success and euphoria about India, the people of India remain excruciatingly poor.

3. Literacy is low, and corruption is high in India.

4. Only half the Indian households have electricity, and fewer have running water.

5. Only one in 4 Indian homes has a toilet.

6. 40% of families with girls want to have more children, but families with boys do not want a baby girl.

7. It's especially unlucky to be born female, baby boy is like a 401 K retirement plan, baby girl requires a dowry fund.

8. Smile Train in Chennai did cleft repair surgery at no cost for poor children. A man was asked how many children he had. He said he had 1, a boy. It turned out that he also had 5 daughters which he did not mention.

9. Indian midwives in Tamil Nadu are paid $2.50 to kill girls with cleft deformity.

10. Girls are highly undervalued, there are 35 million fewer females than males, presumed dead, killed by midwife or parent or starved to death. Unltrasound are used mainly to find and destroy female fetuses. Ultrasound and abortion are available even in the smallest villages with no electricity or clean water.

11. If lucky enough not to be aborted, girls face inequality and cruelty at every turn because of low social status of Indian women.

12. 51% of Indian men say wife beating is justified, 54% women agree, especially when dinner is burned or they leave home without husband's permission.

13. High number of unwanted pregnancies, STDs, HIV infections happen to Indian women when 15% of the condoms fail. Indian Council of Medical Research found that 60% of Indian men's genitalia are too small to fit the condoms manufactured to international standard sizes.

14. Indian laws to protect women are widely ignored. The government has tried monetary rewards to keep baby girls and supported microfinance for women. NGO programs, smaller condoms, and other projects have had limited success.

Haq's Musings: Superfreakonomics on Status of Indian Women

What obsession!

There is enough happening within the Ummah. Your energies will be better spent there rather than a country that doesn't give a damn to you.
yea security of diplomats is responsibility of Pakistani government no one would care about a peasant like me
Our security and we as well dont really care much abt them or their country but it seems those who visit here develop a thing for our country.
British did it through canal colonies boom when British built one of the best canal system bringing agricultural boom in entire Punjab region. Except for Punjab other regions of Pakistan are still extremely backward.
ooohhhhhhhhuu We didn't Know Thanks For the info:o:
Same is for india EXPECT Maharashtra,Haryana,Uttar Pradesh and some other areas :crazy:All india is extremely Poor & backward
Our security and we as well dont really care much abt them or their country but it seems those who visit here develop a thing for our country.

Balochistan seems really beautiful.

I have no objection to visit. I need to sort my finances out first.

The problem is I cannot speak Hindi/urdu properly will that be a problem?
Balochistan seems really beautiful.

I have no objection to visit. I need to sort my finances out first.

The problem is I cannot speak Hindi/urdu properly will that be a problem?

Well.....Not to worry Injin.....You'll be 'Strip Searched' that's all!!!!
Albeit, "Tribal Style"!
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