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Why Are Jews So Powerful

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then become powerful yourself instead of whining!!!!

How, we are not as shrewd as them, they change their religion when it benefits them, they become Atheists when it fits their agenda, we Muslims can't go that low.
Don't know brother
( surely it was not me either )

well, i mentioned about unity because apo asura is not that religious... Anyway no doubt Islam united uncivilized arab tribes and they became most powerful. It was christianity or crusade that protected europe from Muslim wave. Now it is Zionism that made Jews powerful! I was talking about spain. Yea they were united once when they made progress. Later they were divided into small kingdoms like Grenada which led to their fall....
So why it is necessary now? I mean aid? Your per capita is very high!
It is helpful but not necessary for survival. But this aid helps american industries too, Israel battle tests weapons and makes improvements. Couple examples:

- In 1973 during tank battles Israeli crews burnt because of flamable oil in Patton tanks hydraulics. After that war oil was relaced by less flammable.
- Israel developed dorsal spine with EW and CFT tanks for F-16s. Helmet targeting systems. Now these F-16s are sold all over the world.
I think Pakistanis have been taught lies about Israel because 40+ years ago Pakistani leaders decided that because Arabs are more numerous and control a bigger part of the globe they should be sucked up to more than Israelis. The Arabs monarchs and dictators, in turn, pushed their own version of education on Pakistan because they desired Pakistanis as reliable mercenaries.

Time shows what a big fail both decisions have been.

Sweet and to some extent Fair , but it was not just those Reasons, Israeli War crimes over Palestinians were rampant even in those days ,from the birth Israels seeked to destroy PLA . And then when the jews set fire to the holy Mosque Masjid Al Aqsa , then it was realy someting to consider for Muslims all around the world.

Last king of Saudi Arabia - YouTube
How, we are not as shrewd as them, they change their religion when it benefits them, they become Atheists when it fits their agenda, we Muslims can't go that low.

So in order to gain success and influence in this world, you must defy God? The righteous Muslim can thus never prosper according to you.
Wow you lots are actually trying to justify Hitler's atrocities against the Jews? How low can you get :angry:
Yet another thread worshipping jews. They seem to have acquired a mythical status among their adversaries.
They are pretty normal people if you ask me.

A part of the success of the Jews is due to the awe inspiring stature they enjoy among the Muslims.

Truth is they are just as you and me.
What I worry about is what will Americans do to to them when they realise??

Lol, i don't know, but what i do know is that American people are busy being brainwashed into human dummies who don't even know that their country's name starts with a U. :disagree::usflag:
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