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Who Will Win Asia's Fifth-Generation Fighter Race?

China could make J-20 fly, but whether J-20 could meet common standards for gen 5 stealth fighter or not. We don't know.
Same to J-31
Why not why discourage other country sincere efforts , Chinese have done great most western countries are jealous & fear their shops may close down in future as Chinese reach the level of their sophistication in high tech stuff
Its need brain to copy every developing country copy including ours ,if copying was so easy everyone would have copy BMW engine by now ,you are one frustrated soul who is jealous nothing else at least give Chinese credit

Are you a Pakistani false flagger like many on the forum?
Japan & India don't even have a working prototype yet.
& PAKFA will be a 99% Russian plane, aside of Indian paint.
Most Indians react to Chinese. But there is some truth that China is not ahead on all thing with respect to India. China too is a developing country like India. So both countries are going through teething problems. May be it will take another 30 to 40 years before both mature.
Its better to avoid then making & posting stupid stuff , Chinese spend more than 300 billion$ on R&D compared to 40 for ours , they are ahead of us in almost every field including missile but yes I would point that gap in missile is no more then 6 to 7 years ,if some members troll it better to avoid
Don't be stupid. What I'm saying is based on what I see. The Chinese will be the first to field a squadron. Then the Russians. I haven't said anything on their capabilities. I don't know if you have been following the three development of the Chinese but they have been outpacing everyone else and the J-20 is supposedly very close to serial production. The rest Korea, India, and Japan have nothing to show for so how can we say one of them will be better then the Chinese or Russians.
I am not in anyway underestimating Chinese, but telling Russian and Japanese are behind Chinese aerospace industry is cheerleading at best just look at their military hardware and compare that to Chinese in each class
Kindly read more about mitsubishi ATD-X,
India and Korea no doubt way behind the China no doubt about that
well its certainly not PAF who doesnt induct her fighters, but its IAF who considers them inferior and not good enough for themselves even after 30 years. Hence forth for a 5th gen fighter from the same experience it looks futile if someone says its 2023-24 when it will be first tested.
We also consider f16 block 60 inferior for which your airforce is literally begging from USA, so what's your point?
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Why cause I busted your tall claim of Indian superiority, its high time you come out of your delusion & see what's happening around the world

I gave you so many examples of Indian missiles superiority over their Chinese counterpart and you false flagger came here with a typical rant of busting the bubble. Prove me wrong with argument if you can. do not be ashamed of putting your true flag.
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Its better to avoid then making & posting stupid stuff , Chinese spend more than 300 billion$ on R&D compared to 40 for ours , they are ahead of us in almost every field including missile but yes I would point that gap in missile is no more then 6 to 7 years ,if some members troll it better to avoid

I have to disagree. First the post was written by some westerner. And I can say with full faith that India is ahead of China on many fields. MARS mission is one such example. Even on Missiles, Chinese may be ahead on range, but India is ahead on lot of other technologies. Indians always believed in frugal engineering. No wonder India could send a mission to MARS on just $70 million where as a similar mission by NASA costed $2 billion. So don't believe in $300 b vs $40 b claims. Next, majority of Chinese members on net are bots employed by CPC to put a favorable opinion of China.
Well come to the forum.

We surpass them in all areas of missile technology if you do not measure the range of missile as the sole criterion. Our missile are very light and have composite motors with excellent accuracy. We have developed Missiles like K series which chines can not think of. We have astra, LRSAM and Brahmis. China has none of them. They simply try to copy and say that they are better than the originals. Their media themselves puncture the balloon of their propaganda. Pass some time here. Read more and come for discussion.
You are one seriously delusional guy China has SLBM with more than 8000 km range with pin point accuracy operational, they have operational BVRAAM like Astra for last one decade & long range SAM they only lack in IIR seeker technology so does we that's why Israel is providing us with it
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The delusion in this thread is hilarious. :lol:

In the list in the OP (China/Japan/Korea/India), the only country actually producing 5th generation fighters is China. To be ready for mass production and induction in 2018.

Whereas India's ACMA is still on paper, yet somehow they will win this race? :rofl:

What else to expect from the country that calls itself a superpower while having more poor than Africa.

ACMA is an even bigger joke than the LCA, and that is saying something. It's a joke that is still on paper, and somehow India will "win" this race before 2018. Yep.
Happy trolling,
I am certain that you are just trolling cause you are not a retard (as no one said AMCA is coming any time soon) , at least I think so
Btw it's about time you people come down from high horses, coz your superiority complex is leading your country into some serious trouble
Some fighters are still in development like KFX/IFX, so better you all here at least put some data than just commenting based on perception.



General characteristics


KAI KF-X - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I have to disagree. First the post was written by some westerner. And I can say with full faith that India is ahead of China on many fields. MARS mission is one such example. Even on Missiles, Chinese may be ahead on range, but India is ahead on lot of other technologies. Indians always believed in frugal engineering. No wonder India could send a mission to MARS on just $70 million where as a similar mission by NASA costed $2 billion. So don't believe in $300 b vs $40 b claims. Next, majority of Chinese members on net are bots employed by CPC to put a favorable opinion of China.
I disagree there mars mission fail cause Russian rocket exploded its nothing to do with that they couldn't do it ,they have landed Rover on moon & have active man mission program to space, just look at their latest new space launch vehicles & their lift capacity , it will at least take a decade for ISRO to reach that level
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You are one seriously deluded guy China has SLBM with more than 8000 km range with pin point accuracy operational, they have operational BVRAAM like Astra from last decade & long range SAM they only lack in seeker technology so does we that's why Israel is providing us with it

As per the last US report , They wer not sure whether Chinese missile (Ithink you do not know the name. It is JL2) was yet to get IOC . forget about being operational and pin point accuracy. What is the name of that chinese missile you false flagger? What is the name of that Long range SAM?

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