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Why Are Jews So Powerful

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No need for personal attacks
There is no any personal attack. Terrorists shell towns with rockets and then whine about disproportionate response when some of them is killed. If u dont want response - stop terror. Thats it.

Generally speaking we are talking about land that you have invariably stolen. How DARE your nation attack in a land you have stolen?
1) This land was never belong to Palestinians.
2) Jews lived in this land 2000 years before the Arabs.
3) We dont attack them but only respond to their attacks.

If you take away the $14,000,000 per day charity that the USA give the zionists we would see how powerful they would be. They would indeed be on their knees. If you take away the unconditional support of the Whitehouse Israel wouldnt exist.
1) Its not $14,000,000 per day, not even close.
2) Total US aid to Israel is only 1.5% of Israel's GDP.
3) Israel defeated Arabs in 1948, 1956 and 1967 wars without US aid.
freaking out already? stay civil and dont break forum rules you have all the immunity you want.

Nope..just pointing out that while a premium pakistani member gets away with his derogatory attacks on Hinduism an indian member might not if he paid back in the same coin.
Jews, Chirstian's & Muslim's are all offsprings of the same semetic relegeon but christian's & jew's were able to dominate for the last 500 or so year's is because of one thing only and that is thogh all three wanted to propogate the belief in ONE god Jew's & chirstian's diversified the means to achieve the goal but muslim's unfortunately became stagnant with only one belife & considered if they can convrt all the people to Islam all the miserie's will automaticaly vanish & no matter how much one plunders or blunder's if he converts one non beleiver to Islam he becames a saint but jew's on the other hand made education & betterment of society a tool to get closer to god ...i opologise if some body dosent like's my vies but i might be wrong or ignorant so kindly dont over react ..Thanks.:angel:

Yes my friend, people's perceptions of reality greatly affect their destiny.

I've read how the Islamic Golden Age ended and how the Europeans rose to prominence.

The answer is simple, as summarized by a great Ottoman philosopher: Europeans eventually chose to live by reason & logic, defying the church and starting the Renaissance.

Till then, religious institutions had less control over Muslims than they had over the Christians (slaves of the church).This greater freedom and glorification of the pursuit of knowledge (The Prophet: "the ink of the pen of a scholar is holier than the blood of a martyr") led Muslims into the Golden Age and the inability to keep up with the same attributes led to their decline, which continues till today with no sign of ever regaining momentum in the right direction, because most Muslims don't realize where they went wrong.
Nope..just pointing out that while a premium pakistani member gets away with his derogatory attacks on Hinduism an indian member might not if he paid back in the same coin.

Maybe the solution is to stop visiting these forums, then?Just saying.
Yes my friend, people's perceptions of reality greatly affect their destiny.

I've read how the Islamic Golden Age ended and how the Europeans rose to prominence.

The answer is simple, as summarized by a great Ottoman philosopher: Europeans eventually chose to live by reason & logic, defying the church and starting the Renaissance.

Till then, religious institutions had less control over Muslims than they had over the Christians (slaves of the church).This greater freedom and glorification of the pursuit of knowledge (The Prophet: "the ink of the pen of a scholar is holier than the blood of a martyr") led Muslims into the Golden Age and the inability to keep up with the same attributes led to their decline, which continues till today with no sign of ever regaining momentum in the right direction, because most Muslims don't realize where they went wrong.
Christian religion saved Europe to come out from dark age, it formed the base on which your Renaissance flourished.... Where muslims went wrong?? Where bro?? What went wrong in muslim spain?? Do you know when muslim spain became rich in knowledge and wealth? When a man, Abdur Rahman united the whole spain under one flag almost two hundred years later after conquering it! then what went wrong? One word ' unity' . .
Assalam alaikum

couple of hundered ago these ppl were running scared all over europe their powerfullness is nothing. make the price of helping these ppl high and see how west will leave them, after that we will see who is more powerful

Assalam alaikum

couple of hundered ago these ppl were running scared all over europe their powerfullness is nothing. make the price of helping these ppl high and see how west will leave them, after that we will see who is more powerful

Wasn't it Tariq Bin Ziyaad who saved Jews from Visigoths?
Christian religion saved Europe to come out from dark age, it formed the base on which your Renaissance flourished.... Where muslims went wrong?? Where bro?? What went wrong in muslim spain?? Do you know when muslim spain became rich in knowledge and wealth? When a man, Abdur Rahman united the whole spain under one flag almost two hundred years later after conquering it! then what went wrong? One word ' unity' . .

Assalam alaikum

there is no unity when we r away from the teaching of islam. we lost spain and all our lands when we enjoyed the life of this world and forgot why we r here in 1st place

The average intelligence of Jews is higher than that of any other ethno-religious group.

There could be many reasons.

Israelites were probably the first people who had a written scripture - If you read the Quran, you will notice that no book is mentioned before the times of Moses (PBUH).

It is also argued by some historians that it was Israelites - not the Phoenicians - who invented alphabets (alpha = aleph = bull; Bet = Bait = Home).

So, they had an early encounter with the written word, which was also deemed sacred. That ensured keeping literacy levels high as a must in Jewish populations through the ages. The tradition of learning in Israelites is as old as the beginning of Mosaic law.

When a population goes through a bottleneck, let's say a war, mostly the 'brawn' are sent to fight and the 'brains' is left at home and has higher chances to procreate. This could have contributed to the increase of average intelligence in the Jewish Gene Pool.

Throughout the history, Jews have been one of the most persecuted people - they were mistreated by almost every imperialistic power - save the Muslim empires where they thrived; in fact Maimonides, considered the greatest Jewish Scholar in last 2000 years was born and lived in Muslim lands. During the times of hardship, the survival of those people is increased who possess an advantage to live through the harsh times.

During the Medieval times when Jews were persecuted throughout Europe, they had an essential survival tool to live through these hard times - they became the moneylenders. Usury was not allowed in Christian Faith, but Jews were allowed to deal in transactions involving usury - this way they became a 'necessary evil'.

Although, this earned them the right to survive in Christian lands, life was hard and a person had to be multi-talented, stubborn, hard-nosed, shrewed and hard working to live through the times. Add to that the strict intermarriage customs in Jewish populations. Certain traits grew at the expense of others. Consequently, the today's Jews - especially the descendants of European diaspora - have the highest intelligence coupled to highest incidence of certain genetic diseases in the world. It's a mixed blessing.

As to why the Jews are so powerful, the most important factor is the religious indoctrination which tells Jews that they are 'God's chosen people' and one day the people of the World will serve the Israelites; "With their faces on the ground they shall bow down to you, and lick the dust of your feet. Then you will know that I am the Lord". To Jews, this gives an unlimited 'holy licence' to exploit the gentiles to fulfill the 'Yahweh's Promise'. (Here I also remember Jonas Salk who declined to patent polio vaccine because royalties and profits would raise the cost).

They were/are united for a cause.
I hate this crap against jews. If you want don't like them, then become powerful yourself instead of whining!!!!
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