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Who is Ahmadinijad ?


He was elected by the supreme leader, not the people.
We went to turkey last summer. Most of Turks thought he is a hero who is resisting Israel. But none of them ever lived in Iran. He is ruining everything. Everything that has remained of my country.
But at all, he's just a puppet of mullahs and can be thrown way just like others. That's their way. My mother was in the same university in the same time with his education time. She tells us that he was "uneducated". But was supported by a powerful political mullah. So he could finish his education.
Also he is a liar. He lies a lot and we are getting tired of it. You must listen to his speeches in Farsi. As we do to understand what he is saying. Did you listen to his speeches two days ago? I did and I found a foolish speech.
After all, you are not here to understand the corruption of the government. You must live in Iran to understand that.
Leave it, they won't understand you.
Just as you like to post videos from YouTube to claim thousands of Muslims 'suffering at the hands West'and you then decide to take up the world policing responsibilities, it would simply take you 5 minutes to scan through YouTube for actual videos being shot during the demonstrations in which Iranian people were fired upon.

Don't try to be Iranian when you are not.

About poking my nose, the whole point of me joining this forum is to see what the world is from your (Pakistani, Indian, Asian) perspective. So thank you for demanding a clarification on that.

your commentary though relevant does not answer my question.

He was elected by the supreme leader, not the people.
We went to turkey last summer. Most of Turks thought he is a hero who is resisting Israel. But none of them ever lived in Iran. He is ruining everything. Everything that has remained of my country.
But at all, he's just a puppet of mullahs and can be thrown way just like others. That's their way. My mother was in the same university in the same time with his education time. She tells us that he was "uneducated". But was supported by a powerful political mullah. So he could finish his education.
Also he is a liar. He lies a lot and we are getting tired of it. You must listen to his speeches in Farsi. As we do to understand what he is saying. Did you listen to his speeches two days ago? I did and I found a foolish speech.
After all, you are not here to understand the corruption of the government. You must live in Iran to understand that.

Everyone has a different view about everything and political likes and dislikes are a right to everyone.

Ahmadinijad was elected by Iranian people through electoral process-Imam cannot grant someone with Presidential post.

Try posting some materials if you have any.

Iranian Elections 2009

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Leave it, they won't understand you.

why ??

Are we blind , ignorant folks with no Education , Experience or brains or understanding?

When you say "They wont understand you" means that "You do understand what we dont" -- you must be a god gifted one .

Everyone has a different view about everything and political likes and dislikes are a right to everyone.

Ahmadinijad was elected by Iranian people through electoral process-Imam cannot grant someone with Presidential post.

Try posting some materials if you have any.

Please dont pretend to know what you're talking about when it comes to Iran. You're not Iranian and have no idea what life is like in Iran, either before or after Ahmadinejad's Presidency. That is amply clear from this topic you started. If you like Ahmadinejad thats your business, but dont spread lies about Iranian people and act as if you know anything about the Presidential election in Iran last year. You're kidding no one but yourself by doing so.
ای ایران;963675 said:
Ahamdinejad styles himself as a populist and his rhetoric is popular outside of Iran among many in Arab countries. But inside Iran Ahamdinejad has quite a different reputation and image. Inside Iran, he is neither a genuine populist nor is he popular. In Iran, his actions defy his populist rhetoric. Rather, he belongs to the newly emerged 'elite' that he has himself helped to cultivate and his policies have been typical of bourgeoisie-capitalist types. Of which only the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps and their affiliates have genuinely benefited from. His distribution of cash and potatoes to the poor in the country-side has been ridiculed in Iran by all factions across the political spectrum and this free distribution of cash and potatoes to a select few in the country-side sums up the level of Ahamdinejad's vision and seriousness, or lack of.

In international forums, Ahmadinejad often says the right things from the perspective of many in the developing World. But its empty rhetoric. There is no follow-through, and neither does the regime in Iran intend to follow-through on his rhetoric. A closer look at Iranian foreign policy reveals what should surprise no one at all; Iran’s regime prioritizes only what it deems to be in Iran’s interests.

The gullible people who made this video clearly are not Iranian and have no idea about life inside Iran under Ahmadinejad. However, Iranians would be more than willing to gift Ahamdinejad to the Arabs so that they can experience his 'humbleness' for themselves.


He was elected by the supreme leader, not the people.
We went to turkey last summer. Most of Turks thought he is a hero who is resisting Israel. But none of them ever lived in Iran. He is ruining everything. Everything that has remained of my country.
But at all, he's just a puppet of mullahs and can be thrown way just like others. That's their way. My mother was in the same university in the same time with his education time. She tells us that he was "uneducated". But was supported by a powerful political mullah. So he could finish his education.
Also he is a liar. He lies a lot and we are getting tired of it. You must listen to his speeches in Farsi. As we do to understand what he is saying. Did you listen to his speeches two days ago? I did and I found a foolish speech.
After all, you are not here to understand the corruption of the government. You must live in Iran to understand that.

be careful or they will call you jews lol

These Pakistanis remind me of my own father. My dad is a communist (tudehi) and obviously he's a soviet *** kisser. He always glorifies the Soviet Union and tries to brush off their crimes as "western propaganda"!!!! When I tell him to go and talk to ordinary ppl who lived under the soviets he makes bs statements like these Pakistanis.
Yeah we live outside of Iran but WHY DO YOU THINK WE ARE LIVING OUTSIDE?! More than 5 mill Iranians are now out of the country! That's 5 out of 75 million! We're not running away from hunger or war but for the same reason East Germans used to run away. Iran is a police state under the control of a couple of million thugs. The revolutionary guards, which Ahmadinejad is himself part of, controls the entire wealth of the country.
Everyone has a different view about everything and political likes and dislikes are a right to everyone.

Ahmadinijad was elected by Iranian people through electoral process-Imam cannot grant someone with Presidential post.

Try posting some materials if you have any.

Iranian Elections 2009

you are a fool to the nth degree. I can't believe how stupid you pakistanis are to believe the bull **** of a fascist theocratic state. Sometimes I'm surprised that you guys aren't in the same state as Afghanistan.
you are a fool to the nth degree. I can't believe how stupid you pakistanis are to believe the bull **** of a fascist theocratic state. Sometimes I'm surprised that you guys aren't in the same state as Afghanistan.

I know what you mean. I found this website randomly through Google and only joined because i was genuinely surprised at how many topics on Iran and stuff were being discussed here. But the thing that i noticed the most was how ignorant and clueless Pakistanis seems to be about not just Iran but the wider World around them. So many weird myths, conspiracy theories and just plain fallacies can be found here that it even makes Iranian state media look rational in comparison! I dont really understand either why Pakistanis here are fascinated with talking about Iran and stuff when they dont know anything about the country or Iranian people. The presumptions they make are interesting to read tho. But i am still trying to figure out why they make them.
If this is a attempt to justify and show Ahmadinijad as a good man since he is anti Israel it isn't working. I would believe the "U.S. propaganda" when it comes to him and the Iranians posting here. Because you know...it is their country.

Lets see where this whole nuclear game will take Iran.
If this is a attempt to justify and show Ahmadinijad as a good man since he is anti Israel it isn't working. I would believe the "U.S. propaganda" when it comes to him and the Iranians posting here. Because you know...it is their country.

Lets see where this whole nuclear game will take Iran.

The U.S doesnt really need to discredit Ahmadinejad through propaganda since he does a good job of discrediting himself, the Islamic Republic and Iran as whole too. In fact, the entire parliament in Iran now has been pretty much purged of any independence it had been able to achieve under the present regime and is now only a forum for fanatics and corrupt people to argue among themselves in pointless exercises since at the end of the day, anything they decide can be simply overruled by the handful of mullah's on the Guardians Council or by Ayatollah Khamenei himself. The Islamic Republic is one of the most complex systems in the World. Something that is way over the head of non-Iranians and even most Iranians themselves. So like the pointless debates in the Iranian majles, debating this topic on a Pakistani website is pointless too.

I agree with an earlier poster, let them think whatever they want. It doesnt matter because they have no say in any of this or what goes on in Iran.

regards all
your commentary though relevant does not answer my question.
I have respect for your opinion and your being Pakistan patriot

But pls really understand that Ahmadinejad is not an hero a popular person or a religious leader n Iran

I will enter inside religious matter but if anyonebelieves in 12th imam coming back he would be a fake one before him

We need our country to be a great country and all our ennemies (even i try to not believe we have some) would be happy to see someone like Ahmadinejad be president

when someone say a 9 yo girl invented a new way to enrich uranium
when he says that a kid teached him a lot of politics
when he says Iran would provide the experience of Total in a week
when he says we should think about if shoah exists
this guy is sick stupid
and he is destroying our country

when you torture and kill innocents in the streets
when you lie and make the economy problems be a hell for our citizens
then you are not a good muslim at all

if for you he is a good muslim and a good leader
then you are totally wrong and i wish that you change your mind

and it is nothing to do with us or western or any country.. China is mych taking too much power in the economy. usa is not there at all. we don't like some behavs of them we don't like their war easy ways.
we are not americans. BUT NOT ALL ANTI AMERICAN people are good people.
Wish you could understand this

About proofs i already did a job and when some people who organize the elections say it is fair to cheat if it is for helping the right person for Islam ("their islam" version) , when we could see the clean papers signed that it couldn't enter a bulletin in the box without being folded
why ??

Are we blind , ignorant folks with no Education , Experience or brains or understanding?

When you say "They wont understand you" means that "You do understand what we dont" -- you must be a god gifted one .

Certainly not. I never denied your sensibility or ability to comprehend to any of my comments. The simple reason why I said it is because you (read here as some members of a similar perspective) seem not to listen to Iranian members who are actually living or have lived in their country and talk as if you are more Iranian than they are.

You being an Elite Member should be aware that a perspective cannot be made judging by two entirely different issues. I am familiar why most members here are infatuated with Mr. Ahmedinejad and that is his rhetoric against Israel. That is entirely different from the way he treats his people. One is entirely internal while other is a foreign policy. I have been to post-Revolution Iran as a very young child and don't know much about how it was; but my mother and several others who escaped at the right time know about it very well.

For once, pay heed to what Iranians have to say about this before launching yourself into a verbal assault.

You're not the only one here capable of using un-pleasant words here so I kindly suggest you to have some decency in your future conversations. This is an international forum.
You claim atrocities against Muslims all over the world but refuse to see your own leaders doing the same against your population.
This itself proves that you are simply anti-West whether it is the non-interfering Europe or the nosy Americans.

I asked you something reply to that don't go off the road stay on course, otherwise I will come more precise and that'll leave you with embarrassment.

Yes, The whole Palestine is a prison camp the world's largest prison camp, you simply paved your way through did not reply to me to that specific inquiry, don't compare it to Iran is far far better and you will never be able to provide extreme concrete evidences of the claim you are making running around from pillar to post.
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