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Who gave British the right to grant the land of Palestine to Jews?

There is no country called Jordan in whole Islamic history, because it always remained the part of caliphate. British created it as their will after dividing Ottoman Empire and named it after the river Jordon or Yardan. I read somewhere that Kings of Saudi Arabia and Jordon belong to same family.

I dont know where you get the idea but Jordan was never the original name- It was Urdan- later renamed to Jordan-
You can call it Yardan according to your Dialect- The original name in native language in Arabic is اَلأُرْدُن, Urdun-

Jordanians are the true heirs of two Holy mosques- Makkah and Madinah- They are the direct descendant of original tribe of Hijaz- Banu Hashim- "al-Hashemiyya"-

---------- Post added at 11:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:59 AM ----------

" The earliest documented use of the word "Arab" to refer to a people appears in the Monolith Inscription, an Akkadian language record of the 9th century BC Assyrian Conquest of Syria.[16] Listed among the booty captured by the army of king Shalmaneser III in the Battle of Qarqar are 1000 camels of "Gi-in-di-bu'u the ar-ba-a-a" or "[the man] Gindibu belonging to the ʕarab" (ar-ba-a-a being an adjectival nisba of the noun ʕarab "

If the above statement is correct... then Qur'an must be wrong

and why so?-
I dont know where you get the idea but Jordan was never the original name- It was Urdan- later renamed to Jordan-
You can call it Yardan according to your Dialect- The original name in native language in Arabic is اَلأُرْدُن, Urdun-

Jordanians are the true heirs of two Holy mosques- Makkah and Madinah- They are the direct descendant of original tribe of Hijaz- Banu Hashim- "al-Hashemiyya"-

---------- Post added at 11:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:59 AM ----------

and why so?-

What is got to do with the subject of this thread?
There is no proof. Only your so called holy book as proof. Recent documented history says that you people came from Europe and Russia mostly and settled in Palestine because Nazis discriminated against you. Then you settled in a Middle Eastern Arabic Muslim majority country called Palestine and changed the country's name and made it to a Zionist state, and you kicked the locals out and made settlement camps for them. You people speak German, Russian and are Caucasians..not Middle Eastern.

atleast he have that book as proof...
what do u have to support ur theory???
just calling a place in muslim names is aint enough to prove ur theory....
the main thing i have learnt from pdf is pakistanis have been taught fancifull and hatefull history....
Just to disclaim your argument that the Jews do not have any historic connection to the holy land and they are invaders. If you agree about what is written in the Bible and that Islam adopted the Bible, then you have no option but to retract from your previous statement.

Quran did not adopted anything- its the final release in the series of Holy releases-
According to Islam-
All the four books were decended from heaven and are the words of ALLAH given to various prophets mentioned below

Holy Quran is the complete and final version 4.
and still is in its original form-

Quran Mentioned Bani Israel many times- I never denied the Bani Israeli connection with the holy land- and my first post in this thread also indicated that-
Quran did not adopted anything- its the final release in the series of Holy releases-
According to Islam-
All the four books were decended from heaven and are the words of ALLAH given to various prophets mentioned below

Holy Quran is the complete and final version 4.
and still is in its original form-

Quran Mentioned Bani Israel many times- I never denied the Bani Israeli connection with the holy land- and my first post in this thread also indicated that-

Even better.

Then, we can all agree about the strong historic linkage between the Jewish people and the holly land and that they have a legitimate right to establish their only independent state in their historic homeland.

And this thread can be closed.
Even better.

Then, we can all agree about the strong historic linkage between the Jewish people and the holly land and that they have a legitimate right to establish their only independent state in their historic homeland.

And this thread can be closed.

Hehe clever!!!

The question still remains-
Let me be more specific- " Who gave the British the right to give the land disputed between two parties to one of the conflicting party- "

It should have been only between Muslims or Jews to decide to whom the land belongs to- Let it be decided the traditional way :butcher:-
I dont know where you get the idea but Jordan was never the original name- It was Urdan- later renamed to Jordan-
You can call it Yardan according to your Dialect- The original name in native language in Arabic is اَلأُرْدُن, Urdun-

Jordanians are the true heirs of two Holy mosques- Makkah and Madinah- They are the direct descendant of original tribe of Hijaz- Banu Hashim- "al-Hashemiyya"-

---------- Post added at 11:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:59 AM ----------

and why so?-

Anyway I think Arab people are trying to mutilate history. Jews were enslaved by Persians and Egyptians but every time they came back to their land of Israel. Even Prophet Moses led them to Israel and they had settled life there till Romans came. They built two temples there.

Also there is something called Dead Sea Scrolls. Also in Islamic Scriptures there is mention of "western Wall" when narrating Isra & Mi'raj.
Hehe clever!!!

The question still remains-
Let me be more specific- " Who gave the British the right to give the land disputed between two parties to one of the conflicting party- "

It should have been only between Muslims or Jews to decide to whom the land belongs too-

If that is your argument, then you ignore the historic context. In this days Empires ruled most of the World and the area which in now known as Palestine was conquered in WWI by the British. the Arabs were not really organised after more than 500 years under the rule of the Ottoman Empire.

After WWI there was no Palestinian national movement which only began when the locals realised that there will not be part of Syria. Furthermore, most of the land was empty with only 700,000 people in the entire country, about 15% were Jews. Today there are more residents just in Jerusalem.

As a result, the decision on the establishment of a Jewish nation state was received in a completely different historic context with no other organised side which claimed that the holy land is its country too. The British intentions for Jewish homeland in Palestine were reaffirmed by the international community through the League of Nations. The Palestinian did not have a separate national identity and were considered as Arabs which received more than 98% of the Middle East. No one thought it is injustice to let the Jews to establish thier only state in the remaining 2%.
It was never your land. We Muslims always made the majority in our land. We didnt come from a different continent like the Israelis did. Our ethnic origin are Punjabi, Pashtun, Sindhi, Baloch, Kashmiri. You are probably from somewhere in south india, so you have no right over our land. We are not Europeans or Russians like most Israeli Jewish people are.

It was never your land,you are just immigrants from Central Asia.You are probably somewhere from Kazhakstan.You have no right over that land,you are an immigrant,thats it.
Didn't you know the oldest maxim of humanity: Might makes right.

(PS. Check out the spread of Islam in the 7th and 8th centuries for a proof of this maxim.)

why 7th and 8 th....it has been so throughout history....btw return the question with the same question...who gave the british the right to give pakistan ?
It was never your land,you are just immigrants from Central Asia.You are probably somewhere from Kazhakstan.You have no right over that land,you are an immigrant,thats it.

Correct-a-mundo :tup:

It would be insane for the people of what is now modern day Pakistan to call themselves native to the soil. They have time and again been raided by foreign peoples such as the Turks, Persians, Uzbeks etc, which are the results of those foreign peoples. Sad but true
Jews are ruling Israel for more than 2,000 years even before Islam came into existence. Only for certain time it was captured by other kingdom. British gave because it was their land. :coffee:
why 7th and 8 th....it has been so throughout history....btw return the question with the same question...who gave the british the right to give pakistan ?

It was the stupid nehru ...
Btw are u a tamil??/
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