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Who's the Next World Superpower?

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Fun Fact: China invented gunpowder, noodles, socially engineered famines, and fake iPhones

Likes: US treasury bonds, mass executions, body harvesting, North Korea and Pakistan.

Dislikes: Taiwanese independence, Democracy, Opium War jokes, more than one baby and Japan, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Brunei, and South Korea.


I'm not sure what India invented. Even the number Zero was invented by Babylonians, contrary to the claims of the Indians here.

Since this is a Defence forum, let's stick to defence-related inventions for a second.

Fact: China did invent guns, firearms, explosives, missiles, rockets, artillery, etc. You can check yourself.

Gun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Artillery - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rocket - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Explosive material - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And in the modern era, we are still inventing things. We invented the world's very first anti-ship ballistic missile, the DF-21D. Both America and Russia said it could not be done, but we made it anyway.

As for India? Well nothing. You can't even make your own ammunition.
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I already said that the technology doesn't yet exist, as far as we know. But there is no scientific reason why such a feat can not be achieved.

Is there a law of nature that says key Chinese scientists, fighter pilots, generals and strategists cannot be taken out in a surgical operation? or American ones?

If you showed what can be done with today's drones to a caveman, would he believe you?

Is there any reason why someone can't develop technology that makes current drones look like wooden clubs?

Oh OK you are talking about pure hypotheticals here, fair enough.

I'm sure it might be possible in the future, which is why we need to go full-steam ahead into science and technology.

We already currently produce the 2nd most scientific output in the world, if we keep up our trajectory we might rival America one day and then the chances of us coming up with such a game-changer goes up.
Wow, this is surreal...
After our conversation here, I went to the news website and what do I see????

Exposed: The Soviet Union spent $1 billion on mind-control program | News.com.au


Dr. Bill van Bise, electrical engineer, conducting a demonstration of Soviet scientific data and schematics for beaming a magnetic field into the brain to cause visual hallucinations. Source: CNN Source: Supplied

THE race to put man on the Moon wasn't enough of a battle for the global super powers during the Cold War.

At the time, the Soviet Union and the United States were in an arms race of a bizarre, unconventional kind - that has been exposed in a new report.

Beginning in 1917 and continuing until 2003, the Soviets poured up to $1 billion into developing mind-controlling weaponry to compete with similar programs undertaken in the US.

While much still remains classified, we can now confirm the Soviets used methods to manipulate test subjects' brains.

The paper, by Serge Kernbach, at the Research Centre of Advanced Robotics and Environmental Science in Stuttgart, Germany, details the Soviet Union's extensive experiments, called "psychotronics". The paper is based on Russian technical journals and recently declassified documents.


Still from Secret Russia: Moscow The Zombies of the Red Czar, a German TV documentary, 1998. Source: Supplied

The paper outlines how the Soviets developed "cerpan", a device to generate and store high-frequency electromagnetic radiation and the use of this energy to affect other objects.

"If the generator is designed properly, it is able to accumulate bioenergy from all living things - animals, plants, humans - and then release it outside," the paper said.

The psychotronics program, known in the US as "parapsychology", involves unconventional research into mind control and remote influence - and was funded by the government.

With only limited knowledge of each other's mind-bending programs, the Soviets and Americans were both participating in similar secret operations, with areas of interest often mirroring the other country's study.


The original scheme of transmitting and receiving bio-circuitry of the human nervous system. Picture: B. B. KazhinskiySource: Supplied

The psychotronics project draws similarities to part of the controversial programMKUltra in the US. The CIA program ran for 20 years, has been highly documented since being investigated in the 1970s and was recently dramatised in the movie The Men Who Stare at Goats.


The Men Who Stare at Goats. Picture: Smokehouse Pictures Source: Supplied

Scientists involved in the MKUltra program researched the possibility of manipulating people's minds by altering their brain functions using electromagnetic waves. This program led to the development of pyschotronic weapons, which were intended to be used to perform these mind-shifting functions.

The illegal research subjected humans to experiments with drugs, such as LSD, hypnosis and radiological and biological agents. Shockingly, some studies were conducted without human knowledge.


A US Marine Corps truck carries an Active Denial System. It is a nonlethal weapon that uses directed energy and projects a beam of waves up to 1000 metres. When fired at a human, it delivers a heat sensation to the skin and generally makes humans stop what they are doing and run. Source: AAP

Kernbach's paper on the Soviet Union's psychotronics program fails to mention one thing - the results. He also doesn't detail whether there are ongoing programs in this area in the US or Russia, which became the successor state of the Russian SFSRfollowing the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, but there are suspicions.

Putin made mention of futuristic weaponry last year in a presidential campaign article.

"Space-based systems and IT tools, especially in cyberspace, will play a great, if not decisive role in armed conflicts. In a more remote future, weapon systems that use different physical principles will be created (beam, geophysical, wave, genetic, psychophysical and other types of weapons). All this will provide fundamentally new instruments for achieving political and strategic goals in addition to nuclear weapons,"he wrote.


Example of a generator from the psychotronics program. Source: Supplied

The newly declassified information outlined in the report only touches on the Soviet psychotronics program and the bizarre experiments undertaken. With so much information still classified, will we ever know the whole truth?
China would be the next super power , given that their economy continue to grow.
China is my answer.
India cannot compete china because of corruption and some other things.India can become No 2.

All great empires crumble, like Greece, Rome or the Baldwin acting dynasty. This fact-checked historical fact isn't lost on America, a modern empire that enjoys unprecedented global economic and military superiority... for now. The US has a lot going for it, like Hot Pockets, VH1 and 7,000 tactical nuclear warheads. But while America is mega-awesome, it is also plagued by an $8 trillion deficit, an army stretched to the breaking point and a bitterly divided Congress. Bummer, America! Now, several other countries are poised to snag the title of "International Big Dog" from the reigning champ, so we've compiled an "it" list of the contenders. Only time-and World War III-will tell!

Country: China

What's the 411? Communist China is a leading economic powerhouse with a steady 9% annual growth rate. Wow, that's a lot of cheap crap at Wal-Mart for stupid dumpling-shaped round-eyes to buy! Luckily, China is also underwriting America's war in Iraq and has a population of roughly 473 billion.

Fun Fact: China invented gunpowder, noodles and socially engineered famines

Likes: US treasury bonds, mass executions, body harvesting, North Korea

Dislikes: Taiwanese independence, Democracy, Opium War jokes, more than one baby


Chances It Will Take Over The World: Awash in both money and people, China is building up it's military strength while staring down the coming bird flu pandemic. Look for the Chinese to begin their global assault by catapulting infected citizens over the Taiwan Straits and right into that uppity chunk of former Chinese real estate! Not to mention that, according to some pretty sweet movies, the Chinese can fly!

ODDS: 2/1

Country: Iran

What's the 411? For over twenty-five years, the Islamic Republic of Iran has been funding terrorists, illegally developing nukes and generally talking smack to anyone that gets all up in its grill. If having a real bad attitude were loot, they'd be high rollers.

Fun Fact: Iran is a theocracy, so religious fanatics control the government-like Alabama, only without delicious pork BBQ.

Likes: Uranium, Syria, burning the American flag, being all crazy and stuff like that

Dislikes: Israel, the CIA, the Great Satan, Israel, diplomacy, Scorpios, Israel


Chances It Will Take Over The World: Iranian President Ahmadinejad is a real joker, especially when he said publicly that the Holocaust didn't exist! Ha-ha! It's that kind of terrifying humor, along with Iran's secret nuke program, that makes us laugh and laugh, then cry. Hey, did you hear the one about how the Shah, the crooked US-backed puppet dictator of Iran, didn't exist?

ODDS: 4/1

Country: India

What's the 411? India is the largest democracy in the world, and while it's a little rough around the edges (there are still leper colonies!), it's a country that excels at being better at everything we thought we were good at, like speaking English and most jobs. It's also a place where Hindus, Muslims, Christians and Sikhs can all ignore the poor together.

Fun Fact: India is the world's oldest continuous civilization. Think about that next time you're berating the 7-11 clerk because your blueberry Slurpee is all "soupy, man."

Likes: The Internet, Ben Kingsley, saag paneer, spontaneous singing and dancing

Dislikes: Hamburgers, Pakistan, low castes, American liberal arts majors with bad henna tattoos


Chances It Will Take Over The World: India is a full-fledged nuclear power whose chief rival is nearby third-world paradise Pakistan, a country with a handful of its own discount nukes. Thankfully, Indian missile defense is just shooting whatever Pakistani yaks have A-bombs strapped to their backs. That's funny until millions die!

ODDS: 5/1

Country: Canada

What's the 411? Canada is a political progressive's wet dream: free healthcare, lax drug laws, improv comedy and snowboarding as far as the eye can see. So if you're a transgender Marxist from Vermont whose hybrid car is decorated in anti-Bush bumper stickers , you're in luck! No one expects mellow, good-natured Canada-a vast, sparsely populated country most people just call "North Michigan"-to have totalitarian ambitions. But maybe that's what just what they're hoping.

Fun Fact: Canada was founded after France bet England who could create the friendliest country ever.

Likes: French fries and gravy, hockey and gravy, Rick Moranis, Molson, curling

Dislikes: Snow cones, Quebec, palm trees, lumberjack jokes, Dan Akroyd (post-My Girl)


Chances It Will Take Over The World: It isn't wise to underestimate a country like Canada-it is a sleeping snow bunny ready to wiggle it's fearsome pink nose and sell American oldsters affordable prescription drugs. Tread on this noble and formidable country at your peril, eh!

Read more: Who's the Next World Superpower? | Cracked.com

None of them. The Next superpower is not in the list and currently i am trying to make custom made map for them:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::smart:

dont worry, pakistan is going to become India's toilet soon enough

Don't worry we will give you proper Nuclear funeral:tup:
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