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Who has the strongest air force in ME ?

Who has the strongest air force in ME ?

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Israel for now.

In next 20 years however, things are looking promising for Turkey though.

I won't be surprised if Turkish Air Power comes out to be the most dominating in the region in 2035 and onwards.

116 F-35s, indigenous TF-X program, naval ships carrying F-35Bs, and indigenous systems, avionics, and weapon systems.

And oh, a country of almost 80 million!!

It would be hard for Israel to keep up with Turks.

Turkey will be far, far more powerful than the Jewish entity in 20 years when you discount nuclear weapons.
It's amazing how such a small country- Israel - is so powerful.
Not really. Jews in general are quite smart/intelligent/shrewd individuals/people. Reason they hold so much power/are so wealthy all over the world in countries they settled in. So size doesn't really matter, since if size was a criteria for power then a small isolated European island like my country would have never ruled the whole world in the first place/much less spread our influence/language to the four corners of the globe.

SO size is secondary or even less, if not India and China would be ruling the world since the beginning of times to this day. The U.S/West/Russia/Japan would never have stood a chance at all. lool

Note that Israel is by far the most advanced country in the middle east. It exports its defence products to many large powers. Israel also exports/transfer many tech to even India, in fact Israel is India 2-3rd largest arm/military supplier. Which middle eastern country can ever export weapons to even India they cant even produce for themselves other than relying on western/Russian/Chinese weapons?lool Israel is the world leading drone tech producer and the largest exporter(yes ahead of even the mighty U.S). Even the Chinese are now investing heavily in Israel start up companies to gain tech from them and expand production. companies to gain some. Also . The percentage of isareli engaged in scientific and technological inquiry, and the amount spent on R&Din relation to GDP, is the 2nd highest in the world. Israel is also one of world leaders in many fields like agriculture, computer sciences, elctronics, genetics, health care, optics, solar energy and various fields of engineering etc. And mind you Israel even shares/provides its tech sometimes to the U.S. :agree: Just like google's founder put it i quote: “Israel has the most important high-tech center in the world after the US.
Give credit to the Jewish state when due.

India diplomat: We want to embrace Israeli tech | The Times of Israel
Israel Ready to Share Aviation Security Technology with India -The New Indian Express
Russia’s Israeli UAV Deals: Quid Pro Quo?
Israel ‘Ready and Willing’ to Share Technology With India | The Diplomat
Israeli company lends surveillance technology to US defense and security - Business & Innovation - Jerusalem Post
Why Israel dominates global drone exports - Quartz
With Homegrown Technology, Israel Becomes Leading Arms Exporter : Parallels : NPR
Why Are Israeli Startups Leading The Tech World? | Popular Science
How Israel turned itself into a high-tech hub - BBC News
Israel leads world in water recycling | Conservative Friends of Israel | CFoI | CFI United Kingdom
Science and technology in Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
China’s Interest in Israeli Startups Reaches All-time High | Aurora Carlson | The Blogs | The Times of Israel
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Israel has the most powerful and advanced air force in the middle east without a doubt .
IDFAF way ahead of the rest. Soon to induct the F35 Adir
the Israel's seems to be the most experienced,the most modern seems to be the Saudi's.
Hard to choose :what:
your thoughts ?
Number of Saudi Typhoons is not big and all Israeli planes are heavily upgraded. Plus Israel has large UAV fleet.

it is Turkish AirForce if killing innocent people expirenced does not count..
6 full scale wars vs. superior enemy.
over 600 shot down warplanes
deep strike operations (Iraqi reactor, PLO headquarters in Tunisia, Syrian reactor...)
SEAD operations
Israel (based on training/ Tech and experience)
Saudi (good stuff in their kit)

UAE/Eygpt & Turkey at roughly same level.
and Turkey ain't ME.. its in Europe buddy!!!

Well no doubts about Israel really here. As for Turkey, well they put it on the list in the forum. Technically Turkey might be powerful but they seem to be pretty cowardly the way they are so worried about fighting both IS and PKK at the same time
Saudis have Typhoon. Much better than F-16 and F-15.
Wrong. How many enemy planes did the F-16s and F-15s have shot down!??! Jeeeez!!! The F-16 and the F-15 is the world's benchmark for fighter jets. Anybody who says no is either a fool of just plain stupid. Why do you think Israel, Saudi, Turkey, Japan, Pakistan, Singapore, and more than a dozen if not MORE more use our jets!??! As if they don't have any choice! Our jets are freaking expensive!!! They could have spend their money in buying a bunch of COPIES and CLONES for every one of our jets but no! These countries buy US Made.

Even Pakistan who have the Thunder which no matter what their media is saying a "Superjet" or something like it is still buying F-16s. Why is that!??!


Any Pakistani, Saudi and Israeli members care to explain!??!
@500 , @Armstrong , @Syed.Ali.Haider , @Nihonjin1051
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Israel all the way USA has always ensured that Israel maintains technological superiority over its neighbors. On the other hand the experience Israel has is something that cannot be matched by any of the other airforces. Saudi Air Force is good they have the weapons Eurofighter, F-15 and Tornados pack up a good punch but they are limited to what is provided to them unlike Israel and Turkey who not only get a platform but work on it to make it more lethal.

Turkey is the only airforce that has the potential to go head to head with the Israelis as they have the technology and the training and soon it would be only Turkey and Israel who will have 5th gen aircraft in the region. But at the end Israel will take the lead here as well just because of their experience (their airforce is one of the most battle hardened) and keeping in mind what they have achieved in the past.
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