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Who lost the 1965 war - India or Pakistan?

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Why not toss a coin. Heads-- India Won, Tails-- India won! :D

Lt. Col. Hari Singh of the India's 18th Cavalry posing outside a captured Pakistani police station (Barkee) in Lahore District.

atleast we made it into Lahore :)


captured indian fort
Pakistan LOST the war.. a war it started due to arrogant and miscalculating leadership.
The leaders of Pakistan has commited suicide for the whole nation if not for the brave souls who fought with belief and conviction.
Brave men from Punjab,Sindh,Balochistan,KP and Bangladesh who gave their lives for their homeland and defending it against a superior enemy whilst their leaders had cold feet.
Those leaders lost the war.. their honor (if they had any) and their respect.
The fighting men of Pakistan won the war against their leaders flawed designs.. they won against being led badly.. they won the hearts and minds of their nation. On the ground, In the air.. and at sea.

The Pakistani people won the war against their divided and racist leadership.. they showed they still had the capacity to be one.

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