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Who Killed Gen. Zia Ul Haq

Zia was pathetic military dictator and became victim of his own dirty work same is the case with commando mush lol how many times he promised to return to Pak but still outside today Pakistan is in crises because of these two dogs.

And I think the crisis in Pakistan is because of people like you, who have absolutely no idea who is good for the country and who is bad. I guess in this case, ignorance is worse then incompetence.
Who Killed Gen. Zia Ul Haq
Its not tricky question to answer..

Its the will of Allah(swt) who killed him None can kill a living thing unless Allah(swt) wishes.others can be just the reason in carrying out his will.
To be a Muslim it is essential to believe in the destiny, whether good or bad, that Allah has set for us (known as Qadr in Arabic). The Quran says:*

"Say, Nothing shall befall us save that which Allah has ordained for us"*
This however does not mean that man does not have free will, for if he did not Allah's justice would be compromised for you cannot judge a person if he does not have the freedom of choosing what he does. Allah, the 'Just', has given man both destiny and free will, the action of a human is interrelated with destiny and both are mutually necessary, as Imam Ali son of Abi Talib (AS) said:
*"The predestined will of Allah and the action of a human are like the spirit and the body, the spirit without the body has no physicality and the body without the soul is a picture without movement. If the two are adjoined they become like Al-Qadr and action, for if there was no Qadr then you would not know the difference between creation and creator, and if there was action without it being willed and predestined by Allah than it would not happen."
Some things such as our deaths and disease are above human will, no matter what a person does, if for instance God has set the hour at which you are to die than it will be so:
"And no soul can die except by Allah's leave- a decree with a fixed term" Holy Quran 3:146
"They say 'If we had any part in the government of affairs, we should not have been killed here.' Say 'If you had remained in your homes, surely those on whom fighting had been enjoyed would have gone forth to their deathbeds." Holy Quran 3:155
whoever killed him .. did an awesome and much needed job .. Zia was a scum bag dictator who plunged tho whole nation into the current dark ages .. by bringing his own crooked version of islamic rule ... i hate BB aand zordari etc but to me ZAB was the real ,man who realy wished Pakistan to become a great modern secular independant and progresssive state .. ia on the otherhand brough about talibanization , klashnikovs,extremmisimn,.

may Zia ul Haq rot in hell ..
funny this topic was posted

I was in Dallas Texas recently to visit some relatives -- they gave me the book which was sitting on their desk....i literally just started reading the book 3 days ago...reads like a thriller, many interesting insights.

Gen. Zia obviously had many enemies as did the DG ISI -- goes without saying. The use of a poison gas could explain why there was no mayday signal to ATC

multiple theories exist.....we may never know the exact truth, only Allah knows
I heard a theory of the co-pilot shouting to the pilot"Mashood bhai aap kia kar rahe hain?"
But i guess this topic will remain a detective novel without a finish!

We can view the death of Gen. Zia in many many different ways. And every path we take could potentially end up in a conspiracy theory.

However one such theory makes more sense than the rest.

Before we discuss this theory, we must move away from Gen. Zia and look at the way top Generals of Pak army have met their maker in the last 30+ years.

Before the assassination of Gen. Zia, for ordinary Pakistani and for ordinary jawan, a general was a mini-god. These Jawans and the ordinary Pakistanis saw an aura around the top generals.

Boys wanted to be a general, and girls wanted to marry one. This was the culture dominating the Pakistani military's heartland that mainly consists of Punjab and KPK.

Us the Urdu speakers had a different view but that's not relevant. At least not in this post.

Two major events shattered that aura. One from outside, and one from within (well mostly from within but some outside help as well).

The first event was the defeat in 1971. The Vietnam of Pakistan, a catastrophe that still looms large in the depth of Pakistan's psyche especially the psyche of military's heartland of Pakistan aka Punjab and KPK. Ordinary people realized that top generals and officers could be captured by our greatest enemy and held in prisons for a long long time. With Akashwani the enemy radio transmitting daily the "messages" from prison "I am Major so and so from Regiment XYZ, and I am in Indian jail, and I am OK". While it united Pakistanis in their anger and hate against the big foe, it also made them realize that army may not be the ultimate savior in their mortal struggle against India.

The second major event was the victory against Commie Russia, that could have reinstated the mini-god status of Pak generals but it didn't. Why because the victory was not claimed by the Pak army jawans and officers, instead such claims went straight into the pockets of Islamist Jihadis and much more importantly into the pockets of gulf Arab fighters. Ordinary people couldn't see that without training and logistical support of Pak army, without the money from Gulf, and without money and weapons and latest tech from America, their Jihad would have been kapoot very very quickly. But who cares about the military strategy and details when Islamism is in vogue.

Thus for all the wrong reasons, Jihadis and their Arab handlers took on the God like stature as they and only they could have defeated mighty Soviets in the past, and they and only they would be able to defeat other enemies of the future.

And who can question the ease with which they could identify a long list of enemies starting with big so-called satan America, and mini devils like Israel the occupier of Palestine, India the occupier of Kashmir, the occupier of chechnya, China the occupier of xinjiang and the list went on and on and on.

The only thing they needed was a strong base like Pakistan, and they were ready to go 100 miles an hour blazing through America, Israel, and anywhere their brand of Islam was perceived by them to be under threat.

In front of these Arab-gods, Pakistani generals were the puny bumbling idiots who didn't know how to help with Islamist cause.

There were exceptions though. Many Generals, lower level officers and many more jawans bought this Arab-god-general theories. Hameeda-bulbul aka Hamid Gul, Col. Imam, etc. formed this large group of Islamist visionaries.

These visionaries considered all the established generals to be seculars, pro-West, pro-Pakistan-nationalists, and thus a roadblock in their journey of conquests in the name of Islamism.

The very first road block was none other than Zia ul Haq and waiting in the wings was an Islamist general Aslam Baig an Urdu speaking who had stronger "faith" than his Punjabi and Pashtun counterparts.

And so was the plan put in place by the Gulf-Arab-gods to get rid of this pesky Zia-ul Haq with the inside help from multiple layers of Pak army officers and jawans.

Later assassinations of Gen. Asif, two HUGE but unsucessful attempts on Gen. Musharraf, murders of other generals and attempted murders on yet more, clearly show that Pak army has been infected by the Islamist bug and any general who stepped out of line was put on the hit list.

Since the unsucessful attempts on Gen. Musharraf, Pak army has been cleansing itself.

But it is a tough task. The real guards are the jawans and JCOs. If they go Islamist, there is no defense against them.

Remember how Sikhs in large numbers went religious during Indira Gandhi's time and the result was assassination of one of the most powerful women in the world at the hands of her own guards.

Hope you guys see some correlation.

Attacks on every major army installation is a clear evidence of Pak army has a continuous line of Islamist rogues.

Kamra is the most recent example that everyone knows.

I realize this may not be the best explanation, but hey I have done some home work hopefully it will enlighten some of the readers that assassination of the Gen. Zia was mostly the inside job by those who had been "inspired" by the Islamist cause.

The simplest and a befitting reply to this thread is 'HIS MASTERS'.
Whoever killed him, thank you very much. Although I wish this pig would have been killed earlier.

whoever killed him .. did an awesome and much needed job .. Zia was a scum bag dictator who plunged tho whole nation into the current dark ages .. by bringing his own crooked version of islamic rule ... i hate BB aand zordari etc but to me ZAB was the real ,man who realy wished Pakistan to become a great modern secular independant and progresssive state .. ia on the otherhand brough about talibanization , klashnikovs,extremmisimn,.

may Zia ul Haq rot in hell ..

Zia was a scumbag no doubt but ZAB was no saint. He raped the nation as well. And ZAB's policies were in no way shape or form secular or progressive. His constitution was the stepping stone for the Islamization of Pakistan. It was him who made Islam the state religion, he outlawed alcohol, gambling etc. He was the one who outlawed Ahmadis. He went as far as making it a law that only Muslims can be PM or Presidents. His nationalization of industries made his friends billionaires over night. All these rich corrupt politicians mainly from Sindh we see now a days benefited greatly from ZAB. ZAB also gave quotas to a certain ethnicity which screwed everything up and now we wonder why our politicians are illiterate and corrupt. Both ZAB and Zia were scumbags and a curse to the nation.
^^ so what was the point of making pakistan then ? if u think what ZAB did was wrong ? do u think Ahmediz are Muslims in any way ? well no man in his right senses can say so .. but Ahmediz being non muslims doesnt means that they should be persecuted. ..

at least ZAB's islamization was rationale.. Alchohol is not only haram but also destroys social life read on it.... we do not want a secularism that is against our culure and religion.. and ZAB had not brought thing..
Zia was killed by people whose war he was fighting. It was marketed as a 'jihad' to incite religious sentiment but it was nothing but a CIA sponsored war against the Soviets. In the end, everyone turned out to be a fool while US got its strategic objective of dismantling Soviet Union.

we are living with Zia's legacy still. Its nothing to be proud of. Its an institutional intolerance and extremism that has taken roots in our society. Its marginal but it still is a big pain.

Zia is dead long time ago. I hope his legacy is also dead soon.
^^ so what was the point of making pakistan then ? if u think what ZAB did was wrong ? do u think Ahmediz are Muslims in any way ? well no man in his right senses can say so .. but Ahmediz being non muslims doesnt means that they should be persecuted. ..

at least ZAB's islamization was rationale.. Alchohol is not only haram but also destroys social life read on it.... we do not want a secularism that is against our culure and religion.. and ZAB had not brought thing..

u think ZAB actually really believed in these things - he was forced by the maulvis to take these actions to save his seat. consideration for pakistan was never on his mind. - same goes for Zia.
Zia haters have no idea wtf they are talking about. Most of you kiddies weren't even born in Pakistan. When Zia was in charge the entire world respected Pakistan. Look at your nation today.

I wouldn't even spit on most of you scum bag liberals.

Especially talking about a man that is dead and cannot even defend himself. Lakh Lanat.

The Indians hated Zia, and you want to know why?

Because he was obviously doing something right.
Zia haters have no idea wtf they are talking about. Most of you kiddies weren't even born in Pakistan. When Zia was in charge the entire world respected Pakistan. Look at your nation today.

I wouldn't even spit on most of you scum bag liberals.

Especially talking about a man that is dead and cannot even defend himself. Lakh Lanat.

The Indians hated Zia, and you want to know why?

Because he was obviously doing something right.

He was doing it right because US was behind him, not out to destroy Pakistan like today. You dont realize the power of evil. If you are with evil, everything is good, if not everything is bad!

At the time of Zia, Pakistan would have been respected but his legacy has big issues with current Pakistan.

Just like under Ayub Khan, Pakistan was economic model for the world but his policies left a political vacuum. And you know what happened.

Same with Musharraf. He did a lot of good but by giving NRO and escaping the country, we have to live with his legacy.
He was doing it right because US was behind him, not out to destroy Pakistan like today. You dont realize the power of evil. If you are with evil, everything is good, if not everything is bad!

At the time of Zia, Pakistan would have been respected but his legacy has big issues with current Pakistan.

Just like under Ayub Khan, Pakistan was economic model for the world but his policies left a political vacuum. And you know what happened.

Same with Musharraf. He did a lot of good but by giving NRO and escaping the country, we have to live with his legacy.

But wasn't NRO supposed to give Pakistanis a chance to accept or reject these politicians? We all know what we chose so why should we blame Musharraf for this?

Whoever killed him, thank you very much. Although I wish this pig would have been killed earlier.

Zia was a scumbag no doubt but ZAB was no saint. He raped the nation as well. And ZAB's policies were in no way shape or form secular or progressive. His constitution was the stepping stone for the Islamization of Pakistan. It was him who made Islam the state religion, he outlawed alcohol, gambling etc. He was the one who outlawed Ahmadis. He went as far as making it a law that only Muslims can be PM or Presidents. His nationalization of industries made his friends billionaires over night. All these rich corrupt politicians mainly from Sindh we see now a days benefited greatly from ZAB. ZAB also gave quotas to a certain ethnicity which screwed everything up and now we wonder why our politicians are illiterate and corrupt. Both ZAB and Zia were scumbags and a curse to the nation.

ZAB I can understand but what did Zia did to deserve such hatred?
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