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Why America is hated in the Middle-east?

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Agreed +1000

You agreed to all 150 posts in this thread? Or to the notion that Al Jazeera is a paid adjunct to the USA propaganda effort?

Welcome to the forum, BTW.
y?? simple answer america supports israel !!!!
it has more to do with the fact that the US has killed a lot of people around the world in the name of justice :coffee:

you would always remember, for US's policy maker, they always have to get something done somewhere in world. they always find someone on their gun point and then others the next. they always look for the 'red' in the 'islands of blues' and only winning wars may help them 'Rule' the world, this not only they know but the whole world knows. whoever wants to Rule gotto win different wars and until US, backed by Christian background whole West, can't establish a proper Rule in this whole world, they will always have to fight a war somewhere, with different targets one by one :usflag:

Western society knows they are losers in this world and soon they may come on the mercy of the country like China, including on Arabs for Oil, with a threat to be categorized as ‘inferior’ to even highly qualified Indians also who generally get white collar jobs in US/ West, while its their locals who do blue collar jobs. A strong belief they have got that they have to put a strong resistance to this change. They just can’t see a migrant professional on 100K+ job but the locals in 50K jobs categories. And the things get worse when they find the migrants are mainly black/ of different religious groups/non-Christians, who now don’t hesitate to show their presence in the Western countries is because of need of these professionals who develop technologies to feed the locals of West. Under high school educated local whites have first lost social background also in society, having feeling of not belonging to any certain mother/father, having over 8-10 mother fathers, and when they see non-white/ non-Christian migrants more ‘successful’, it all have resulted in a type of ‘Hate Crimes’ in Western society for the highly qualfied migrants of developing countries. And everyone of non-western countries now understand religious/ racist mentality of Western people who have got ‘hate’ for the successful migrants and mainly for the emerging economies like China/ ASEAN/ India including rich Arabs, who are growing with determination. :meeting:

Immigration Debate: Nearly Half Of U.S. Immigrants Work In White-Collar Jobs: STUDY

Immigration Debate: Nearly Half Of U.S. Immigrants Work In White-Collar Jobs: STUDY

Indian Americans: The fastest growing and the highest income group

According to a 2007 census report, there were as many as 2,765,815 persons of Indian origin living in the United states, constituting 0.9% of the total U.S. population. The median household income for US residents born in India is $91,195 against a $50,740 average for the total population, a recent US survey has revealed. According to the same report, the overall median household income for foreign- born and native US residents is $46,881 and $51,249 respectively.


And if we have a look on the number of different military and political wars US/ West has organized in this world, its obvious that the time they will start losing their different wars, they will start fighting with each other in US/ West itself, obviously. Just have a look on the different militia groups of US who are known as anti black groups, anti muslim groups, christian identity groups, anti white groups etc who call themselves ‘Patriots’ for protecting their nation from others. Policy makers of West are similarly confused with this changing power structure and social status of Western people w.r.t to rest of world. And, fight for religion is the biggest truth of the world, which always encourage Christian background West to keep engaging Muslim world with different conflicts on time to time, so, we find a type of unity in Muslims and other non-Christians against West also who try to gather resistance in front of Western aggression. Which all together are the main reasons behind, ‘why America is hated in world’ :pop:


The US will not bomb Indian cities.

It is a booming market and growing.

Does marvels for the US economy! ;)

The reality for the Islamic world is no matter what the people may think, the govts rule the roost and they have teh wherewithal to back up what they feel like doing.

The people are mere pawns.

If the people mattered, there would be no Sheiks, Shahs and so called Kings. They are all a creation of history - a history chalked out by the British and French.

Iraq is an excellent example of the mish mash left behind by the British to suit their convenience. Kuwait is but a district of Iraq but the British made it a country to suit their convenience.

You're correct. The United States values the partnership it has with the Republic of India. As the United States prepares for our eventual withdrawal from Afghanistan, we expect an active role the Indian Armed Forces will have in the maintenance of the terrorist cells in around the Afghani region close to the border with Pakistan. It is also observed that there are terrorist cells within Pakistan that I am sure our Indian partners are taking care of.

India, as a rising regional power, one that is a democracy and upholds some of the core values that we, in the United States also upholds, will play a major role in regional stability.

The United States and India are very good military, economic and political partners. I expect our relationship to blossom in coming years.
US thirst for Oil .... Indeed if they wanted to do anything they will do it. No matter wat re the consequences. They dont respect civilian muslims and they are involving in conversions so they re not liked in the middle east according to me
US thirst for Oil .... Indeed if they wanted to do anything they will do it. No matter wat re the consequences. They dont respect civilian muslims and they are involving in conversions so they re not liked in the middle east according to me

1. Any nation state is involved in national interest ergo, the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan under the pretext of access to a warm-water port.

2. The United States does not respect civilian muslims? How can that be when there are over 1.8 million Americans who practice Islam? In addition, the United States Constitution guarantees the unalienable right to practice one's faith.

3. You need to read extensive history before you start posting your "opinions" on the matter. Trust me, it will shed some much needed awareness on your part on American foreign and domestic policy.
It was USA who was responsible for funding mujahudeens and osamas... they are ruined in names of fundamentalism...
It was USA who was responsible for funding mujahudeens and osamas... they are ruined in names of fundamentalism...

To counter Soviet aggression and unilateral actions in the region, of course. We did not know that Bin Laden was a nutjob and capable of what he did later on. In the end, he's now swimming with the fishes in the middle of the Indian Ocean. :)
because they impose their way of life on us

spreads the seeds of nationalism,sectarianism's,regionalism,ethnic-ism in Muslim countries

of their bias policies to-wards Israel

their cluster bombing to death of over a million innocent men,women & children

& above all their never ending greed for our "OIL"

If it were not for the white man, that oil would be worthless.
To counter Soviet aggression and unilateral actions in the region, of course. We did not know that Bin Laden was a nutjob and capable of what he did later on. In the end, he's now swimming with the fishes in the middle of the Indian Ocean. :)

we seemed so easy. actually real life situation in Aisian and gulf countries is lot more difficult as poverty is wit them more than they grow but still they investing milllions and billions to cub terrorism. You re very simply saying,We did not know. SO called war on terrorism is ineffective and is itself a white collared terrorism. In order to keep puppet rulers of USA war on terrorism was effective, But many osamas are still coming,. It was the cold war which actually led to the growth of terrorism and the seeds sown during tat period have grown to millions of trees and the both USA and USSR are the real fathers of terrorism in Asian countries. They get weapons in market, have a handful of 1000 people wit a dumb*** policy and fundamentalism kill thousands and thousands over the globe.

If it were not for the white man, that oil would be worthless.
wat white? white or black its the same grave !!! dnt answer like a racist
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