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Who is Ahmadinijad ?

☪☪☪☪;967553 said:
and he is not trying to say Pakistanis are Persian - Pakistan is a diverse country with different people (Sindhis, Balochis , Punjabs , Pashtuns, Haazra).Persian people are just like any other people of earth - so being a person is not a incentive.OTOH, He is just saying that Iran and Pakistan had cultural links Iran has balochis and Pakistan too has balochis etc.People are being too polite to you but it does not mean you abuse this hospitality, moron.

Baluchis are a tiny minority in Iran and if they are your basis for trying to say that Pakistani and Iranian people are similar than i hate to break it to you but Baluchis are not representative of Iranians and they have a very different culture, physical appearences and way of living from the rest of Iran. The history of Baluchestan is one where we had conquered them centuries ago. That is the only reason why there are Baluchis in Iran. Aside from that, they are a different culture and ethnicity and few people in the rest of Iran ever see a Baluchi and even less ever go and visit the southeast.
ای ایران;967527 said:
Wow, an estimated 1.3 million "Persians speakers with Persian lineage" living in a country of over 180 million people. Thats like saying English people have "links" with Pakistan and Pakistani culture because there are an estimated 1 million or so "South Asian immigrants with South Asian lineage" living in the UK.

Yes because Pakistani immigrants here dont resemble anything even remotely similar to Iranians in their cultural traits, mannerisms or anything else.

Dude seriously. Im not sure what you're trying to "prove" but it isnt convincing me. I mean what are you trying to tell me? That you're Persian? :rofl: Get real.

---------- Post added at 05:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:25 PM ----------

Nobody in Iran wears burkhas full-stop. Another difference between us, and you.

Wow, logical really is lost on some people!

You know there is a special place for people who have "Ghamand"... Don't worry, i was trying to be logical and polite, you have proved once again why Iran will remain a pariah...

Shame... And i thought we could have sensible discourse, now why don't you run along and prove your "cultural" supremacy to someone who cares...
My fellow Pakistanis, why on earth you want to associate yourselves with the Persians even to the minimum extend ? Pakistan hosted two of the oldest civilization in the world Harappa and Mohenjodaro. This happens when we forget our Indus root and try to associate with much inferior foreigners like the Arabs and the Persians. The Persians are racial supremacists who consider them to be better than any race in the world.
Wow, logical really is lost on some people!

You know there is a special place for people who have "Ghamand"... Don't worry, i was trying to be logical and polite, you have proved once again why Iran will remain a pariah...

Shame... And i thought we could have sensible discourse, now what don't you run along and prove your "cultural" supremacy to someone who cares...

Dont talk to me about logic when you cant even show that you have any. And sure, we can have a sensible discussion only if you have something sensible to say. But if you tell me something like Iranians and Pakistanis are similar and have similar culture based on some wikipedia estimate of less than 1% people living in your country who claim to speak Persian then of course, i am not going to take you seriously. Its not about "supremacy" its about something called reality? Try and embrace it, please.

Same goes for the guys here that think they know more about Ahamdinejad than Iranians. You need a reality check on that, fast.
This happens when we forget our Indus root and try to associate with much inferior foreigners like the Arabs and the Persians. The Persians are racial supremacists who consider them to be better than any race in the world.

Please dont try to project this schizophrenic psychology of yours onto Iranians. It is incredible that you cant even show some consistency from one sentence to the next. Did you even think before you just wrote that? Great way to contradict yourself in less than 15 words from 'inferior' to 'supremacists'. lol
My fellow Pakistanis, why on earth you want to associate yourselves with the Persians even to the minimum extend ? Pakistan hosted two of the oldest civilization in the world Harappa and Mohenjodaro. This happens when we forget our Indus root and try to associate with much inferior foreigners like the Arabs and the Persians. The Persians are racial supremacists who consider them to be better than any race in the world.

No body was associating with anybody, i was merely trying to make the poor chap feel welcome and exhibit that we have historical and cultural ties, which we do.. Denying that would be like the English denying their Nordic ancestry.

Anyway, i think my words fell on deaf ears and i really don't care for the "Holier then Thou" comments coming from this Iranian poster. S/he has highlighted all that is wrong with this region.
The Marchant of Hatred Mahmoud is put out of hate business tactfully by the Israelis with the help of Erdogan of Turkey. Now , Erdogan is more popular among the customers of Mahmoud. What will he do now to counter his competitor from Turkey ?
ای ایران;967609 said:
Its not about "supremacy" its about something called reality? Try and embrace it, please.

Perhaps you should practice what you aim to preach.. How is that for a good start, till then... c(_) my care cup is empty for you.
The Marchant of Hatred Mahmoud is put out of hate business tactfully by the Israelis with the help of Erdogan of Turkey. Now , Erdogan is more popular among the customers of Mahmoud. What will he do now to counter his competitor from Turkey ?

What will he do? What can he do appart from spout the usual feeble socio-religious, zealot statements about victimisation and united front. Bah!
Denying that would be like the English denying their Nordic ancestry.

Um, they dont have "Nordic" ancestry. They have Celtic or Anglo-Saxon ancestry. See what i mean? I cant take you seriously. But ok, try visit some other countries and you'll get to understand different races a lot better and see for yourself how similar or different other cultures are from eachother and from your own. Thats my final polite advice to you.
ای ایران;967644 said:
Um, they dont have "Nordic" ancestry. They have Celtic or Anglo-Saxon ancestry. See what i mean? I cant take you seriously. But ok, try visit some other countries and you'll get to understand different races a lot better and see for yourself how similar or different other cultures are from eachother and from your own. Thats my final polite advice to you.

Read this Scandinavian migration to the United Kingdom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Marchant of Hatred Mahmoud is put out of hate business tactfully by the Israelis with the help of Erdogan of Turkey. Now , Erdogan is more popular among the customers of Mahmoud. What will he do now to counter his competitor from Turkey ?

Erdogan is one of the reasons why Turkey and Iran have had some of the best relations the two countries have had since the revolution in Iran. He is hradly viewed as a "competitor" by Ahmadinejad. The two countries still have their differences but Turkey and Iran actually now share a broader vision for much of the Middle East. And that is largely because of these two Presidents. Erdogan in particular.
ای ایران;967568 said:
Baluchis are a tiny minority in Iran and if they are your basis for trying to say that Pakistani and Iranian people are similar than i hate to break it to you but Baluchis are not representative of Iranians and they have a very different culture, physical appearences and way of living from the rest of Iran. The history of Baluchestan is one where we had conquered them centuries ago. That is the only reason why there are Baluchis in Iran. Aside from that, they are a different culture and ethnicity and few people in the rest of Iran ever see a Baluchi and even less ever go and visit the southeast.
kurds arabs and so many.
kurds? we invaded them as well? turks?
we live together now. there are some groups outside Iran they claim independance so don't play their games ;)
My fellow Pakistanis, why on earth you want to associate yourselves with the Persians even to the minimum extend ? Pakistan hosted two of the oldest civilization in the world Harappa and Mohenjodaro. This happens when we forget our Indus root and try to associate with much inferior foreigners like the Arabs and the Persians. The Persians are racial supremacists who consider them to be better than any race in the world.
We should take a breath and respect each other here

it starts to be non sense words here :(

Nima > stop insulting Pasban. He knows well our country. He is not a fanatic. He accepts existence of reform. He can have his own opinion right? pls respect him.
And sorry to say but he is much more polite than some of you are when you come in Pakistan forum to say they are inferior people.
ای ایران;967644 said:
Um, they dont have "Nordic" ancestry. They have Celtic or Anglo-Saxon ancestry. See what i mean? I cant take you seriously. But ok, try visit some other countries and you'll get to understand different races a lot better and see for yourself how similar or different other cultures are from eachother and from your own. Thats my final polite advice to you.


It's hopeless talking to you about facts.. Here let me educate you:

The period from the earliest recorded raids in the 790s until the Norman Conquest of England in 1066 is commonly known as the Viking Age of Scandinavian history. The Normans, however, were descended from Danish Vikings who were given feudal overlordship of areas in northern France — the Duchy of Normandy — in the 10th century. In that respect, descendants of the Vikings continued to have an influence in northern Europe. Likewise, King Harold Godwinson, the last Anglo-Saxon king of England who was killed during the Norman invasion in 1066, had Danish ancestors. Many of the medieval kings of Norway and Denmark married into English and Scottish royalty and occasionally got involved in dynastic disputes.
kurds arabs and so many.
kurds? we invaded them as well? turks?
we live together now. there are some groups outside Iran they claim independance so don't play their games ;)

Arabs living in Iran are the descendants of invaders and migrants. Some of them as recently as the 1970s (from Iraq). Kurds are as Iranian as Persians are and some of the Turkic Iranians are also descendants of invaders/migrants but most (as in Azeris) are Iranians who's language had drifted from Persian, Kurdish and whatever else to speaking Azeri Turkish after the Seljuks moved into Azerbaijan and set-up their kingdom there.

And sorry to say but he is much more polite than some of you are when you come in Pakistan forum to say they are inferior people.

Nobody said that. If they feel that themselves, thats not my or your problem. But dont put words in anyone else's mouth because none of the Iranians or others on this topic said that.
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