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Who will be next Finance Minister (FM) of Pakistan?

Sir the way u suggested its totally the job of technocrats life time professionals sorry the whole team of professionals let see what IK decide or to be precise what they decide only thing we all want to see good work beneficial for country in long term
There is no single person. At the moment is debt crisis.

So you would need debt manager to restructure payment.

You would need tax reformer.

You would need one specialised in industrialisation.

You would need one agro-industrial specialist.

You would need landreform specialist.

You would need financial reform specialist.

You would need a new PSB chairman and total new board.

You would need a professionals team with a figurehead teammanager.

You need a team which can plan a 3 year longterm plan with 5 years breakdowns.

And then you would need politicos to not mess it up.

In other words... you would need a new system. In the current system it doesn't matter who is the FinMin.
Bihari is could be imposed on conditional relief... you know it is still Echeolon vice.

#EconomicTerrorist Isaq $ you cann't even bring back... what kind of sovereign state it is?

Either victory of status quo or emergence of Pak Positive.

All depends on what CPEC shape is decided upon by Pak State. Economic Hit has been quite elaborate...have to say the design was rather smart.

It truly is a fork in the road moment.

The trouble is even the Pak State doesn't understand the Pak map... just look at the real map of Pakistan!

i am not denying that the situation is dire. i am not even denying that we need a cunning showkat.

all i am saying we have tried it before as well. did not work. showkat was actually the original economic hitman but since Mush brought him no one could say anything.

i will not lie for the greater good of my country. deal with it. i do not care about childish abuse by emotional people with hormonal problems.

BTW Sir good to see u back ...........again. aap ka tu aanaa jaanaa laga huwa hai seems so popular with PDF mods you are :)

bas jab ap logon pe azaab ana hota hai to mods mujhe azaad kardete hain... ek do din me chale jaenge dobara

Wasim Akram

Hanse Kronje mar gaya warna usko lagwa dete technocrat keh kar
Who will be next Finance Minister (FM) of Pakistan?

After Prime Minister of Pakistan, the most difficult task is to be an effective Finance Minister of Pakistan. After Asad Umar kicked out from Cabinet and as FM role. Pakistan is looking for a new Finance Minister who could transform Pakistan Economy and Finances into a success from repeated failures.
Ishaq Dar ..
Call back Shaukat Aziz as FM, appoint rtd. army general as President and give him powers to dissolve parliament.
More important will be the policies.

We need to end the culture of subsidies, we need to invest in areas that will create revenue, we need to increase the tax net, we need tighten up regulation around money laundering, we need to document and digitise the economy. We need to push e commerce, to increase exports and decrease imports.
IMO what Pak needs is a fast and furious FM with the mindset of a cold blooded executioner!!!! Without the blink of an eye he/she should be able to kick the non cooperating buraeucrates under the gilotin!! Extremely painstaking reforms in taxation, fiscal policies, privatization etc. are required!!! And, no smiles please...

Exactly! Too soft and then lastly proposed an Amnesty Scheme of all things!!
i am not denying that the situation is dire. i am not even denying that we need a cunning showkat.

all i am saying we have tried it before as well. did not work. showkat was actually the original economic hitman but since Mush brought him no one could say anything.

i will not lie for the greater good of my country. deal with it. i do not care about childish abuse by emotional people with hormonal problems.

My dear R. Troll,

You know it like anyone else... permanent global government... Pak is not an island... though I do believe Pak must consider itself as one and invest in PNS.... most neglected force.

If the high table accepts Pak as a neutral bridge between the Dragon and Eagle then all happy under the sky... otherwise rough ride. India is irrelevant.

An emerging compromise about the global Financial Architecture between the two will sooth some feathers... all depends on what the permanent local government decides.

I do believe a grand bargain must be struck and then get on with clean up in the Pak system with relish... otherwise, it is all about human rights for NS/Zardari/Diesel/LGBT/Whatnot...

Painful... nobody said all truths are beautiful.

Regardless... current setup is a goner... matter of a few months... would be honourable if IK takes a highroad himself. Sad yet true state of affairs.

Debt restructuring is the need of the hour.

I mean with LaWhore justice system you are not going to recover any looted wealth. Economic Terrorism requires Anti Economic Terrorism Courts as well.

First economic terrorist was ZAB. Sorry... he didn't do looting but much worst... after that came merchant class.

Long list of misery...

I say reach a compromise.

Perservation of the State is the Highest Virtue
... all is after that.

Import an economist if there is no candidate in Pakistan. Do it by merit, like the ottomans used to do. I don't care what God he believes in or what cultural background he is from, as long as he has he skills and the will to give this country what it needs.
My choice would be world class economist, who has written books, Atif Mian. But PM is constitutionally rectricted as he an only choose from the elected members of the assembly or sitting MNAs. This is not like the Presidential system where you can pick any talent from anywhere.

Exactly! Too soft and then lastly proposed an Amnesty Scheme of all things!!
IMO what Pak needs is a fast and furious FM with the mindset of a cold blooded executioner!!!! Without the blink of an eye he/she should be able to kick the non cooperating buraeucrates under the gilotin!
True but in the real world all decisions are tempered by politics. One eye on economics and other on politics and this is even more so in a weak coalition that does not enjoy outright majority to be able to steamroll policies like you suggest. If you do you will face internal fissure that threatens the coalition on which your government is in office.
And I remember people here were opposing Atif Mian inclusion in economic team in the beginning. As per them, they will be a bad influence on Asad Umer .. Well lol...
Quite frankly i dont give a rat's *** now that Asad Umar has been removed....
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