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Why America is hated in the Middle-east?

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The US has no interest in capturing Pakistan. In reality invading Pakistan would be one of the worst things we could possibly do in regards to Afghanistan let alone all the other problems it would cause.

A few things seem obvious. Without getting into the reasons for the invasion of Iraq (I opposed this by the way) it is taking 150,000 troops just to have some control over baghdad and a few provinces. There are approximately 60,000 NATO troops in Afghanistan and they are presently losing ground there. As it is we need more troops and frankly they are not available just to control these two conflicts. Any invasion of Pakistan would require hundreds of thousands of troops that we don't have.

Secondly, the last thing we want is for the government of Pakistan to destabilize. We rely on Pakistan to get most of the supplies to the NATO troops in Afghanistan. Perhaps more importantly the last thing we want is for a nuclear armed nation to disintegrate into an Afghanistan like situation, or even worse a failed nation like Somalia.

In my opinion, what we do want in Pakistan is a strong stable democratically elected central government that is able to control it's borders and internal security. Our tactics in pursuing this goal in the past have not always been wise. Hopefully we will be seeing some changes in our efforts in the next few months.

Your troop numbers are waaay out of date. Does your last newspaper say "2003"?
Its not only Middle East, many European countries dont like Americans.

Oh the mistake I made carrying my US passport in my hand when travelling to Europe.

An advise to US citizens on this forum, hide your US passport in your handbag so no one can see you're from America and try to make up an exotic non-american accent.

Been to Europe plenty of times (born there, spent a lot of childhood there)...never ANY problems. Maybe your darker asian look is what got you bad vibes (Europe has had terror attacks too.) When my mother went to Russia...no probs. However the Mexican people who went with her caught some flak ( they are darker, like people from the Cacausian states)
Been to Europe plenty of times (born there, spent a lot of childhood there)...never ANY problems. Maybe your darker asian look is what got you bad vibes (Europe has had terror attacks too.) When my mother went to Russia...no probs. However the Mexican people who went with her caught some flak ( they are darker, like people from the Cacausian states)

I think hate will be too strong word to describe what europeans think of americans. Most europeans think americans are bit crazy and bit stupid but hard working people. Also some take america bashing as hobby, but nobody hates americans as such.
Been to Europe plenty of times (born there, spent a lot of childhood there)...never ANY problems. Maybe your darker asian look is what got you bad vibes (Europe has had terror attacks too.) When my mother went to Russia...no probs. However the Mexican people who went with her caught some flak ( they are darker, like people from the Cacausian states)
Yes i agree, in Europe there is no such thing. But in middle east it is due to whatever reasons. i think its jealousy from USA as she is the most powerful & most advanced country in technology through out the world.:coffee:
Here in Pakistan the hate for USA is due to its dual policies, one side she is our ally, giving aids & weapons to us but on the other side supports the enemy of Pakistans, i think so:coffee:
Yes i agree, in Europe there is no such thing. But in middle east it is due to whatever reasons. i think its jealousy from USA as she is the most powerful & most advanced country in technology through out the world.:coffee:
Here in Pakistan the hate for USA is due to its dual policies, one side she is our ally, giving aids & weapons to us but on the other side supports the enemy of Pakistans, i think so:coffee:
Which enemy US supports?
Some peoples hate America because of its foreign policies and also America try to become world police man and poke his nose in internal affairs of other countries which is not right thing to do. American foreign policy has been relatively simple, if you align with their interests, they will protect you even if you're a brutal dictator. Its a shame, even though colonialism ended 50+ years ago, the influence of Western imperialist power in that region is still strong.
Been to Europe plenty of times (born there, spent a lot of childhood there)...never ANY problems. Maybe your darker asian look is what got you bad vibes (Europe has had terror attacks too.) When my mother went to Russia...no probs. However the Mexican people who went with her caught some flak ( they are darker, like people from the Cacausian states)

lol @no problems

You were expecting slaps from European peoples to show that they don't like the policies of American. Even majority american did not support the war monger attitude of Bush and his invasion in Iraq. Hate foreign policies of US government don't mean you hate all american peoples
Confessions of an American "economic hitman" about how US mingles with other countries affairs, assassination of leaders, loans thru IMF/Worldbank etc...

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Why does the ME hate the US? I suspect for some of the same reasons I hate it.
Is it because American culture combines the mindless consumerism of Brave New World combined with an Orwellian view of war and language fit for 1984?
Is it because the US is using the last vital fragments of the Earth's resources to fuel its military's seizure of those very resources to feed the global kleptocracy?
Or is it because of our freedoms? Our freedom from illegal search and seizure, for example, at airports, or while possibly holdimg drugs that weren't made by phizor? Our freedom from police harassment and police spies due to the constitutional guarentees of freedom of religion and speech? Is it because of the 15th Amendment, which gave blacks two fifths of their humanity back, while giving corporations more personhood than mortals?
Because people with hate have to hate something. The United States isn't doing anything Pakistan wouldn't do if the roles were reversed.
Just one freaking question.

If USA is hated so much around the world than why there are long ques outside US embassies of people willing to go their?

Just look at Pakistan. There are demonstrations against USA and people burn their flags but then there are people standing in long ques and waiting for hours just to get the visa.

Strange isn't it.

Do they want to come to America because of America's attractions, or because they are leaving hell holes? Are they p[ulled or pushed?

Or, like the Mexicans, they come here because 'we' are already there. It was their country first.

No, the REAL reason people come here is the same reason Americans are hated. This is where the American women are!
No, the REAL reason people come here is the same reason Americans are hated. This is where the American women are!

Haha! Along with hotness comes psycho tendencies. Gender roles have become totally blurred. There is a reason a lot of American Men are looking for foreign women as wives.
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