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Who is Ahmadinijad ?

ای ایران;963675 said:
Ahamdinejad styles himself as a populist and his rhetoric is popular outside of Iran among many in Arab countries. But inside Iran Ahamdinejad has quite a different reputation and image. Inside Iran, he is neither a genuine populist nor is he popular. In Iran, his actions defy his populist rhetoric. Rather, he belongs to the newly emerged 'elite' that he has himself helped to cultivate and his policies have been typical of bourgeoisie-capitalist types. Of which only the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps and their affiliates have genuinely benefited from. His distribution of cash and potatoes to the poor in the country-side has been ridiculed in Iran by all factions across the political spectrum and this free distribution of cash and potatoes to a select few in the country-side sums up the level of Ahamdinejad's vision and seriousness, or lack of.
How can he be elitist and a Robin Hood at the same time?
Is he not the President with the most number of visits to cities and communities across Iran?

In international forums, Ahmadinejad often says the right things from the perspective of many in the developing World. But its empty rhetoric. There is no follow-through, and neither does the regime in Iran intend to follow-through on his rhetoric. A closer look at Iranian foreign policy reveals what should surprise no one at all; Iran’s regime prioritizes only what it deems to be in Iran’s interests.
Every rational regime or state prioritize their interests. And Iran is One from Many rational players.
That said, Iran is a wonderful example of self sufficiency and independence in the world. Egypt and India have lost the spirit of NAM (No-East and No-West) as they have become part of the Western colonialists. Iran has stayed true to their ideals. It is the Only country in the region with a true independent foreign policy. It is the only Oil rich country in the region that are self sufficient. The list goes on and on and on. The independence from neo-colonialism that he preaches, is clearly demonstrated by the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic. That is what is so wonderful about the Islamic Republic in general and Ahmadinejad in particular.
The gullible people who made this video clearly are not Iranian and have no idea about life inside Iran under Ahmadinejad. However, Iranians would be more than willing to gift Ahamdinejad to the Arabs so that they can experience his 'humbleness' for themselves.

That seems to be the views of the very small minority that make up the so called green movement. Definitely not the majority.
... and I find myself in complete disagreement with you. Iranians are a welcoming and hospitable people. The same is said of Arabs, yet some are indeed quiet mean and selfish-- Not all eggs in a basket are the same. Stereotypes are inherently false and you ought to know that.

I have been to most of the middle eastern countries. Iran, Iranian people, and Iranian culture definitely stand out and stand high. Indeed they are hospitable, polite, and Very cultured people.
What else amazed me was the level of hygiene. One cant eat or drink anything from kiosks or little cafes or stores without fear of getting ill.
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