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Why Are Jews So Powerful

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I did it for you my friend, but next time do not stop me. My post had nothing that was degrading Prophet Muhammad.

My friend! Please do not get mad at me for editing my post!
I do not blame you, nor am i mad, it is good to know your thoughts.
Wow, these israelis are funny, they are now accusing Muslims of slaughtering Jews, when in fact various Muslims empires sheltered them from the Christians who were persecuting them here and there.

Heck, today even in Iran there are more than 40,000 Jews who are coexisting peacefully with their fellow Iranians, yet these zionists only know how to show the negative side and that too one which they themselves propagate.
First off - Where does it say that in the Quran ?

Secondly - When Banu Qurayza surrendered they did so on the condition that they be judged by Sa'ad ibn Mua'dh as per the Torah. They had thought that Sa'ad being a chief of the Banu Aus tribe, a former ally, would show leniency towards them. Instead he decided their fate as per Deuteronomy 20:10-14 :
Today's New International Version (TNIV)

10 When you march up to attack a city, make its people an offer of peace. 11 If they accept and open their gates, all the people in it shall be subject to forced labor and shall work for you. 12 If they refuse to make peace and they engage you in battle, lay siege to that city. 13 When the LORD your God delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all the men in it. 14 As for the women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves. And you may use the plunder the LORD your God gives you from your enemies.

And thirdly - I find Hitler and the Holocaust extremely despicable and I would never condone it, my brother !
33:26 And those of the People of the Book who aided them - Allah did take them down from their strongholds and cast terror into their hearts. (So that) some ye slew, and some ye made prisoners.

Arabic Quran Surah 33. The Clans, The Coalition
First off - Where does it say that in the Quran ?
It says that in his edited version of the Quran which his people have themselves written to fit their agenda, just as they have done with the Bible.

These zionists are famous for quoting things out of context to further their own agenda. Don't be surprised if he comes back with more surprises.
There aren't even Palestinians lobby's in Pakistan and last i checked Pakistan is an ally of America which is a ally of israel.


So true LOL :rofl:

Ah i can't even believe that certain people here namly 500, ptex and others will embassess themselve just to defend a lie. All came out in force to defend that there is no link with NAzium with Zionism.
It says that in his edited version of the Quran which his people have themselves written to fit their agenda, just as they have done with the Bible.

These zionists are famous for quoting things out of context to further their own agenda. Don't be surprised if he comes back with more surprises.
It is from an Arabic Islamic source, you clearly do not want to accept the truth.
It is from an Arabic Islamic source, you clearly do not want to accept the truth.
Can you read about it atleast first ? Banu Qurayza had a pact with prophet Muhammed that they would protect a side of Medina, while the Muslims would protect another side when Medina is attacked. During the war they betrayed him, and let the enemy from their side and they were the reason that Medina was seiged for a while, and if it wasn't for a miracle from Allah, they all would have been dead.. You can read more on here Battle of the Trench - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . Banu Qurayza decided their fate, they wanted to be judged by the torah, blame your book, not us!
Unlike that Soviet Stalin, Hitler wasn't a bank robber nor a thief, a true soldier of his people and his country, Hitler fought in the trenches of WW1, captured 4 French soldiers single handedly, got wounded and and even blinded by enemy gas attack, he earned the Knights Cross second Class and Knights Cross First class for his bravery.

The legend of a great conqueror: Adolf Hitler - YouTube

Well then, continue to do so.

And look, i can also post smileys: :lol: :rofl: :bounce: :cheesy: :enjoy: :tongue:

Imagine what life must be like in a Soviet Gulag, aye "comrade"? ;) Want to work to death for Comrade Stalin?

lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol :lol:

You still haven't given an answer. You dance around, talk about smilies, Gulags and jump up and down as a cheerleader of Hitler, but can't address a simple question. Let me rephrase it: how apart from committing mass starvation can Muslims lift themselves up from their trivial position?
33:26 And those of the People of the Book who aided them - Allah did take them down from their strongholds and cast terror into their hearts. (So that) some ye slew, and some ye made prisoners.

Arabic Quran Surah 33. The Clans, The Coalition

That was revealed at the time of the Battle of the Trench in which Arab and Jewish tribes of Mecca and Medina sieged Medina with a confederate army of their own. Thereby violating the 'Constitution of Medina' that the Prophet had entered into with all the inhabitants of Medina, Muslims, Christians, Pagans and Jews. The charter/constitution read as follows the rights and obligations of the Non-Muslims :

1.The security of God is equal for all groups.

2.Non-Muslim members have equal political and cultural rights as Muslims. They will have autonomy and freedom of religion.

3.Non-Muslims will take up arms against the enemy of the Ummah and share the cost of war. There is to be no treachery between the two.

4.Non-Muslims will not be obliged to take part in religious wars of the Muslims.

By entering into a pact with the Quraish of Mecca and raising an army to attack the Muslims of Medina and refusing to defend the city along side Medina, they - the Jewish tribes - violated article 3 of the consitution. Hence, the verses because the Surah or Chapter of the Quran is called Al-Azhab - the clans/ the conferderates/ the coalition. Its not a proclamation against Jews in general but against Jews who betrayed the Muslims. In fact, if you read the opening verses of the same chapter it deals with those Mulsims - known as the Hypocrities - who betrayed the Muslims too and admonishes them in an equally harsh tone.

Elsewhere the Quran says this about the People of the Book : Verily! Those who believe and those who are Jews and Christians, and Sabians, whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day and do righteous good deeds shall have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve - (2:62)

Tis true that there maybe instances of antisemitism in the Muslim World but thats what happens when perceived exploitation, politics and religion are mixed together and because of the Arab-Israeli conflict, unfortunately, all three are. Neither I, nor my Prophet, had anything against the Jews because Judaism is the closest religion to Islam. You believe in the same One God as we do, You believe in the same Book - the Torrah - as we do and you have the same patriarch - Abraham - as we do; I do wish that both the Muslims and the Jews focus on their commonalities (because there are many) and transcend these differences that have crippled us.
Can you read about it atleast first ? Banu Qurayza had a pact with prophet Muhammed that they would protect a side of Medina, while the Muslims would protect another side when Medina is attacked. During the war they betrayed him, and let the enemy from their side and they were the reason that Medina was seiged for a while, and if it wasn't for a miracle from Allah, they all would have been dead.. You can read more on here Battle of the Trench - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . Banu Qurayza decided their fate, they wanted to be judged by the torah, blame your book, not us!
None of what you said argued against the statement that Muslims killed Jews. An Arab looked up in the torah for a justification to kill another and killed them, it would be like me justifying the killing of Muslims because the Qoran decreed i could.

There are so many anti-jewish quotes from the Qoran that it is difficult to count but assuming most of them are false or out of context, why are they still followed word for word and taught by Imams till this day?
It is true that our religions are similar but that isn't surprising, every Abrahamic religion agrees Judaism is the source of their religion.
None of what you said argued against the statement that Muslims killed Jews. An Arab looked up in the torah for a justification to kill another and killed them, it would be like me justifying the killing of Muslims because the Qoran decreed i could.

There are so many anti-jewish quotes from the Qoran that it is difficult to count but assuming most of them are false or out of context, why are they still followed word for word and taught by Imams till this day?
It is true that our religions are similar but that isn't surprising, every Abrahamic religion agrees Judaism is the source of their religion.

I'd like to know what those quotes are. But anyhow you don't seem like the religious type...Muslims on the other hand, overwhelmingly so, are and we believe that Quran is the Word of God just as your books are. Hence the potential for abuse !
I'd like to know what those quotes are. But anyhow you don't seem like the religious type...Muslims on the other hand, overwhelmingly so, are and we believe that Quran is the Word of God just as your books are. Hence the potential for abuse !
Like i said, there are so many it is difficult to count, here is a decent bundle of knowledge about the subject.
Islam and antisemitism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Whether it was originally intended or not, Anti-Semetism became an integral part of Islamic teachings, hence the reason why the Muslim masses blame Israel for all their woes.
While there are the more intelligent people who do not see a reason why Jews and Muslims can't be friends, it is a sad fact that most Muslims rely on the teachings of corrupt Imams and scholars to tell them what the Quran says rather than reading the Quran themselves.
Like i said, there are so many it is difficult to count, here is a decent bundle of knowledge about the subject.
Islam and antisemitism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Whether it was originally intended or not, Anti-Semetism became an integral part of Islamic teachings, hence the reason why the Muslim masses blame Israel for all their woes.
While there are the more intelligent people who do not see a reason why Jews and Muslims can't be friends, it is a sad fact that most Muslims rely on the teachings of corrupt Imams and scholars to tell them what the Quran says rather than reading the Quran themselves.

hey muslims r not that stupid we also see the zionist actions on ground

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