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Why America is hated in the Middle-east?

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Haha! Along with hotness comes psycho tendencies. Gender roles have become totally blurred. There is a reason a lot of American Men are looking for foreign women as wives.
Guys americans people are no differnt to people anywhere else. Lets make the distinction we dislike the american govts unjust actions.

---------- Post added at 03:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:48 PM ----------

In one word: Iraq!

nai yaar it starts with and ends with zionists and israelies who seem to have an unhealthy hold on american political leaders
yes US hated from pakistan. America installed, nurtured, cradled, and propped the Shah for the next 25 years no matter how dictatorial and oppressive he became. This behavior, of course, led to the bloody Islamic revolution in Iran.
Guys americans people are no differnt to people anywhere else. Lets make the distinction we dislike the american govts unjust actions.

I'm tired of making excuses for Americans. People here just don't care what their government is doing. They think life is just a game. There's just apathy everywhere. At some point you have to hold Americans responsible.

A picture tell more then thousand word why they would
I'm tired of making excuses for Americans. People here just don't care what their government is doing. They think life is just a game. There's just apathy everywhere. At some point you have to hold Americans responsible.

As if the government officials come out of nowhere into government positions :)

They are elected by the people. The people who elect Bush is partly responsible for the damage he has done similar to those who elected Hitler. When nations bring bad leaders to power, they themselves suffer too...
^^^Israelis use AKs? :blink:

You beat me. That is not an Israeli soldier, AFAI can tell. I don't know the context of the photos.

I can post a picture of a charred corpse and claim just about anything. Photos need either context or indisputable defining images like unit patches or uniforms.

All that said, I'm no friend or defender of Israel. Pretty amazing for an American, right? There are a lot of us.
the usa is not hated in the middle east. the middle east is hated in america. most middle easterners (minus jews) are not hateful people. most of the people captured hating americans on al jazira are paid actors. even al qaeda are on the u.s payroll.
most of the people captured hating americans on al jazira are paid actors.

I guess Al Jazeera has its own arsenal and issues AK's and live ammunition just prior to the Director yelling "ACTION!"


even al qaeda are on the u.s payroll.

Ah yes, we paid AQ to kill 3,000 people.

For those who are creating confusion here regarding AK's.




That was not an Israeli rifle, the Russian rifles used by their operators are visibly modified. One can also examine the background and actions of the people in the image. You will have to do much better to fool some of us.
because they impose their way of life on us

spreads the seeds of nationalism,sectarianism's,regionalism,ethnic-ism in Muslim countries

of their bias policies to-wards Israel

their cluster bombing to death of over a million innocent men,women & children

& above all their never ending greed for our "OIL"
I guess Al Jazeera has its own arsenal and issues AK's and live ammunition just prior to the Director yelling "ACTION!"


Ah yes, we paid AQ to kill 3,000 people.


Al Jazeera is owned by Qatar, a feudal absolute monarchy that has almost no armed forces except for the US military base there.

The Qataris can't even breathe without permission from the US military, so you really think Al Jazeera can be fair and unbiased?

The last few years, Al Jazeera has been an attack dog against China worse than BBC.
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