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Who is Ahmadinijad ?

At least one thing good about this guy is that due to him his country has not to spend millions and billions on the life style as leaders go through, the lavish lunches / dinners, clothes, presidential palaces expenditures and God knows what not.

Our Presidential setup incurs around 500Mln in expenses, nearly same figure for PM setup. 1Bln expenditure on these two setups.

PM setup expenditure can be justified, as he is the man running the gov, but President is doing what that he is getting a 500Mln budget for his whole setup.

Whatever Ahmednijad has to say about world politics, but i admire him due to his this one quality, he isn't atleast a liability on his people and enjoying life on tax payers money.
He is at best nationalist
He might be good for Iran

He cannot be good for Iran when he is forcing the world to put high sanctions on Iran ,funding the budget on nuclear program to develop a nuclear weapon and ballistic missiles and cutting budget of real economic projects which make the country to lessen it's need of oil export. Chinese 3rd level products have spread in the market in cheaper price when Iranian products have much more quality. Making the domestic producers to bankrupt. Just to make China happy with Iran for it's political support. No, I don't think so. He isn't a nationalist.

leader of umma
He is a puppet of Khamenei. He is just obeying his words. How can he be the leader of umma?
90% so called protesters in india/Pakistan/iran/afghanistan and more are either students/unemployed, thugs out there for fun what we call in our language "tamashgir" rest 5% are the real protesters.

Rubbish. Maybe that is true for Pakistan, but not for Iran. You have no way of knowing who constitutes 5% of Iranian protestors, let alone 90%. And dont try to compare Pakistan with Iran. We are two very different peoples, with two very different cultures, belonging to two very different countries. They are not comparable to eachother.
Ey Iran, I would leave it if I were you.
Look who you're debating with! A bunch of radical Pakistanis and Pasban (nocheye regime akhoondy).
I used to care about **** like this but I don't anymore. The regime is collapsing so why bother?? In a decade we will be back in a free Iran while these Pakistanis are still wrestling with the stupid taliban!!

I mean how uneducated do you have to be to base all your views on a you tube video??

True. Altho id say retarded rather than radical. I mean, you can be radical, but still have some kind of logical and rational point of view. But most of the people here have shown that they dont even have that.
ای ایران;967207 said:
Rubbish. Maybe that is true for Pakistan, but not for Iran. You have no way of knowing who constitutes 5% of Iranian protestors, let alone 90%. And dont try to compare Pakistan with Iran. We are two very different peoples, with two very different cultures, belonging to two very different countries. They are not comparable to eachother.

Hale Shobam Chitori...

Why would you say something like that? Friend we share a lot with Iranian culture, for start we have farsiban in Pakistan starting from the North and ending in Baluchistan.

We have the Niazi tribes who Im sure you know are Persian in origin and many still speak Persian tongue, many farsiban use names from the ShahNama Firdausi, names like Asfandeyar, Hikmatyar etc...

Many have families in Iran, especially in Esfahan... I know of five people who have families in Iran and return ever year for pilgrimage during ashura.

So to say we share no common bond is a complete fallacy.


On a serious note Ahmedinjiad is a nutcrack- He is going to bring down his own country down just for his and Khomeini ego.He does not give a **** about common Iranians.He is a good guy for Iran's enemies though because he will keep Iran undeveloped.
Hale Shobam Chitori...

Why would you say something like that? Friend we share a lot with Iranian culture, for start we have farsiban in Pakistan starting from the North and ending in Baluchistan.

We have the Niazi tribes who Im sure you know are Persian in origin and many still speak Persian tongue, many farsiban use names from the ShahNama Firdausi, names like Asfandeyar, Hikmatyar etc...

Many have families in Iran, especially in Esfahan... I know of five people who have families in Iran and return ever year for pilgrimage during ashura.

So to say we share no common bond is a complete fallacy.


Good try but you're looking for 'hale shoma chetori'

Well there are loads of Pakistanis living in the UK and from what i have seen of them there are no cultural or other similarities between Iranians and Pakistanis. I know that during the Moghal empire the Persian culture of those times was brought to India to some extent and that is how South Asians came to be a little familiar with Persian literature and music etc but your actual Indian/Pakistani cultures are very different in my view.
ای ایران;967234 said:

Good try but you're looking for 'hale shoma chetori'

Well there are loads of Pakistanis living in the UK and from what i have seen of them there are no cultural or other similarities between Iranians and Pakistanis. I know that during the Moghal empire the Persian culture of those times was brought to India to some extent and that is how South Asians came to be a little familiar with Persian literature and music etc but your actual Indian/Pakistani cultures are very different in my view.

*facepalm*... So you are judging our links with Iran based on Pakistanis you have met in the UK... :confused:

Good try but you're looking for 'hale shoma chetori'

I was trying to be polite but nevermind.

know that during the Moghal empire the Persian culture of those times was brought to India to some extent and that is how South Asians came to be a little familiar with Persian literature and music etc but your actual Indian/Pakistani cultures are very different in my view.

Then you don't know history. Firstly go and do some research:
There are an estimated 1,377,000 persian speakers in Pakistan with persian linage: Persian people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We have persian farsibans since the 8th Century and the mogual invasion of India was in 13th Century, just to prove a point:

The tribes of the Dera Ismail Khan district and the surrounding areas belong almost exclusively to the lineage of Sheikh Baitan, third son of Qais Abdur Rashid. His descendents are known as Bitanni. In the early part of the 8th century, when Baitan was living in his original home on the western slopes of the Ghor mountains, prince Shah Husain of Persia, a descendant of the Ghori kings, flying before the Arab invaders took refuge with him, and married his daughter Bibi Matto. From him are descended the Matti section of the nation, which embraces the Ghilzai, Lodhi, and Sherwani pathans.

I hate it when people don't have a clue and just post nonsense. So according to your claims the farsiban living in Pakistan have no link to Iran... :lol:

Here is a map showing Farsiban Pashtun populations across Pak/Afghanistan and Iran:

Well if you want to deny the facts the by all means to do so, but please don't say that our only link with persia is the mogul invasion... :lol:
Hale Shobam Chitori...

Why would you say something like that? Friend we share a lot with Iranian culture, for start we have farsiban in Pakistan starting from the North and ending in Baluchistan.

We have the Niazi tribes who Im sure you know are Persian in origin and many still speak Persian tongue, many farsiban use names from the ShahNama Firdausi, names like Asfandeyar, Hikmatyar etc...

Many have families in Iran, especially in Esfahan... I know of five people who have families in Iran and return ever year for pilgrimage during ashura.

So to say we share no common bond is a complete fallacy.

May be he meant in Pakistan we dont have a culture of wearing jeans and skirts under burqas ;)
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There are an estimated 1,377,000 persian speakers in Pakistan with persian linage: Persian people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wow, an estimated 1.3 million "Persians speakers with Persian lineage" living in a country of over 180 million people. Thats like saying English people have "links" with Pakistan and Pakistani culture because there are an estimated 1 million or so "South Asian immigrants with South Asian lineage" living in the UK.

So you are judging our links with Iran based on Pakistanis you have met in the UK...

Yes because Pakistani immigrants here dont resemble anything even remotely similar to Iranians in their cultural traits, mannerisms or anything else.

Dude seriously. Im not sure what you're trying to "prove" but it isnt convincing me. I mean what are you trying to tell me? That you're Persian? :rofl: Get real.

---------- Post added at 05:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:25 PM ----------

May be he meant in Pakistan we dont have a culture of wearing jeans and skirts under burqas ;)

Nobody in Iran wears burkhas full-stop. Another difference between us, and you.
*facepalm*... So you are judging our links with Iran based on Pakistanis you have met in the UK... :confused:

I was trying to be polite but nevermind.

The tribes of the Dera Ismail Khan district and the surrounding areas belong almost exclusively to the lineage of Sheikh Baitan, third son of Qais Abdur Rashid. His descendents are known as Bitanni. In the early part of the 8th century, when Baitan was living in his original home on the western slopes of the Ghor mountains, prince Shah Husain of Persia, a descendant of the Ghori kings, flying before the Arab invaders took refuge with him, and married his daughter Bibi Matto. From him are descended the Matti section of the nation, which embraces the Ghilzai, Lodhi, and Sherwani pathans.

Well if you want to deny the facts the by all means to do so, but please don't say that our only link with persia is the mogul invasion... :lol:

Just a small correction, bibi matto the grandaughter of hasrat qais abdur rasheed and marriage with shah hussain is doubted by afghan historians. To be a pathan one must have both mother and father of pathan origin acording to pukhtunwali, Lodhis are batani pushtuns they are not from the offspring of bibi matto. By sherwani i think you mean shirani, they have three sub tribes of babar, miani and marani they are desecndants of sarban the elder son of hasrat qais abdur rashid. I have lodhi relatives hence i know they are not from bibi mattos linage plus the books on ansab say otherwise.

The confusion may have started from the fact there is a tribe called marwat which is named after marwat who was the great grandson of Ibrahim Lodhi/ or lodhi as his name is given as the second son of prince shah hussain and bibi matto, but i dont think its the same lodhi who is the ancestor of the lodhi tribe. The matti section of the gilzai who are descendants of shiekh baitan are more correctly desecndants of bibi matto and shah hussain, and not lodhi as they are pure pathans.
and he is not trying to say Pakistanis are Persian - Pakistan is a diverse country with different people (Sindhis, Balochis , Punjabs , Pashtuns, Haazra).Persian people are just like any other people of earth - so being a person is not a incentive.OTOH, He is just saying that Iran and Pakistan had cultural links Iran has balochis and Pakistan too has balochis etc.People are being too polite to you but it does not mean you abuse this hospitality, moron and your commet re burqa is as good as Ahmedjinbad statement that there are no gays in Iran.
☪☪☪☪;967538 said:
I guess these are aliens.

Those are chadors, not burkhas. Nobody in Iran wears burkhas. Besides, chadors have nothing to do with Iranian culture. Women had been forced to wear them by law after the revolution. During the mid 1990s the enforcement of wearing chadors was relaxed to an extent and other types of garment for women were permitted.

Before the revolution, these things were not common.
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