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Who will be next Finance Minister (FM) of Pakistan?

In the end , he was successful...….. because of him , indian economy is what it is now …… At least give him the credit properly …….
Well he is not in jail. He is grudgingly accepted in India as a financially able person but he caused a lot of harm due to his lust for power and feebleness. He was not a leader and India is too complex a place to be lead by a nerd.
@CHACHA"G" @Mangus Ortus Novem dont u get it what i meant ? :) ok let me clarify as mangus suggested its great blow for IK govt there was only few names along with IK in PTI who got some respect and credibility 2 of them side lined now (rest are category of SMQ and Usman bazdar just political animals which is filled in PMLN and PPP too no good possible ) .Giving our situation and future if next name pop up from Establishment means they are going to rule from behind the curtains or if they decided to let them destroy more so when they move they will face less resistance its not anymore party vs party fight whole system is at risk thanx to Lahore high court who speed up the process.7 names in circulating 2 with good ties and exp in middle east rest who knows some one like Moeen Qureshi landed again without CNIC :) hazrat @Khafee kuch nazar e karam idhar bhi political game starts here too

Too much work. You need someone experienced in field to lead the ministry. He also needs to regather the finance ministry advisors, and this time not succumb to the religious fanatics.

People were criticizing one for religion and because he was an "IMF-guy", look at where we are now, right back at IMF's door.
I hope it's a qualified young blood who can take us out of economic crises. Not someone like Mr Asad.
@CHACHA"G" @Mangus Ortus Novem dont u get it what i meant ? :) ok let me clarify as mangus suggested its great blow for IK govt there was only few names along with IK in PTI who got some respect and credibility 2 of them side lined now (rest are category of SMQ and Usman bazdar just political animals which is filled in PMLN and PPP too no good possible ) .Giving our situation and future if next name pop up from Establishment means they are going to rule from behind the curtains or if they decided to let them destroy more so when they move they will face less resistance its not anymore party vs party fight whole system is at risk thanx to Lahore high court who speed up the process.7 names in circulating 2 with good ties and exp in middle east rest who knows some one like Moeen Qureshi landed again without CNIC :)

Shokat Azeez
No matter who we get, there is no way this economy is getting fixed in such a short space of time. We can't pay the loans we took and I'm afraid we will end up losing quite a few of our institutions to the Chinese. I don't see how a new finance minister will fix this issue.
Sir plzzz suggest some good economist with experience in high finance too dont need another banker and definitely not another stupid accountant like Ishaq Dar

There is no single person. At the moment is debt crisis.

So you would need debt manager to restructure payment.

You would need tax reformer.

You would need one specialised in industrialisation.

You would need one agro-industrial specialist.

You would need landreform specialist.

You would need financial reform specialist.

You would need a new PSB chairman and total new board.

You would need a professionals team with a figurehead teammanager.

You need a team which can plan a 3 year longterm plan with 5 years breakdowns.

And then you would need politicos to not mess it up.

In other words... you would need a new system. In the current system it doesn't matter who is the FinMin.
IMO what Pak needs is a fast and furious FM with the mindset of a cold blooded executioner!!!! Without the blink of an eye he/she should be able to kick the non cooperating buraeucrates under the gilotin!! Extremely painstaking reforms in taxation, fiscal policies, privatization etc. are required!!! And, no smiles please...
that's too much, the closest we got has been removed.
Now is the time to make structural changes in our economic planning. Finance minister post should be abolished. A council of experts in trade finance energy agriculture water should be created at the NSC. Members would serve fixed terms regardless of PM. This would ensure that policies are done for long term national interest not short term gains for any political party.
Just a front... his employers are Masters of the Universe....

Current gov is going... matter of months max... the next one needs to be acceptable to local and international....

we cant go in circles magnus. shaukat bihari has had his share of the loot.

what next... haqqani too?
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