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Why all Israelis are cowards

Lol, what's wrong with South Indians?? I'm not judgmental. I find it more easier to get along with South or NE indians since they don't harbour any hatred or extreme dislike for us Pakistanis due to not having suffered from any communal violence during partition.

well, was trying to be funny.

Fail Humor is Fail.
Bunch of bollocks. Actually Ashkenazi Jews are the most westernized society in Israel and therefore least likely to attack for such things. On the other hand if u mess with Arab women u can easily get killed too.
I don't know about that:

Just look at the video and see amount of Isreali's supporting the racist thugs who attacked Blacks:

Author Amoz Oz calls Israeli hate-crime graffitists 'Hebrew neo-Nazis' - Telegraph

On the other hand if u mess with Arab women u can easily get killed too.
Yes, this is true. both israelis and Arabs are very racist people. Hey! At least you have something in common with your semetic cousins!

@Ravi Nair @Roybot
Normally I called a pathological liar in many threads, with solid facts to prove not just by making a stupid one liner statement, and you have proved it to the whole PDF community, which you are insulting one by one!!!
what should I add... Nuclear weapons prevented major wars for the last 70 years? After killing 500 000 thousand in Japan in 2 bombings.
The total number of killed in 2 bombings was about 200 K, not 500 K. You just proved once again that you are a pathological liar.

As for the death, considering that there were over 60 million killed in WW2 nuclear death are only 0.3% of total.

Korea, Vietnam and recently Irak and Afghanistan were no major wars? just a few million lost lives?, but then again those were not Jewish lives but it will come, as life has its own rules that you ignore.
It is leaning on the nuclear threat that those wars were lunched, although lost.
Compare to WW2 these are minor skirmishes.

I won't quibble over the percentages since my overall point about Jewish demographic trends under British colonial rule remains.
Yeah you just decreased the Jewish percentage 6 times.

You won't get any argument from me on the fact that many current conflicts around the world find their genesis in colonial British actions.
The wars of between Muslims are way bloodier than Arab Israeli wars (Iran-Iraq, Algeria, Darfur, Syria...).

I don't know about that:

Just look at the video and see amount of Isreali's supporting the racist thugs who attacked Blacks:

Author Amoz Oz calls Israeli hate-crime graffitists 'Hebrew neo-Nazis' - Telegraph

First of all this video has nothing to do with ur words. Secondly these are illegal migrants who flooded Tel Aviv and it led to tensions. Today most of them are settled and tensions are much lower.

Yes, this is true. both israelis and Arabs are very racist people. Hey! At least you have something in common with your semetic cousins!
Check honor murders in Pakistan. I dont remember such things done by Jews. Pot calling kettle black.
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Israel forcibly stole the land. You came from Europe and else where with the help of the britishers and settled in the land of palestine plain and simple take it or leave it as the sun cant be cover with a finger period.

They are used to it, a few thousand years ago they came from nowhere to the Arab lands known as Mesopotamia, and started claiming lands for themselves, taking advantage of hospitality and civilization, since I do not know what would have happened to them if instead, they have stepped on Mongolian territory for instance...
It is for the same reasons as today's, that they were disliked to the point that made even the most civilized societies to become violent against them, enslaving them, killing them and exiling them, they have always been "Persona Non Grata", up till 1948, when the West, fed up with them, thought of hitting two birds with the same stone, get rid of its pariah Jewish community and use it to fight its main perceived enemy Islam.
The total number of killed in 2 bombings was about 200 K, not 500 K. You just proved once again that you are a pathological liar.

As for the death, considering that there were over 60 million killed in WW2 nuclear death are only 0.3% of total.

Compare to WW2 these are minor skirmishes.

Yeah you dust decreased the Jewish percentage 6 times.

The wars of between Muslims are way bloodier than Arab Israeli wars.

Just 200k!!!? no nuclear fallouts, than we can talk of millions of Japanese, I was very conservative with 500k

Wars of more than 10 years, and millions of dead are skirmishes!?
Israel can not stand a 1 year war, and it will be proven in time, even with your Nuclear arsenal that will be put into some area of your body to prevent you from having such diarrheas.
You prove it again, are you measuring how stupid you can get? well, you've already broken many records, so you can stop it now.
Just 200k!!!? no nuclear fallouts, than we can talk of millions of Japanese, I was very conservative with 500k
The estimates wary from 160-240 K.

Wars of more than 10 years, and millions of dead are skirmishes!?
Compare to WW2 yes.

Israel can not stand a 1 year war, and it will be proven in time
yet another silly lie of u.

War of attrition against Israel lasted for 3 years. Almost every time you open ur mouth u tell lie.

Does that change that israelis and Arabs are racist?? I don't think so.
You accused Ashkenazi Jews of honor violence. But in fact the overwhelming majority of honor killings in Israel are done by Arabs, few by Ethiopian Jews, even less by Sephardic Jews. Among he Ashkenazi Jews honor murder is virtually non existent.

And your Pakistan has one of the highest honor murder rates in the world. So pot calling kettle black.
The estimates wary from 160-240 K.

Compare to WW2 yes.

yet another silly lie of u.

War of attrition against Israel lasted for 3 years. Almost every time you open ur mouth u tell lie.

You accused Ashkenazi Jews of honor violence. But in fact the overwhelming majority of honor killings in Israel are done by Arabs, few by Ethiopian Jews, even less by Sephardic Jews. Among he Ashkenazi Jews honor murder is virtually non existent.

And your Pakistan has one of the highest honor murder rates in the world. So pot calling kettle black.
War of Ramadan 1973 lasted 6 hours, and you were in death mode, go ask Golda Meir in her grave. Or just read her quotes, she was your prime minister in that time, you can go and argue with her as far as I am concerned.
You accused Ashkenazi Jews of honor violence. But in fact the overwhelming majority of honor killings in Israel are done by Arabs, few by Ethiopian Jews, even less by Sephardic Jews. Among he Ashkenazi Jews honor murder is virtually non existent.

And your Pakistan has one of the highest honor murder rates in the world. So pot calling kettle black.

I never accused Ashkenazis of honor killing/violence. I said that they don't like dark skinned gentiles eyeballing their women, let alone approaching them, because it ends up being a very ugly situation. Israelies, like their Arab cousins, are very racist.
Yeah you just decreased the Jewish percentage 6 times.

I didn't decrease anything.

I didn't bother correcting your revisionist numbers on Jewish population which are at odds with accepted figures, because even with the 'Israeli' version of history, the underlying point remains that British colonial rule favored Jewish colonization of Palestine.
I didn't decrease anything.

I didn't bother correcting your revisionist numbers on Jewish population which are at odds with accepted figures, because even with the 'Israeli' version of history, the underlying point remains that British colonial rule favored Jewish colonization of Palestine.
The only revisionist here is u. There were 25 K Jews which is 6% of the population.

Jerusalem the largest city had Jewish majority.

I never accused Ashkenazis of honor killing/violence. I said that they don't like dark skinned gentiles eyeballing their women, let alone approaching them, because it ends up being a very ugly situation. Israelies, like their Arab cousins, are very racist.
Beating someone for eyeballing their woman is honor violence.

War of Ramadan 1973 lasted 6 hours, and you were in death mode, go ask Golda Meir in her grave. Or just read her quotes, she was your prime minister in that time, you can go and argue with her as far as I am concerned.
1973 war lasted 18 days , not "6 hours" and it ended with surrounded Egyptian army. You see, I was right. You simply cant open ur mouth without telling a lie.
Does that change that israelis and Arabs are racist?? I don't think so.
Please do not put the Arabs in the same basket with Usraelis, Arabs are more hospitable than the latters, they are far from being racists, only if you knew how many nations and colors they have absorbed into their culture, mostly with Islam as their religion.
If you cut and paste stuff, at least take the time time to UNDERSTAND what you are cutting and pasting. Otherwise you expose your ignorance for the world to see.

You STILL haven't got the faintest clue what the discussion about the UN(SC) is all about and how international relations work. Countries exchange favors all the time, and the UNSC veto is one of the bargaining chips the permanent members use for that purpose. A permanent member can veto a UNSC resolution either because of its own national interests, or because it is doing a favor to another country (which may also be a permanent member) and for which it expects a favor in return.

As for GA resolutions, they are just a PR stunt because any country with the military/economic muscle can ignore those resolutions. The only resolutions which have any teeth are UNSC resolutions because they are backed by the military muscle of the major powers.

So, when you say that Israel has legitimacy by the UN, it is the same as saying that Israel has legitimacy because the world military powers gave it that legitimacy.

As for your repeated refusal to acknowledge what the Balfour Declaration means, you are welcome to live in your delusions. The world does not have to share your fantasy.

It doesn't matter how you interpret it, or what 3001 reasons the Brits gave for supporting the Zionist cause. What matters is what they did, their actions, which resulted in large scale migration of Jews into Palestine and creation of Israel as a Jewish State.

You have not explained why a permanent member would need another permanent member to veto something.

You are yet to provide a single example of someone vetoing, as a bargaining chip.
I do not consider US vetoting on Israel, Russia vetoting on Syria, Iraq as such examples.

Give facts and not only theoretical possibilities. Not worthy of a "think tank".

You consider the publishing the resolution here, a denial of its contents?

Then you continue running down open doors.
Noone denies that votes in any democratic institution can be bargained with.
Noone denies that the Important resolutions are done in the SC, GA resolution can be ignored.
Noone denies that Britain allowed large scale immigration of jews.

That the plan was to create a Jewish state is definitely in doubt.

You then ignore the fact that Chad, Rwanda, Lithuania, all members of the Security Council
are not "world military powers".

The only possible argument is that the world powers created the UN, and therefore
it is they that are responsible for this decisions, but that is like arguing that God is always responsible
for all human crimes, because he created humans with a free will.

Are You always this unlucky when you are thinking?
You have not explained why a permanent member would need another permanent member to veto something.

A permanent member doesn't NEED another member to veto. The veto is a political bargaining chip so one country doesn't stand out as the lone opponent. It is also used by a UNSC veto member to trade favors with countries which do not have UNSC veto power.

You are yet to provide a single example of someone vetoing, as a bargaining chip.

I do not consider US vetoting on Israel, Russia vetoting on Syria, Iraq as such examples.

The world doesn't care what you consider or don't consider.

UNSC veto states routinely trade favors (either with each other or with other countries) on climate change, Syria, Israel and any number of issues.

That the plan was to create a Jewish state is definitely in doubt.

Only in your denialist mind. The rest of the world understands the Balfour Declaration in its proper context of Zionist lobbying, it's impact on British policy, and the eventual result of that policy.

You then ignore the fact that Chad, Rwanda, Lithuania, all members of the Security Council
are not "world military powers".

These countries do NOT have veto power in the UNSC. They are there just for show.
Beating someone for eyeballing their woman is honor violence.
No, according to wiki, this is the traditional definition of honor violence/killing:

An honor killing is the homicide of a member of a family or social group by other members, due to the perpetrators' belief that the victim has brought shame or dishonor upon the family or community

Honor killing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So i never accused Ashkenazis of honor killing/violence.

And actions speak louder than words. My indian friend who is a Tamil Christian visited israel for pilgrimage during Easter two years ago, he found a blond haired Jewish girl to be very attractive but all he did was look at her and two men who saw him looking at her approached him and yelled at him, one of them slapped him right in the face and the other kicked him in the side of his leg.

He reported the incident to the authorities but no action was taken.

BTW: Chinese Workers forbidden from having sexual relations with Israeli Women-The Guardian

Chinese workers at a company in Israel have been forced to agree not to have sex with or marry Israelis as a condition of getting a job.
According to a contact they are required to sign, male workers may not have any contact with Israeli women - including prostitutes, a police spokesman, Rafi Yaffe, said.

@Ravi Nair @Roybot
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