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who is the real threat for pak-taliban or india

How true...
After all what can India do with 'no Pakistan'?
But unfortunately some Pakistanis stopped seeing problems with India and started to see India in all their problems.
Like some blame India for Taliban, Baloch separatism, jihadi terrorism even those that should not bother them like hindu organizations.
Seriously, how many of these elements had proven involvement of Indian agencies?

How funny u r thinking...have u ever read a book of history..if no than u r right that what can india do with "no pakistan"
These talibans has setteld in pakistan more than 150 years n they r silent for 150 years ,now they suddenly start attacking on our army ....consider..
I personally had bad experience with Indians here in the U.S.

Once in college, a group of Indians were holding a rally against cows being slaughtered and one Indian saw me walking by and asked me..hey Omar how many cows have you slaughtered in your Pakistan. I replied if Pakistan is guilty of slaughtering cows for food then the whole world is guilty of slaughtering cows not just Pakistan.

It depends upon ur choice, You guys cant even pronounce "Pig" by ur lips bcoz its "haram".. Isnt that.
The same is the faith of hindus with cow who rank cow to the level of mother who feed babies on her milk. You slaughter cow means you are slaughtering mother. There is nothing to feel guilty about it. If you dont follow faith you are free to slaughter anyone.
It depends upon ur choice, You guys cant even pronounce "Pig" by ur lips bcoz its "haram".. Isnt that.
The same is the faith of hindus with cow who rank cow to the level of mother who feed babies on her milk. You slaughter cow means you are slaughtering mother. There is nothing to feel guilty about it. If you dont follow faith you are free to slaughter anyone.

Muslims consider pigs to be a dirty animal thats why we dont eat pig's meat, same reason why Jews dont eat pig's meat.

Hindus consider cow to be their god thats why they dont eat cow's meat.

I see no similiarities.

I'm sorry I cant compare anyone's mother to a cow.

We dont protest when others eat pig's meat, why do you protest when others eat cow's meat?
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Muslims consider pigs to be a dirty animal thats why we dont eat pig's meat, same reason why Jews dont eat pig's meat.

Hindus consider cow to be their god thats why they dont eat cow's meat.

I see no similiarities.

I'm sorry I cant compare anyone's mother to a cow.

We dont protest when others eat pig's meat, why do you protest when others eat cow's meat?
Mr u r a senior member ....so u should understand other's feelings..well i know u can't compare...even yr relegion is completely diff like u can mary to 4 women ...and many of reputed person frm yr community has dozens of wives so yr children would probably get confuse among in 30's mom ...it is totaly rubish well i jz wanna show u a lil part of picture i don wanna hurt anyone sentiments .....so pls take yr words back ..and if u hav dare to argue then come u r most welcome..but pls listen i should't be banned k..then i will show ..the some very nice but sour real facts....but yeah listen i can go up to any limits but that would be true means i'll not create any false story kkk..
Its best if we don't comment on the religion of other members as one should not do it with little or no knowledge.

Eating or not eating meat is a matter of personal choice and what meat one chooses to eat is also a personal choice so their is no need to argue on that.
vkurian your right, whenever India and Pakistan is discuession these hatrate thing happen, so it would be great idea to simply stick to the topic. Which may lead to some conclusion (Hope so)
Taliban is not much of a threat Indian are the real threat because the Taliban are aid by RAW.
india is obsessed with trying to wipe pak of the map, who started 1971 and 1965 and siachin conflict ?

who supports anti pak terrorists ?
who funds BLA ?

Who has never wanted any piece with pak just build war hysteria and not moved an inch on kashmir postions

Pak forge per salaam , they have resisted indian aggression for 60 years

the so called bengali riots where are funded by raw, the bengalis just got exploited, which is why the bengali army killed that incompetent leader mujib or what ever his name was

If india loves helping poor people, then why dont u 'liberate tibet' oh wait, china a country your size kicked ur hindu piss drinking *** in war
India on the first place and Taliban on second because its India's support that taliban have gotten so much powerfull,what power did Pakistani talibans had before the TTP was formed and who is funding and arming these Pakistani Talibans? India certainly.
The taliban have became anti Pakistan in recent years because WOT which is fully exploited by India by making a strong covert network in afghanistan and threatning Pakistan from two fronts.Therefore if indian threat is contained the talibans can be eliminated easily.
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