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Who's the Next World Superpower?

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Taliban is majority Pakhtun; most Afghan Pakhtuns see Taliban as fighting for Pakhtun rights against the other groups.

Northern Alliance is dominated by other ethnic groups, e.g. Tajiks, Hazaras, Uzbeks, etc.

The sitting Afghan president, what ethnic group he belong to?
The sitting Afghan president, what ethnic group he belong to?

Karzai is a Pakhtun, but he doesn't have much credibility outside Kabul. That's why he is called the mayor of Kabul. He is viewed as a US puppet at best, or an opportunistic thug at worst, by most Afghans.
Karzai is a Pakhtun, but he doesn't have much credibility outside Kabul. He is viewed as a US puppet by most Afghans.

He would be worry about his head when US leave Afghan, I think world power don't want to see Taliban back into power but they rather see Taliban be include in the political process.
He would be worry about his head when US leave Afghan, I think world power don't want to see Taliban back into power but they rather see Taliban be include in the political process.

Lately, he has been busy shopping for a new master: Iran, India, Russia, ...
Karzai is a Pakhtun, but he doesn't have much credibility outside Kabul. That's why he is called the mayor of Kabul. He is viewed as a US puppet at best, or an opportunistic thug at worst, by most Afghans.

Karzai belongs to Popalzai tribe from Kandahar and his family is very influential around Kandahar region. You need to learn more Karzai instead of some hollow gimmick.
Karzai belongs to Popalzai tribe from Kandahar and his family is very influential around Kandahar region. You need to learn more Karzai instead of some hollow gimmick.

Yes, he is a regional thug who was hand-picked by the US to show a "local" face to their occupation. Outside his tribe and Kabul, he is not respected.

His brother was the biggest drug dealer in all of Afghanistan.
My vote goes for Zimbabwe .
India, US, Russia and China would be four superpowers of future.
There is no next superpower , only regional powers .
All PDF members have Super Powers with their Keyboards at their disposal....:enjoy:
Never say never.

Technology is a black box of wonderful miracles.

How can anyone stop the spread of technology throughout the world?

Look at us. We waved a mere $110,000 USD in their faces, and they jumped up and sold us their stealth tech:

BBC News - US engineer sold military secrets to China

Even this Indian-origin guy above "Noshir Gowadia", he sold the US stealth tech to us for a very small sum of money (only $110,000) and now he is spending the rest of his life in prison.

Even if the American Empire does manage to maintain a technological lead over us for the next few decades, we still have sheer scale to our advantage. Not just population but manufacturing production and economy, I'd like to see anyone out-produce us in the next few decades.
Sudan .....

No, on a serious note...Syria....
How can anyone stop the spread of technology throughout the world?

The diffusion of top-secret technology can be slowed. While the monopoly lasts, the owner retains superiority.

Even if the American Empire does manage to maintain a technological lead over us for the next few decades, we still have sheer scale to our advantage. Not just population but manufacturing production and economy, I'd like to see anyone out-produce us in the next few decades.

It all depends on the type of technological change. Does anyone care how many muskets a country can produce these days?

The battle need not always be of metal against metal.

Let me give you just one example: what if someone developed a way to induce mass panic at will in a population?

Who would you retaliate against? Where would you fire your nukes?

P.S. That's just one example. I can think of a half dozen technological innovations (all reasonably within the realm of current science, though not technology) that would render their owner supreme.
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