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Why Are Jews So Powerful

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You seem to have a sense of insecurity for which you are using too much smileys, very nice.

Hitler and the Nazis did a great favor to Germany by preventing it from becoming a Soviet Vassal state, otherwise your likes would be working in a "Gulag" in Siberia for comrade Stalin.
Soviet was not as powerful then, if german had concentrated on building capacity, they could have created another pole in a multi polar world( instead of US vs Soviet). In any case killing your own people in such massive scale due to racist views is not good idea. Would you say the same if those who were killed were blacks / muslims
You seem to have a sense of insecurity for which you are using too much smileys, very nice.

No, i find your arguments (or the lack of) quite amusing. Talking about mass starvation to succeed is entertaining, if seriously intended.

Hitler and the Nazis did a great favor to Germany by preventing it from becoming a Soviet Vassal state, otherwise your likes would be working in a "Gulag" in Siberia for comrade Stalin.

And this if-situation relates to the succes or failure of Muslims how? :lol:
Unlike that Soviet Stalin, Hitler wasn't a bank robber nor a thief, a true soldier of his people and his country, Hitler fought in the trenches of WW1, captured 4 French soldiers single handedly, got wounded and and even blinded by enemy gas attack, he earned the Knights Cross second Class and Knights Cross First class for his bravery.

The legend of a great conqueror: Adolf Hitler - YouTube

No, i find your arguments (or the lack of) quite amusing. Talking about mass starvation to succeed is entertaining, if seriously intended.
Well then, continue to do so.

And look, i can also post smileys: :lol: :rofl: :bounce: :cheesy: :enjoy: :tongue:

And this if-situation relates to the succes or failure of Muslims how?
Imagine what life must be like in a Soviet Gulag, aye "comrade"? ;) Want to work to death for Comrade Stalin?

lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol :lol:
Unlike that Soviet Stalin, Hitler wasn't a bank robber nor a thief, a true soldier of his people and his country, Hitler fought in the trenches of WW1, captured 4 French soldiers single handedly, got wounded and and even blinded by enemy gas attack, he earned the Knights Cross second Class and Knights Cross First class for his bravery.

Yeah, but he was a litte bit cuckoo in his brain. I guarantee if Hitler wasn't as crazy, Germany would have been a superpower.
How, we are not as shrewd as them, they change their religion when it benefits them, they become Atheists when it fits their agenda, we Muslims can't go that low.
What are you babbling about? The reason Jews exist today is because they refused to change their religion and were slaughtered for it, first by Christians and then by Muslims. 2000 years of continuous religious persecution and massacres and the Jews held on to their faith with their last breaths.
Yeah, but he was a litte bit cuckoo in his brain. I guarantee if Hitler wasn't as crazy, Germany would have been a superpower.
Just a little bit ? lol. It makes me wanna throw up to see any Muslim supporting or defending Hitler just because we have problems with Israel.
Yeah, but he was a litte bit cuckoo in his brain. I guarantee if Hitler wasn't as crazy, Germany would have been a superpower.

True, unfortunately, the gas attacks as well as shell explosions got to him in one way or the other, yet Hitler still proved to be a genius, hie lifted Germany out of the great depression within 6-7 years. Only thing i did not like of his was his interference in the strategies of his Generals.

Hitler was still a humble man, Germans considered him as their father, someone who dedicated his life to his country, a true leader, a genius, and a artist at heart:

Some of Hitler's Paintings:







Adolf Hitler A Homage - YouTube
Just a little bit ? lol. It makes me wanna throw up to see any Muslim supporting or defending Hitler just because we have problems with Israel.

What are you talking about, I have nothing against Jews my friend. I was just prasing how he put Germany back up to it's feet, nothing more. I even felt sad and angry at Hitler's policies on Jews.

True, unfortunately, the gas attacks as well as shell explosions got to him in one way or the other, yet Hitler still proved to be a genius, hie lifted Germany out of the great depression within 6-7 years. Only thing i did not like of his was his interference in the strategies of his Generals.

Hitler was still a humble man, Germans considered him as their father, someone who dedicated his life to his country, a true leader, a genius, and a artist at heart:

Some of Hitler's Paintings:







Adolf Hitler A Homage - YouTube

Yes, I also heard that, because his paintings didn't get much recognition around the world, that inspired him to become a madman.
What are you babbling about? The reason Jews exist today is because they refused to change their religion and were slaughtered for it, first by Christians and then by Muslims. 2000 years of continuous religious persecution and massacres and the Jews held on to their faith with their last breaths.

Lol, please israeli don't try to fool people, this is what you lot do, you back stab those who protected you.
What are you talking about, I have nothing against Jews my friend. I was just prasing how he put Germany back up to it's feet, nothing more. I even felt sad and angry at Hitler's policies on Jews.

Yes, I also heard that, because his paintings didn't get much recognition around the world, that inspired him to become a madman.
I am not talking about you bro., i am just saying in general. I only quoted you because i agreed with what you said that he was crazy.
if u r a muslim delete ur post or edit it no muslime get ashamed of Our Prophet's peace be upon him acts


I did it for you my friend, but next time do not stop me. My post had nothing that was degrading Prophet Muhammad.

Very wise words, Amen to that brother.

My friend! Please do not get mad at me for editing my post!
Look buddy, even in the Qoran it is stated how Mohammed slaughtered the Jews.

The Banu Qurayza (Arabic: بني قريظة; بنو قريظة‎ alternate spellings include Quraiza, Qurayzah, Quraytha, and the archaic Koreiza) were a Jewish tribe which lived in northern Arabia, at the oasis of Yathrib (presently known as Medina), until the 7th century. In February/March of 627 AD, their conflict with Muhammad led to a 25-day siege of Banu Qurayza ending in the tribe's surrender.[1] According to conventional history, on the order of Sa'd ibn Mua'dh (with Muhammad's approval), the men of the tribe were beheaded, while the women and children were enslaved. The Muslim jurist Tabari approximates the number beheaded at 600-900,[2] while the Sunni hadith simply state that all male members were killed, without specifying a figure, and one woman.

I won't go look up every instance where Muslims killed Jews but come on, you can't live in denial for all of your life.

First off - Where does it say that in the Quran ?

Secondly - When Banu Qurayza surrendered they did so on the condition that they be judged by Sa'ad ibn Mua'dh as per the Torah. They had thought that Sa'ad being a chief of the Banu Aus tribe, a former ally, would show leniency towards them. Instead he decided their fate as per Deuteronomy 20:10-14 :
Today's New International Version (TNIV)

10 When you march up to attack a city, make its people an offer of peace. 11 If they accept and open their gates, all the people in it shall be subject to forced labor and shall work for you. 12 If they refuse to make peace and they engage you in battle, lay siege to that city. 13 When the LORD your God delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all the men in it. 14 As for the women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves. And you may use the plunder the LORD your God gives you from your enemies.

And thirdly - I find Hitler and the Holocaust extremely despicable and I would never condone it, my brother !
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