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who is the real threat for pak-taliban or india

Context of the message wsa lost somewhere.

There is no denying :
1. Loads of mistrust exist between both countries. At grass root level and at diplomatic level.
2. You cant generalize other country or its people just by what your media potray's. Or by what you have experienced.
3. We have our share of VHP's, Bajrang Dal's, etc. You have your share of Taliban.
4. Both the countries , after 50 years of freedom, are considered "Developing" countries where majority of people live under poverty. Its a shame for me when godhra occured, When missionaries were burned. Its a shame for you to be called "Epicenter of Terrorism".

Of course what i said above is for posters from both countries. Kindly stop propagating hate. Best way forward if not peace is to work for the non privileged in one's country.
Indian should have to be contained, it should know what is wron and what is right nd act accordingily, but alas India has fainled miserably to act as a civilized nation for the passt 60 years, it has payed all sorts of dirty gamed by allowing like of Modi nd Bal Thackeray to act as they do.

On the other hand Taliban were never promised anything except to rid of communists when Prussians were in Afghanistan, the problem started when West left Afghanistan without stabilizing it and giving it A democratic govt. Russia was gone and their job was done.

Civil war started and consumed the whole Afghanistan and that is when Taliban which consist of Pashtun on both sides of the border stated with the blessing of west.

Now this border was cratered artificially by British when they fought Afghan kings and at one point created a durand line which was to be withdrawn in 99 years.

Rest I will write it for you after your response and wait to see what you have to say.

Why are ousted out by west now?
How come once freedom fighters now became terrorists?
Pak simply do what west says and creates mess this west policy in this region.
Pak is apparatus of west to pursue its devils dance in this region
This obvious with what happened to afghan in these 30 years.
It is there shorted term interests with created this mess in this region.

Modi and Bal are political party heads and they are elected by people.
They will be punished if people feel they had done wrong.
Every one know who failed and who is "international migraine ".
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Why are ousted out by west now?
How come once freedom fighters now became terrorists?
Pak simply do what west says and creates mess this west policy in this region.
Pak is apparatus of west to pursue its devils dance in this region
This obvious with what happened to afghan in these 30 years.
It is there shorted term interests with created this mess in this region.

Modi and Bal are political party heads and they are elected by people.
They will be punished if people feel they had done wrong.
Every one know who failed and who is "international migraine ".

Pakistan is threatened by Us representative as per the book written by Gen. Musharraf, as to if it did not act ads told than it will be bombed to dark ages, what are these leaders to do, on the other hand west reward India with nuclear deals and with military equipment that is most sophisticated, even Israel supplies to Indian, why u ask, in my opinion India is subservient to west, does not object about atrocities in Palestine and in exchange wants to have its atrocities overlooked in kashmir.

What as so called secular country should be doing is standing up for the people who are being oppressed and victimized in Chechnya, Bosnia, in Palestine and in Kashmir, instead it stops amnesty international from entering kashmir and hides its acts that may be considered by amnesty international as atrocious

now u talk about modi and bal Thackeray again u try to white wash it by saying that if they are elected by people so that is what it is. Those who support these characters are also terrorists and should be treated as such.

What u should be saying that they are totally wrong and Indian govt should declare them as terrorist as that is what they promote and work towards.

So my friend if I may call you that than you have to act like one, in friendship one is looking for other and even gives life for the friend.

Now Indian is bent on stopping rivers in Punjab, at the partition in 1947 and before there was no understanding of any such acts and we the Pakistani think that India is being bully again, a friend does not act unilaterally and take over what ever comes in his little mind without discussing in a rational and a mature way.

Pakistanis are not as dumb as u think, they watch world media and makeup their own mind and that is why Religious parties in Pakistan in last elections lost. As u r aware that people party won.

what is happening in Afghanistan is not Pakistan's problem, it is world's problem as it is world who wanted Afghans to fight Russians.Pakistan is not Apertures of west Pakistan is being told or else be bombed to stone age, ( read Musharraf's book) In this case India could stand by Pakistan as its neighbor, but no India had to pamper to the west as well for it to not to talk about kashmir. We have our Armed forces fighting these trouble makers and Pakistan hopes that India will stand by Pakistan and not support trouble makers, but some of the miscreants who are being killed or captured are being planted by RAW as it has been noted by Pakistan.

Very cleverly, you are trying to put blame on Pakistan and are not acting truthfully there fore u sir are same as other who do not want to see the truth and continue to blame Pakistan.
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How about them being the largest defense trade partners of each other? Or maybe the RAW-Mossad coordination?

previously Indian had been playing a double face card by being the best friend of Arabs and at the same time in bed with Israel.

They have been exposed and let us expose them more as to what India really is all about.
In 20 years India is prob going to be more powerful then China,,,China will not last long half capitalist and half communist,, its just a matter of time till the stress takes its toll....and while India has its problems they will solve them slowly but surely..while our country Pakistan or at least parts of it is slipping further and further back in to the dark ages. Kashmir in the end would be better off being part of India the Pakistan.
Pakistan is threatened by Us representative as per the book written by Gen. Musharraf, as to if it did not act ads told than it will be bombed to dark ages, what are these leaders to do, on the other hand west reward India with nuclear deals and with military equipment that is most sophisticated, even Israel supplies to Indian, why u ask, in my opinion India is subservient to west, does not object about atrocities in Palestine and in exchange wants to have its atrocities overlooked in kashmir.

What as so called secular country should be doing is standing up for the people who are being oppressed and victimized in Chechnya, Bosnia, in Palestine and in Kashmir, instead it stops amnesty international from entering kashmir and hides its acts that may be considered by amnesty international as atrocious

now u talk about modi and bal Thackeray again u try to white wash it by saying that if they are elected by people so that is what it is. Those who support these characters are also terrorists and should be treated as such.

What u should be saying that they are totally wrong and Indian govt should declare them as terrorist as that is what they promote and work towards.

So my friend if I may call you that than you have to act like one, in friendship one is looking for other and even gives life for the friend.

Now Indian is bent on stopping rivers in Punjab, at the partition in 1947 and before there was no understanding of any such acts and we the Pakistani think that India is being bully again, a friend does not act unilaterally and take over what ever comes in his little mind without discussing in a rational and a mature way.

Pakistanis are not as dumb as u think, they watch world media and makeup their own mind and that is why Religious parties in Pakistan in last elections lost. As u r aware that people party won.

what is happening in Afghanistan is not Pakistan's problem, it is world's problem as it is world who wanted Afghans to fight Russians.Pakistan is not Apertures of west Pakistan is being told or else be bombed to stone age, ( read Musharraf's book) In this case India could stand by Pakistan as its neighbor, but no India had to pamper to the west as well for it to not to talk about kashmir. We have our Armed forces fighting these trouble makers and Pakistan hopes that India will stand by Pakistan and not support trouble makers, but some of the miscreants who are being killed or captured are being planted by RAW as it has been noted by Pakistan.

Very cleverly, you are trying to put blame on Pakistan and are not acting truthfully there fore u sir are same as other who do not want to see the truth and continue to blame Pakistan.

Your first point is with Kashmir.Evey one knows LeT weeken kishmir issue on world map and Pakistan supports these LeT,
Just Last month when LeT attacked army and army did cross firing they crossed border for save sanctuary in ***.

Second point is wtih modi and bal Thackeray.
Look you can equate them with your religious party but not with terrorists.
I think that will help.

You mentioned mushref book.
Well he may right to support his stand.But end of the day his policies and Zia policies now do u see how it effects these region as whole.

what happening in afghan is world problem correct but first it is going to swallow Pak every one know why?

It is evident from mumble attacks how great terror training infrastructure is in Pak.

Look at how good there are trained can it be done with small and hidden place in remote corner no I think ask any one who knows insurgency operations they will tell you they are trained too professionals and with great infrastructure.

So it is high time to dismantle them rater than pact with these terrorists.
previously Indian had been playing a double face card by being the best friend of Arabs and at the same time in bed with Israel.

They have been exposed and let us expose them more as to what India really is all about.

Arabs know India relations with Israel and its trade in defece cooperation.
They never mind as India has good relation with Arabs.
They are numerous occupation where India PM went to Isreal and them to Iran.
there is nothing to expose.
seems this does not excite u :cheers:
As far as foreign policy is concerned there are no friends and enemies only national interests are concerned .Israel has a lot to offer India in military and
civilian sectors and national interests .Palestine and the rest of ME has nothing to offer so there is no double game as far as it is concerned.

What ever the carnage is happening in Palestine ,India will take a neutral stance
and may be we may shed a tear and donate some aid to gaza strip thats it

Palestinians do not need your crocodile tears.
Arabs know India relations with Israel and its trade in defece cooperation.
They never mind as India has good relation with Arabs.
They are numerous occupation where India PM went to Isreal and them to Iran.
there is nothing to expose.
seems this does not excite u :cheers:

since when Arabs have approved your relations with Israel, they themselves boycott and your "ASSUME" that they do not mind.

very strange Indian always fabricate things and call it the policy of other countries.

And of coarse u have interests and no friends, only interest than why do you come to this forum, just to question us. And who knows some of u may even be a RAW agents, I did not want to say this, since u said there is no friendship khan what is it that brings u here.
Arabs know India relations with Israel and its trade in defece cooperation.
They never mind as India has good relation with Arabs.
They are numerous occupation where India PM went to Isreal and them to Iran.
there is nothing to expose.
seems this does not excite u :cheers:

Because the Iranians do not know your styles, and they foolhardily trust u, and your leaders when they go to Israel they talk a storm to stand by Israel and when they go to Iran they do the same thing.

So buddy in my opinion you talk with a fork tongue.
Your first point is with Kashmir.Evey one knows LeT weeken kishmir issue on world map and Pakistan supports these LeT,
Just Last month when LeT attacked army and army did cross firing they crossed border for save sanctuary in ***.

Second point is wtih modi and bal Thackeray.
Look you can equate them with your religious party but not with terrorists.
I think that will help.

You mentioned mushref book.
Well he may right to support his stand.But end of the day his policies and Zia policies now do u see how it effects these region as whole.

what happening in afghan is world problem correct but first it is going to swallow Pak every one know why?

It is evident from mumble attacks how great terror training infrastructure is in Pak.

Look at how good there are trained can it be done with small and hidden place in remote corner no I think ask any one who knows insurgency operations they will tell you they are trained too professionals and with great infrastructure.

So it is high time to dismantle them rater than pact with these terrorists.

Your terrorists may someone else's freedom fighter, why don't you take your Army out of Kashmir and talk to solve the dispute and be a country with compassion and concern for human rights and a concern for life, but you donot know these things as u have been killing Kashmiris for 60 years.

About Modi why should i not equate them with Terrorists, and why should i help you, I am here to speak the truth and not help an Indian who is not willing to listen to the reasons, rationals, only talks about his style of uncaring, selfish who only has interests and no concern for human dignity and care.

U R clueless, Musharraf policies and zia's policies were geared to help ?Americans to beat Russians and than Northern alliance who in the opinion of American wee communists and if took over Afghanistan it may turn to communism, and that is why Zia and Musharraf did what they did in Afghanistan.

Now u r assuming things, we the Pakistanis are very resilient and will not be easy for u or anyone else to swallow, we will not go down with a good fight and u know what will come in the next fight, we will use all our resources to defend ourselves. As the Great Prime minister of Britain once said "every thing is fair in love and war".

u r clueless again about the training of these attackers, they are motivated by your aggression in kashmir and are willing to die to tell the world that what u are doing to their relatives in kashmir is wrong and as u do not listen to reasons, they than resort to violence, as u do in kashmir. And remember Violence begets violence.we do not suport these freedom fighters

we do not condone them. but in this day and age only thing that will work is for u and other to know to behave like a civilized society and do not kill innocents people, do not oppress and do not rape women and do not hold fake encounters and than and only than there will be peace.

It is not the gun that fights it is the man behind the gun, and if a man's family has been killed he will go to any length to do what ever he or she can within their power to teach those who think that they are above human rights and can steam roll the dignity of their families are animals and must be treated as such.

India will never be more powerful than china, they have continued to change their stance and will continue to do so, but India will bog down with its internal turmoil as it will continue to follow the path as it is doing right now about being double face as u say that their are no friends only interests, sooner than later World will realize this and will know real India. it has already started as many on internet u tube are knowing Indian closely.

U guys are like a pigeon who closes his eyes who he sees a cat coming to get him.

u should read the following and for once say and do the right thing and not for selfish interests. watch and learn and be ready if u continue with your atrocities, u may have another creation of Pakistan in your country. it is a shame what u do to poor dalits, special for u watch the fourth video and learn to respect and not kill others. what a shocking video. It is shameful.

christiancouncil.in - Meeting Condemns atrocities against minorities, violation of Fundamental Rights

Press Release - Tribunal on the Atrocities against Minorities in the Name of Fighting Terrorism - Anhad

SC Judges’ Injustice To Indian Minorities - II | Indian Muslims Blog

And great video massage to all Indins

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Your first point is with Kashmir.Evey one knows LeT weeken kishmir issue on world map and Pakistan supports these LeT,
Just Last month when LeT attacked army and army did cross firing they crossed border for save sanctuary in ***.

Second point is wtih modi and bal Thackeray.
Look you can equate them with your religious party but not with terrorists.
I think that will help.

You mentioned mushref book.
Well he may right to support his stand.But end of the day his policies and Zia policies now do u see how it effects these region as whole.

what happening in afghan is world problem correct but first it is going to swallow Pak every one know why?

It is evident from mumble attacks how great terror training infrastructure is in Pak.

Look at how good there are trained can it be done with small and hidden place in remote corner no I think ask any one who knows insurgency operations they will tell you they are trained too professionals and with great infrastructure.

So it is high time to dismantle them rater than pact with these terrorists.

Your terrorists may someone else's freedom fighter, why don't you take your Army out of Kashmir and talk to solve the dispute and be a country with compassion and concern for human rights and a concern for life, but you donot know these things as u have been killing Kashmiris for 60 years.

About Modi why should i not equate them with Terrorists, and why should i help you, I am here to speak the truth and not help an Indian who is not willing to listen to the reasons, rationals, only talks about his style of uncaring, selfish who only has interests and no concern for human dignity and care.

U R clueless, Musharraf policies and zia's policies were geared to help ?Americans to beat Russians and than Northern alliance who in the opinion of American wee communists and if took over Afghanistan it may turn to communism, and that is why Zia and Musharraf did what they did in Afghanistan.

Now u r assuming things, we the Pakistanis are very resilient and will not be easy for u or anyone else to swallow, we will not go down with a good fight and u know what will come in the next fight, we will use all our resources to defend ourselves. As the Great Prime minister of Britain once said "every thing is fair in love and war".

u r clueless again about the training of these attackers, they are motivated by your aggression in kashmir and are willing to die to tell the world that what u are doing to their relatives in kashmir is wrong and as u do not listen to reasons, they than resort to violence, as u do in kashmir. And remember Violence begets violence.we do not suport these freedom fighters

we do not condone them. but in this day and age only thing that will work is for u and other to know to behave like a civilized society and do not kill innocents people, do not oppress and do not rape women and do not hold fake encounters and than and only than there will be peace.

It is not the gun that fights it is the man behind the gun, and if a man's family has been killed he will go to any length to do what ever he or she can within their power to teach those who think that they are above human rights and can steam roll the dignity of their families are animals and must be treated as such.

India will never be more powerful than china, they have continued to change their stance and will continue to do so, but India will bog down with its internal turmoil as it will continue to follow the path as it is doing right now about being double face as u say that their are no friends only interests, sooner than later World will realize this and will know real India. it has already started as many on internet u tube are knowing Indian closely.

U guys are like a pigeon who closes his eyes who he sees a cat coming to get him.

u should read the following and for once say and do the right thing and not for selfish interests. watch and learn and be ready if u continue with your atrocities, u may have another creation of Pakistan in your country. it is a shame what u do to poor dalits, special for u watch the fourth video and learn to respect and not kill others. what a shocking video. It is shameful.

christiancouncil.in - Meeting Condemns atrocities against minorities, violation of Fundamental Rights

Press Release - Tribunal on the Atrocities against Minorities in the Name of Fighting Terrorism - Anhad

SC Judges’ Injustice To Indian Minorities - II | Indian Muslims Blog

AAnd a great video massage to all Indians

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But the biggest threat facing Pakistan today comes from within,

1) A country should fear less the enemy from without than the enemy from within. For though the 'outsider' attacks from the outside and is clearly seen, the 'insider' rots a country from the inside silently.

Taliban = India

2)The Taliban was a creation of Pakistan wasn't it? As long as Pakistan had Taliban on a leash everything was fine but now that the 'dog'has started biting it's 'master', people are saying "Taliban=India", "Taliban & India are one and the same". Very cute! Can someone explain why a hard-line Muslim group like the Taliban will accept support from a Hindu country like India?! Are you implying that the Taliban have now converted to Hinduism?!!

they are motivated by your aggression in kashmir and are willing to die to tell the world that what u are doing to their relatives in kashmir is wrong and as u do not listen to reasons, they than resort to violence, as u do in kashmir... kill innocents people, do not oppress and do not rape women and do not hold fake encounters

3)I'm a christian in India and there have been innumerable cases of attrocities against our groups as you have pointed out. But I'm still here in India and so are the rest of the minority groups against whom attrocities have been commited - Dalits, Sikhs, Muslims... WHY?! Because this country is still livable since it has the systems in place (however unjust & inefficient they may be) to support diverse groups of people. At the time of partition the explaination given for the creation of Pakistan was that it was a country specifically meant for Muslims. Muslims in India were given the option of going to Pakistan, can you tell me how many actually went? Can you tell me why the Muslims that chose to stay behind, did so? Why are the Muslims still here inspite of all the injustice they suffer here?

bog down with its internal turmoil as it will continue to follow the path as it is doing right now about being double face as u say that their are no friends only interests, sooner than later World will realize this and will know real India. it has already started as many on internet u tube are knowing Indian closely.

4)You folks have been making statements like this against us for the past 60 years. Look around and you'll see which country has been bogging down and which has been moving forward!!
In 20 years India is prob going to be more powerful then China,,,China will not last long half capitalist and half communist,, its just a matter of time till the stress takes its toll....and while India has its problems they will solve them slowly but surely..while our country Pakistan or at least parts of it is slipping further and further back in to the dark ages. Kashmir in the end would be better off being part of India the Pakistan.

I don't know if India will beat china in 20 years - forecasts say 2050 which seems long way away...I guess a lot will depend on who emerges strong after this economic crisis.

But nevertheless, there is at least one Pakistani who understands that parts of Pakistan are slipping further & further & is going back in time.
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