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Why America is hated in the Middle-east?

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because they impose their way of life on us

spreads the seeds of nationalism,sectarianism's,regionalism,ethnic-ism in Muslim countries

of their bias policies to-wards Israel

their cluster bombing to death of over a million innocent men,women & children

& above all their never ending greed for our "OIL"

Ah yes, the blame game. For someone who comes from a country of Idi Amin, a lunatic dictator who persecuted his own country, you have the audacity to point fingers onto the United States.

Reality check for you, bud, every major power needs Oil. Unless you're a prehistoric cave-dwelling society, oil is essential. :coffee:
It was USA who was responsible for funding mujahudeens and osamas... they are ruined in names of fundamentalism...
Not just US. The muslims in the ME provided the manpower and the funding. Pakistan provided the corporate training. The word 'corporate' here does not mean capitalism but about organization and leadership.

As for Osama bin Laden...

Robert Fisk Interviews, Usama bin Ladin
"Personally neither I nor my brothers saw evidence of American help.
It could be that he meant he did not saw any evidence of US aid because he was not around the areas and the people who received such aid, but then it would also mean the idea that the US 'trained' Osama bin Laden is completely absurd.
we seemed so easy. actually real life situation in Aisian and gulf countries is lot more difficult as poverty is wit them more than they grow but still they investing milllions and billions to cub terrorism. You re very simply saying,We did not know. SO called war on terrorism is ineffective and is itself a white collared terrorism. In order to keep puppet rulers of USA war on terrorism was effective, But many osamas are still coming,. It was the cold war which actually led to the growth of terrorism and the seeds sown during tat period have grown to millions of trees and the both USA and USSR are the real fathers of terrorism in Asian countries. They get weapons in market, have a handful of 1000 people wit a dumb*** policy and fundamentalism kill thousands and thousands over the globe.

wat white? white or black its the same grave !!! dnt answer like a racist

1. The problem lies in the fact that terrorists subvert islam and use it as pretext for political uses.

2. Any threats to American strategic interests will be addressed accordingly.

3. If more Osamas keep on coming, then, the fishes in the Indian Ocean will be well fed. :)

4. I agree with your last statement, islamofascism should be crushed. Religion and state should not mix. Period.
1. The problem lies in the fact that terrorists subvert islam and use it as pretext for political uses.

2. Any threats to American strategic interests will be addressed accordingly.

3. If more Osamas keep on coming, then, the fishes in the Indian Ocean will be well fed. :)

4. I agree with your last statement, islamofascism should be crushed. Religion and state should not mix. Period.

literacy can only help muslims to develop socially,economically and counter act against terrorism. better they ll stay away from it. I stress one point both the sides are wrong. (Terrorists and terrorist hunters)
literacy can only help muslims to develop socially,economically and counter act against terrorism. better they ll stay away from it. I stress one point both the sides are wrong. (Terrorists and terrorist hunters)

Yes, i agree that the countries in the middle east need to embrace the beauty in the separation of church and state.
3. If more Osamas keep on coming, then, the fishes in the Indian Ocean will be well fed. :)

Good luck sustaining more wars :)

2. The United States does not respect civilian muslims? How can that be when there are over 1.8 million Americans who practice Islam? In addition, the United States Constitution guarantees the unalienable right to practice one's faith

Yes, that's why you're trying to ban Islamic clothing and Islam altogether.
Good luck sustaining more wars :)

Yes, that's why you're trying to ban Islamic clothing and Islam altogether.

There is no legislation that bans religious clothing nor is there any law , federal and state, that is banning ISLAM.

The United States Constitution's 1ST Amendment states:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."



There is absolute separation of church and state in the United States. You can worship your god either he be called Jesus, Jehovah, Allah, Yaweh, Buddha, Brahma, Shiva, Kali, etc.

We do not prosecute your right to worship, we do not prohibit your right to worship. Our society is a secular society. You will not be burned to death for being Christian in our society.
There is absolute separation of church and state in the United States. You can worship your god either he be called Jesus, Jehovah, Allah, Yaweh, Buddha, Brahma, Shiva, Kali, etc.

We do not prosecute your right to worship, we do not prohibit your right to worship. Our society is a secular society. You will not be burned to death for being Christian in our society.

Please show us all these religions in CONGRESS !!!
Yes, i agree that the countries in the middle east need to embrace the beauty in the separation of church and state.

Athemism simply won't work when the average joe is Muslim by the core. It just won't work
..and when the Khalifer comes and he will, the ISlamic faith will be one with the state.

There is no legislation that bans religious clothing nor is there any law , federal and state, that is banning ISLAM.

The United States Constitution's 1ST Amendment states:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."



There is absolute separation of church and state in the United States. You can worship your god either he be called Jesus, Jehovah, Allah, Yaweh, Buddha, Brahma, Shiva, Kali, etc.

We do not prosecute your right to worship, we do not prohibit your right to worship. Our society is a secular society. You will not be burned to death for being Christian in our society.

USAHawk785 I admire your work on the post above and it helps however there is are states in america that wouldn't even allow Halal Butches or even have the Azan call.
Plus other muslim in guantanomo who havent been charge are locked up in prison cells.

4. I agree with your last statement, islamofascism should be crushed. Religion and state should not mix. Period.

The real issue is American facisim not Islamofasism which doesn't exist. American with the idolgical facisim are hell bent to control others and top of that being in denial of destroying another race, culture and religion. Further to this Bin larden and like may others was a part of CIA, corrupt leaders in the middleeast whos masters are western govt. (See Saddam) and many US owned black operation that exist that has caused many disturbance and voilence in the Middleeast, Israel , AMerica and the world as whole.
This list is incomplete. However, it brings into relief that the claim that Americans are hated because of their "culture" is total madness. It will not help Americans understand why they have been attacked. Please: Educate Americans about this history. Stay away from the ridiculous claims that we are hated because we respect individual liberties. In the Muslim world, over and over again, we consistently HAVE NOT respected individual liberties but rather supported tin-pot dictators. Therefore, the claim that we are hated because of our "culture" is a complete travesty of the truth. Before the fiasco in Iran, Americans were perceived all over the Muslim world as a benign world power. The hated powers were the colonialists: France and Britain. American culture was not radically different then. Women showed their skin, unmarried people kissed in movies, there was pornography, drinking, etc. If we were really hated for our "culture" this hate should have peaked in the 60's. It is peaking NOW. Now that we have become much more conservative than in that decade.

Patriotism means NOT BEING PROPAGANDISTS FOR THE GOVERNMENT. Patriotism, for you, and for me, and for all of us, means not allowing the truth to be the first casualty of war.

The truth is in the social fabric of the US; The American politicians have to divert the attention of their public away from domestic events, which are full of daily despicable violence, and try to vent it it out of the country.
This is but a very small spot of the tip of the Iceberg, there are so many other reasons that it will take libraries not books to be able to depict them in detail.
No nation has done more for Islamic countries than the USA. We have gone to war repeatedly to free ******* form tyranny or genocide (Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq, Kuwait, Afghanistan we got Egypt the Suez (form UK/France and israel) and Sinai back. When the Tusami hit US aid form all sources topped 2 billion, when ever there is an earthquake we send relief. We hav eintervened to stop India in your wars verses them when your troops failed and India began to counter attack. We supported Turkey vs Greece on Cyprus etc. And US pressure and intelligence helped force Syria out of Lebanon.

Taken on a whole, US policy towards the Middle East has been eratic but balanced.

You point is totally false, you have to revise your statements by getting facts not fiction.
Ok I am afraid I disagree with most of your rebuttals on pretty much every level.

Point one- I suggest you look into the politics of the various regions which the States is currently engaged in and check the involvement of previous administrations. For example you cite non involvement in the ME. Well here are some salient facts for you.
During the Suez crisis there were two factors that played a part in Russia gaining influence in the region 1) Nasser approached the west for arms and was refused. He then turned to the USSR. Also it is important to point out that Dulles (sec of state) withdrew funding for the Aswan dam which would have effectively bankrupted Eygpt. So he again turned to the Eastern bloc. The US then has to counter this hence creating an battle for influence.

Another point you seem to have forgotten is that Dictators or tyrants that fall in line with western or US policy tend to be supported or ignored. (king Farouk (Eygpt)The Shah (Iran) Saddam (Iraq) you could argue about the regimes in Saudi and other oil rich nations. I could go on and mention various South American and North african countries but this is about the ME) People don't forget who supported their oppressors.

Point two-There was peace (relative) between the Jews and Arabs until thousands of illegal (Jewish) immigrants came flooding in from the mess that was WW2. So by your logic Arabs should feel sorry for all the trouble caused by The "civilised" world, and allow them to steal land? This selective morality has not been forgotten by several generations (As for genocide I would cite Rwanda, Sebrinica and the massacres in Lebanon in which you did exactly zip. You had to be pressured into doing something for Kosovo)

TRUE DEMOCRACY---:rofl: It is as true a democracy as South Africa during Apartheid. You can't marginalise a huge chunk of the population and call yourself a democracy. Wasn't that the basis of the civil rights movement in the south in your country?
As for Lebanon wasn't that destroyed by the results of many Palestinians being dipossessed and the subsequent Israeli invasion?
Your continual suppport for the illegal actions of the Israelis has compounded the problem. (the number of "accidental" deaths. Must make the Israeli army the most incompetent in the world)

Point three- Yes you are correct(Ottoman) however they left. The current mess that we are all in now is all USA and USSR's fault:tup:

Point four-:rofl: Bosnia-Where were you? I don't remember seeing any US troops on the ground. And if they were why didn't they stop the massacres?
Kosovo? I remember how our government had to fight to get any support at all for that (after the massacres again) and then the troops were from every one except the US.
Kuwait-wasn't that for the vast oil reserves under that country? I mean they don't have democracy now (and they didn't before)
Afghanistan-that was revenge (and no one begrudged you it) but lets not cover it in a coat of bring freedom to the oppressed.
Turkey was simply a cold war requirement (Turkey being strategically important and Greece less so)
Iraq?---------------no need for me to comment here.:rofl:

Essentially. The point is that most of the decisions have been made for geopolitical reasons. I think the thing I resent is that there is this prevalent idea in the US (and I have lived there) that you are the "good guys" and that there is never any meddling.
It is as "Fair and balanced" as FOX news :rofl:

Ok time for a cup of tea methinks.............

To sum it up, theirs is a "Cowboy" mentality of the "far west" literally, think about it. They think of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and most middle eastern countries as their "cows", and they take it upon themselves as the "boys" to defend them against the Indians (any one who doesn't feel himself as a cow).
So the least to say is that it shows a bullish backward mentality disguised as the most advanced and most powerful nation of the planet, generating a lot of resentment towards it (the US) from all parts of the world.
To sum it up, theirs is a "Cowboy" mentality of the "far west" literally, think about it. They think of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and most middle eastern countries as their "cows", and they take it upon themselves as the "boys" to defend them against the Indians (any one who doesn't feel himself as a cow).
So the least to say is that it shows a bullish backward mentality disguised as the most advanced and most powerful nation of the planet, generating a lot of resentment towards it (the US) from all parts of the world.

LOL at the "cowboy" reference. Oh Boy!

the only thing that makes usa hated in ME
is that ordinary people dosnot understand
just the way that war goes !!!
when your friend gets shot right in front of you and
the position that shot came from was a group of people
what would you do?
go around and ask them?
ofcurse not !!!
you start shooting to save your life or to kill your firends killer !!!

PS sorry for broken english
thats all i got to offer for now :undecided:
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