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It's hopeless talking to you about facts.. Here let me educate you:

Dont try to save face. You said that the English were of Nordic ancestry, which they're not. And none of the above "proves" your earlier misconception. So why dont you just go away and educate yourself before trying to "educate" me with your incorrectness? Thanks.
ای ایران;967692 said:
Dont try to save face. You said that the English were of Nordic ancestry, which they're not. And none of the above "proves" your earlier misconception. So why dont you just go away and educate yourself before trying to "educate" me with your incorrectness? Thanks.

Mate like i said you are special... And not in the good sense. If you want to be Facetious it's in-correctness and to return to your stament of saving face:

ENGLAND: Nordic blood flows thoroughly thick in England, which was hit by not one - but three major and unrelated infusions of Scandinavian settlers over a 600-year period. Each period of invasion destroyed the existing power and social structures and either totally replaced or substantially altered resident genes and tongues.

The first wave of Scandinavian immigrants to England came in the 5th Century when Angles (heavily Nordic), Jutes (Danes) and Saxons seized the whole country and simply pushed out the native Celts (the Britons). The new language of England was now a hybrid Germanic one known as Anglo-Saxon.

300 years later, in 793, history's official "Viking Period" began with a Danish raid on the English coast. During subsequent countless major and minor Viking invasions over the next 250 years, almost all of England fell to the Danes. Viking soldiers liked England and chose to stay. The good word got back to Denmark and hordes of plain folk joined their Viking brothers for a new life in bountiful England, too. Not only were the Danes in control of England but half of the country (the north and the east) became largely Scandinavian in stock, speech and culture. The English language absorbed over 600 everyday words from the Danes: "law", "window", "egg", "knife", "die", "husband", "leg", "sister", "happy", "ugly", "skin" and so on. Countless common "English" names (such as "Eric" and "Tyrone"), surnames (such as those ending in "son" and "by") and place names (e.g. "York" and those ending in "by", "wick" and "dale") are actually of Norse origin. Not a few Danes today fondly claim that England's Danish blood is responsible for England's legendary history of adventure and conquest.

The third and most famous Scandinavian blood transfusion into England was the Norman Conquest. In 1066 Vikings from Normandy turned England upside down. By sword and with iron rule, William the Conqueror subjugated the people of England, many of whom were his own distant Nordic relatives. He imposed his acquired French language and culture upon them. There were half-serious jokes that English was French's northernmost dialect. Normans flocked to England to live a life of aristocracy. But Vikings had a habit of absorbing languages and cultures like a sponge. A hundred years later, a chronicler wrote of England that "the two nations have become so mixed that it is scarcely possible today.to tell who is English and who is of Norman race."

The impact of Scandinavians on the English language itself is both gigantic and easy to document. The impact of Scandinavians on the English gene pool is unquestionably large as well but long a subject of torrid debate when it comes down to estimates of percent. Trying to judge just by looks is tough, too, because all Northern Europeans share a number of physical characteristics. But it can be of little doubt that if the same amount of invaders and settlers in England had come from sub-Saharan Africa instead of Scandinavia, those of us of substantial English descent would easily qualify as "black" under current U.S. government standards.

The Real Vikings: The real Vikings are the English and the Norwegian Americans

Now please either stomach that you were wrong or just stop making a fool of yourself.

Now please either stomach that you were wrong or just stop making a fool of yourself.

Like i said, stop trying to save face. What some dude writes on his website doesnt prove anything and i think its really sad that you actually spent time to search the internet for that in some vain effort to "prove" someone else over the internet wrong, which you've still failed to do.

Look, if you really care to argue this then just go browse any human Y-DNA ancestry site and take a look at the pie charts and other data on Y-DNA.

I'll make it easy for you.


Now, please. Just go away and get a life? Thanks once more.
ای ایران;967746 said:
Like i said, stop trying to save face. What some dude writes on his website doesnt prove anything and i think its really sad that you actually spent time to search the internet for that in some vain effort to "prove" someone else over the internet wrong, which you've still failed to do.

Look, if you really care to argue this then just go browse any human Y-DNA ancestry site and take a look at the pie charts and other data on Y-DNA.

I'll make it easy for you.


Now, please. Just go away and get a life? Thanks once more.


That map is from a blog whilst the sources i have given have academic context, you are just another sad little person who feel's they are the crucible of all knowledge.

I have already corrected you on your grammar and your knowledge of Norse history in England. Now if you cannot understand or accept history i would suggest you please refrain from uttering nonsense and posting worthless maps.

Come back to me when you have a source that disproves the evidence done by hundreds of genealogist... Till Then...
ای ایران;967767 said:

Firstly, Reported for using vulgar language, for someone living in the UK of all places your manners are found wanting. If you cannot hold a conversation without resorting to abuse, you are not worth anyone’s time.

Regarding the map source: Not Good enough, it does not disprove the centuries of inter-racial breeding and trade, conflict, settlement and language influence. You aim to disprove history with what a map?

Here is a link from Exeter University (England):
Vikings and Money in England

King Alfred defeats the Vikings but allows them to settle in Eastern England Source: History of Britain - timeline and facts

BBC - History: Vikings

History of THE VIKINGS
ahmeddenajab did the right thing to dispurse protesters look at canada we had g 20 g 8 ,,,, they started to fire upon us during a peaceful demostration???? we all where shocked but at the end we managed to burn 8 police cars :D.... my point is the liberal wing of iran needs to quit down now and if the dont like iran right now go to USA beacuse you diying over it to belike iran ... the sha is gone come back it AHMEDEENAJAD
Firstly, Reported for using vulgar language, for someone living in the UK of all places your manners are found wanting. If you cannot hold a conversation without resorting to abuse, you are not worth anyone’s time.

Regarding the map source: Not Good enough, it does not disprove the centuries of inter-racial breeding and trade, conflict, settlement and language influence. You aim to disprove history with what a map?

Here is a link from Exeter University (England):
Vikings and Money in England

King Alfred defeats the Vikings but allows them to settle in Eastern England Source: History of Britain - timeline and facts

BBC - History: Vikings

History of THE VIKINGS

Wow, again... So some Vikings migrated to Britain and that miraculously made all English people of Nordic descent evn tho Y-DNA studies, like that which was expressed on that pie chart, show otherwise? :rofl:

Dont waste my time anymore with this. The English as a whole are not of Nordic descent. End of.
ahmeddenajab did the right thing to dispurse protesters look at canada we had g 20 g 8 ,,,, they started to fire upon us during a peaceful demostration???? we all where shocked but at the end we managed to burn 8 police cars :D.... my point is the liberal wing of iran needs to quit down now and if the dont like iran right now go to USA beacuse you diying over it to belike iran ... the sha is gone come back it AHMEDEENAJAD

1/ you don't know how to write ahmadinejad lol
2/ g20 g8 they torture and kill people?
what a comparison!
3/ liberal? if you would know a little bit about Iran:
- communists are not happy there
- difference between poor and rich is very much
they are people who can buy once a year meat! i know some of them in esfahan country
- who is liberal?
- when business are owned by "mafia style" companies: is it the perfect exemple against being liberal?

Go to USA? why always speaking about USA...
is it the center of the world for you or what???
ای ایران;967804 said:
Wow, again... So some Vikings migrated to Britain and that miraculously made all English people of Nordic descent evn tho Y-DNA studies, like that which was expressed on that pie chart, show otherwise? :rofl:

Dont waste my time anymore with this. The English as a whole are not of Nordic descent. End of.

You are very coy, but I have been around the block a few times to know when someone is pulling a fast one. First you deny the English had any Nordic ancestry, and then when i present the facts and hard evidence, you try to say:

Wow, again... So some Vikings migrated to Britain and that miraculously made all English people of Nordic descent.
Firstly please can you quote where I have claimed "ALL" English have Nordic ancestry?

These are not statements made up by me but are in the national curriculum, I have posted sources with evidence from the BBC, Exeter University, the education sector.

Also if one were to agree to your original argument, then would be like saying certain South African’s don't have Dutch ancestry from the bores? Or that certain Indian's don't have Portuguese ancestry?

Instead of disproving anything you just pull random nonsense out of thin air... I’m sorry but last time I checked you were not listed on the faculty of Harvard or Oxbridge...

So by saying
don’t waste my time anymore with this. The English as a whole are not of Nordic descent. End of

Do you intend to disengage, but then you accept that there are English with "Nordic" ancestry.

Well then, you see hurling abuse and spouting vulgarities do not win the debate, no matter how strong your conviction. At the end of the day it is the facts that determine the victor...

Good Day.
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It was ridiculous for this "Ey Iran" to counter history with genetic mappings. In contrast , we never use our complicated military mappings to counter many of the arguments in this forum even though those mappings could turn out to be more logical. This person has a very deep hatred towards Pakistanis which is very unusual among ordinary Iranians. His attitude is also inconsistent which the thousands of Iranian I have personally come across .
I disagree Old School - Iranians are very selfish mean people.They hate pretty much everyone except themselves.You'd just have to look at their forums for example Iran Defence forums etc.
It was ridiculous for this "Ey Iran" to counter history with genetic mappings. In contrast , we never use our complicated military mappings to counter many of the arguments in this forum even though those mappings could turn out to be more logical. This person has a very deep hatred towards Pakistanis which is very unusual among ordinary Iranians. His attitude is also inconsistent which the thousands of Iranian I have personally come across .

Totally, well i know from the behaviour s/he has a hidden agenda in their approach to the people on the forum, this is not his/her first post where i have caught him/her out.

What is even more hilarious is the adolescent personal attacks on one's intellectual competence and global exposure, i actually just wanted to make him/her feel welcome by showing that Pakistan has cultural and historic ties with Iran (which it does).

But this guy just went off on a tandem. Such a shame, regardless i know enough about Iran and Iranians to know people like this chap are in the minority.
☪☪☪☪;967955 said:
I disagree Old School - Iranians are very selfish mean people.They hate pretty much everyone except themselves.You'd just have to look at their forums for example Iran Defence forums etc.

Then , they have to pay the price which they will certainly pay very soon. I am appalled to see someone coming into Pakistani defence forum showing contempt to Pakistan. Pakistan was not a gift from the sky. We made boundless sacrifices to create this country in the faces of our enemies' agony.
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☪☪☪☪;967955 said:
I disagree Old School - Iranians are very selfish mean people.They hate pretty much everyone except themselves.You'd just have to look at their forums for example Iran Defence forums etc.

Well you know what they say about pride:

“Pride makes us artificial and humility makes us real”
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