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Who gave British the right to grant the land of Palestine to Jews?

There is no proof. Only your so called holy book as proof. Recent documented history says that you people came from Europe and Russia mostly and settled in Palestine because Nazis discriminated against you. Then you settled in a Middle Eastern Arabic Muslim majority country called Palestine and changed the country's name and made it to a Zionist state, and you kicked the locals out and made settlement camps for them. You people speak German, Russian and are Caucasians..not Middle Eastern.

Please don't distort history because you hate Israel. Whatever Israelis are doing, it is 100% true that Jews are native inhabitants of Israel and they were driven out of their home by Romans and Arabs and they faced lots of humiliations . It was colonized by Arabs when they conquered it. There was no term like Jordanian, Palestinian etc. before the fall of Ottoman Empire as all were Arabs.

But you can discuss, "can Jews claim their land after 1000 years??" Any way, there is only possibility of two states formula in the future as all of non-Islamic states have already recognized Israel as a country.
:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall: This is like the zakeer naik talk show.......... just a word play......... So what about Bethlehem, Hebron, Jericho and Damascus???


Bait means house in arabic-
Lehem mean meat-

So generally it means house of food- or meat-
Yup its Arabic-

Jerico- in hebrew its "yariho"
Hebron- its original name was "Kiriath-arba"- Kiriath means City- and Arba in arabic mean four- So "City of Four"- Yup its originally Arabic-

Damascus- In arabic it is called as "Dimašq" or "Damishq"- it is called damascus for ease of tongue-

Like "Urdan" is called as Jordan in English-

A city mentioned in Bible or Torah- Doesn't make it Christian or Jewish-
You have to do better than this-

---------- Post added at 11:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:27 AM ----------

Oiiii where did Muslims live before 600AD.............. booooooooooooooooooooo you know no history.............. :hitwall::hitwall:

According to our Muslim belief- The first man on Earth "Adam" was the first prophet of Allah and a Muslim-
Being in srilanka just if you dont know- Jesus- Moses- are Islamic prophets aswell-

Bait means house in arabic-
Lehem mean meat-

So generally it means house of food- or meat-
Yup its Arabic-

Jerico- in hebrew its "yariho"
Hebron- its original name was "Kiriath-arba"- Kiriath means City- and Arba in arabic mean four- So "City of Four"- Yup its originally Arabic-

Damascus- In arabic it is called as "Dimašq" or "Damishq"- it is called damascus for ease of tongue-

Like "Urdan" is called as Jordan in English-

A city mentioned in Bible or Torah- Doesn't make it Christian or Jewish-

Sorry to disappoint you but all these cities are mentioned in their original names in the Bible, in Hebrew.

Arabic and Hebrew are very close languages, but that hardly means that these cities originally were named by the Arabs.
Biblical Hebrew called it- Yerushalaim- now that really sounded like a jewish name-
Jerusalem as an arabic sounding name- even name "salem" is a common arabic name-

For your info- Two of the Arab hijaker on 911- their name were Salem al Hazmi- and Salem Al Hazni
Were they Jew?-:azn:-

History tells us this city or area always have been conquered by Muslims or Jews- This is their time- Our time will come- we will get it back-

There is a city named Ramallah there. Shall I claim it as Hindu place because it has word "Ram" in it. :cheesy: Anyway Muslims call Jerusalem as Al Qud and not Yerushalaim.
Sorry to disappoint you but all these cities are mentioned in their original names in the Bible, in Hebrew.

Didn't i say that before-- mentioning of these cities in Bible or Hebrew doesn't mean they are Christian or Jewish cities-

Arabic and Hebrew are very close languages, but that hardly means that these cities originally were named by the Arabs.

Exactly- that doesn't mean these cities were named by Jews either-
Urdan is called Jordan??? :rofl::rofl::rofl: Man........... Jordan derives from a word called Transjordan it's a Brit name........... go to wiki and find out.......... Also according to Mr. JonAsad Jews are blood relatives of Palestinians hence there need not to be any fighting and I knw Islam better than you.... so shut up!!!!!!!!!!
There is a city named Ramallah there. Shall I claim it as Hindu place because it has word "Ram" in it. :cheesy: Anyway Muslims call Jerusalem as Al Qud and not Yerushalaim.

I can call alot of Muslim sounding cities of india as Pakistani aswell- So lets not try to be smart-

We call it Al- Qudas Al- sharif- meaning "The Holy Sanctuary"- Its a given name in honor and respect of the city- This does not mean it is the original name we call it-
Didn't i say that before-- mentioning of these cities in Bible or Hebrew doesn't mean they are Christian or Jewish cities-

Exactly- that doesn't mean these cities were named by Jews either-

Your line of argument will get you no where.

These cities are mentioned in the Bible, in Hebrew, and explicitly it says that most of them (not Damascus) were Jewish cities.

Why argue with documented facts?

Anyway, in ancient times of the Bible Arabs are not mentioned and they probably formed much later from the tribes who lived in this region, so Arabic was not existed in the historic period mentioned in the Bible.
Urdan is called Jordan??? :rofl::rofl::rofl: Man........... Jordan derives from a word called Transjordan it's a Brit name........... go to wiki and find out.......... Also according to Mr. JonAsad Jews are blood relatives of Palestinians hence there need not to be any fighting and I knw Islam better than you.... so shut up!!!!!!!!!!

Go beyond wiki and british history- you dim wit- wiki is for dummies- British renamed it as "Jordan" because this name was easy on their twisted english tongue- Damn i am arguing with a kid-

so shut up!!!!!!!!!!

i have a better one for you- shut the fcuk up !!!
Go beyond wiki and british history- you dim wit- British renamed it as "Jordan" because this name was easy on their twisted english tongue- Damn i am arguing with a kid-

The name Jordan is simply after the name of the river (the Jordan river) which is also mentioned in the Bible, in Hebrew.
Ok i might be wrong but it didn't say that the Jews can't have a land in ME.... despite the location there were born.........
Go beyond wiki and british history- you dim wit- wiki is for dummies- British renamed it as "Jordan" because this name was easy on their twisted english tongue- Damn i am arguing with a kid-

i have a better one for you- shut the fcuk up !!!

There is no country called Jordan in whole Islamic history, because it always remained the part of caliphate. British created it as their will after dividing Ottoman Empire and named it after the river Jordon or Yardan. I read somewhere that Kings of Saudi Arabia and Jordon belong to same family.
Your line of argument will get you no where.

These cities are mentioned in the Bible, in Hebrew, and explicitly it says that most of them (not Damascus) were Jewish cities.

Why argue with documented facts?

Anyway, in ancient times of the Bible Arabs are not mentioned and they probably formed much later from the tribes who lived in this region, so Arabic was not existed in the historic period mentioned in the Bible.

You are again at it with this "mentioning in bible thingy"- :hitwall:

The earliest documented use of the word "Arab" to refer to a people appears in the Monolith Inscription, an Akkadian language record of the 9th century BC Assyrian Conquest of Syria.[16] Listed among the booty captured by the army of king Shalmaneser III in the Battle of Qarqar are 1000 camels of "Gi-in-di-bu'u the ar-ba-a-a" or "[the man] Gindibu belonging to the ʕarab" (ar-ba-a-a being an adjectival nisba of the noun ʕarab
" The earliest documented use of the word "Arab" to refer to a people appears in the Monolith Inscription, an Akkadian language record of the 9th century BC Assyrian Conquest of Syria.[16] Listed among the booty captured by the army of king Shalmaneser III in the Battle of Qarqar are 1000 camels of "Gi-in-di-bu'u the ar-ba-a-a" or "[the man] Gindibu belonging to the ʕarab" (ar-ba-a-a being an adjectival nisba of the noun ʕarab "

If the above statement is correct... then Qur'an must be wrong
You are again at it with this "mentioning in bible thingy"- :hitwall:

Just to disclaim your argument that the Jews do not have any historic connection to the holy land and they are invaders. If you agree about what is written in the Bible and that Islam adopted the Bible, then you have no option but to retract from your previous statement.
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