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Whose is bigger?? India - Pak (Media Round 1)

you bangladeshi are innocent baby cousins of ours..you can cause no harm to us
What you Porkis need to understand is that no fears you. Maybe in your own heads but everywhere else people laugh at you. In France, people make fun of pAkistanis because they sell kebabs on the motorway.
Kebab kha kha k he brave bunta ha bunda

sabzi kha kha k kia larey ga :D
Video reminds me of PDF fights ....
starts normally than a word of cautious/threat from the Indian ...
Pakistani guy brings in the Nuke...
India brings in the Nuke along with previous wars results ..
Pakistani says it's history or it's irrelevant ... invokes religion ...
Indian brings in the religion too ..
Anchorperson although bias tries really hard to keep the pissing match civilized. Although I do acknowledge Pakistani anchors behave in far more dignified way than the ones on our side. Ours just literally start shouting.
I am just kidding if any mod read this ..
Good ! Carry on.....One more point for trolling against Indians:cheesy:.....
That's the picture of a great man, how would you like it if I done the same to a picture of that Jinnah guy you pakos love so much?

hahaha want more pics of great dead terrorists..

I think he is the same guy who was from uk before and was talking about tamil gangster rule in London

now he took his second birth in france after getting banned :D

bc has come n gone with 4 - 5 ids already.
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