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Who gave British the right to grant the land of Palestine to Jews?

Jews are ruling Israel for more than 2,000 years even before Islam came into existence. Only for certain time it was captured by other kingdom. British gave because it was their land. :coffee:

If you look at it, Muslims aren't happy in any country. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of patriotic Muslims in America. However others want separate homelands. Such as the Chechens of Russia, Kashmiris of India, Uighyurs of China, Kurds of Turkey, Bosnians of Serbia, now they want Shariah Law in Europe :lol:

These people need to learn to adapt.

on a side note, i don't understand why people keep saying Islam didn't existed before Judaism.

the first human in the world (HZ.) Adem was a Muslim... even (HZ.) Ibrahim (Abraham in Jewish) was seen as a Muslim and a prophet!

Kurds of Turkey

lol, who are theese idiots. those who wants a kurdistan isn't even Muslims...
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If you look at it, Muslims aren't happy in any country. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of patriotic Muslims in America. However others want separate homelands. Such as the Chechens of Russia, Kashmiris of India, Uighyurs of China, Kurds of Turkey, Bosnians of Serbia, now they want Shariah Law in Europe :lol:

These people need to learn to adapt.

Some very silly arguments on this thread.

Pakistan has always been inhabited by 'sons of the soil'. Aborigines from Australia haven't said 'we used to live in Pakistan 2,000 years ago' and then tried to carve a country out of it.

on a side note, i don't understand why people keep saying Islam didn't existed before Judaism.

the first human in the world (HZ.) Adem was a Muslim... even (HZ.) Ibrahim (Abraham in Jewish) was seen as a Muslim and a prophet!

Sorry Jews and Christians don't buy that fairytale.
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It should have been only between Muslims or Jews to decide to whom the land belongs to- Let it be decided the traditional way :butcher:-

i bte you did not know that the zionists even went to war wit the british forces in former palestine to get their land....ever heard of haganah, irgun..?...groups that did the 'traditional way....and moreover they haave been doing it the traditional way in all the wars...so you no case to complain...
Some very silly arguments on this thread.

Pakistan has always been inhabited by 'sons of the soil'. Aborigines from Australia haven't said 'we used to live in Pakistan 2,000 years ago' and then tried to carve a country out of it.

Really ??? 2,000 years ago. Are you sure ??



95% Muslims in Indian subcontinent ancestors were Hindus, then why to hate ?
Some very silly arguments on this thread.

Pakistan has always been inhabited by 'sons of the soil'. Aborigines from Australia haven't said 'we used to live in Pakistan 2,000 years ago' and then tried to carve a country out of it.

The country "Pakistan" came into existence in 1947. There was no such place before it. Aborigines have been living in Australia for thousands of years, yet they've adapted even with the "white man's" arrival.

on a side note, i don't understand why people keep saying Islam didn't existed before Judaism.

the first human in the world (HZ.) Adem was a Muslim... even (HZ.) Ibrahim (Abraham in Jewish) was seen as a Muslim and a prophet!

lol, who are theese idiots. those who wants a kurdistan isn't even Muslims...

Islam started existing after the prophet and Pakistan started existing after 1947.Thats all.

religiously you can do anything u want and treat anyone as ur first prophet but we are talking social stuff here.

---------- Post added at 05:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:23 PM ----------

Some very silly arguments on this thread.

Pakistan has always been inhabited by 'sons of the soil'. Aborigines from Australia haven't said 'we used to live in Pakistan 2,000 years ago' and then tried to carve a country out of it.

Most of the people in pakistan used to live in indian punjab and Delhi.technically the indian punjabis are the rightful owners of pakistani punjab land wise.
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It was the stupid nehru ...
Btw are u a tamil??/

lets not call him stupid....he did good by doing away with the trouble makers to one separate country...just like the british used to send the trouble makers to australia before.....


---------- Post added at 05:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:25 PM ----------

those parties are seen as terrorist organizations, you know that?

lol funny muslims...when some terrorist of theirs get caught..they say freedom fighters..mujaheddin....but for others...freedom fighters become terrorists....go figure...

btw understandd the context....i was replying to the poster who wanted the issue to be settled the tradtional way...the haganah and irgun just did the tradtional way....everythings fair in love and war...
Really ??? 2,000 years ago. Are you sure ??

(some maps of no relevance)

95% Muslims in Indian subcontinent ancestors were Hindus, then why to hate ?

So? Empires come and go. Just because the Balkans (Yugoslavia, now croatia, bosnia, serbia) were ruled by Turks, it doesn't mean they were all Turks 200 years ago.

The Serbs are still the same sons of the soil that they were 200 years ago and 2000 years ago. It does not change.
you stupid or what... what is the title saying? "stand up comedy"!!!

I was referring to your insane claim that Moses, Abraham and Adam were considered Muslims. No Jew or Christian buys that hogwash

on a side note, i don't understand why people keep saying Islam didn't existed before Judaism.

the first human in the world (HZ.) Adem was a Muslim... even (HZ.) Ibrahim (Abraham in Jewish) was seen as a Muslim and a prophet!

lol, who are theese idiots. those who wants a kurdistan isn't even Muslims...

Hey......... wait a sec............. If Adem or Ibrahim was muslim did he said 'there is no god apart from God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God.' plz give references.... :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

reference How to become Muslim
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