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Who gave British the right to grant the land of Palestine to Jews?

I can call alot of Muslim sounding cities of india as Pakistani aswell- So lets not try to be smart-

We call it Al- Qudas Al- sharif- meaning "The Holy Sanctuary"- Its a given name in honor and respect of the city- This does not mean it is the original name we call it-

When India was partitioned 7 in 8 muslims stayed back in India. We are a country with Muslim Cities. If you start claiming our Cities, be prepared, our country Muslims will claim the whole of Pakistan.
The same British that gave Pakistan it's independence after it was colonized.

The same people who formed the bulk of british forces fighting in WW1,WW2... 9 hundred thousand men were recruited frm modern day Pakistan...


Im sorry for the .... indians thanking this mans post... u people r a disgrace!
oh and another funny thing about israel is that the jews believe that GOD has given them the right to those land, when it fact was the british. thats why you see some jews against the zionist saying israel isnt jewish.
the British empire betrayed the Arabs. Period. The arabs helped the british to defeat the ottoman empire, but they didnt gain anything cuz they then lost palestine to the jews.
Oh and Pakistanis FOUGHT for pakistan.

The Arabs also got freedom from the Turks in the bargain.

i have never called mujahedin a freedom fighter organization, and beside it was UK that said those Israeli parties was terrorist organizations not me!

whatever...just accept the fact they did it the traditional way and move on...

who are you to say my religion started existing afther the Prophet? it even stands in the Quran that Adem was the first Muslim and the first human in the world... get some education/knowledge before talking

think you are our god or something? "started existing..." indians started existing 2 years ago thats all

they dont have to... it all stands in the Quran!

quran may claim anything under the sun bud...but it does not necessarily mean the other 5.5 billion odd people will accept it...just like my claim of manu protecting the world from the great deluge may not stand with you....
It seems Muslims in Pakistan hasn't reached a stage where they question some of the assertions in Quran (or at least interpretations of it). They seem to take it at a blind face value. Sad.
the British empire betrayed the Arabs. Period. The arabs helped the british to defeat the ottoman empire, but they didnt gain anything cuz they then lost palestine to the jews.
Oh and Pakistanis FOUGHT for pakistan.

The Arabs' help to Britain in WWI is negligible and Britain could easily won without their unnecessary involvement. In addition, most of them (except king Abdullah of Trans-Jordan) supported the Nazi regime in WWII, and still they received the entire Middle East with new independent countries.

Like yourself, the Arab societies have the inclination to blame the entire world for their failures, but never think they have some responsibility for their situation.
Im sorry for the .... indians thanking this mans post... u people r a disgrace!

why so....he said a valid point that it was the same british who gave you pakistan gave the jews their israel..if you question the validity of one action you automatically end up questioning the validity of the other....
i have never called mujahedin a freedom fighter organization, and beside it was UK that said those Israeli parties was terrorist organizations not me!

who are you to say my religion started existing afther the Prophet? it even stands in the Quran that Adem was the first Muslim and the first human in the world... get some education/knowledge before talking

think you are our god or something? "started existing..." indians started existing 2 years ago thats all

they dont have to... it all stands in the Quran!

i don't know go ask Allah, i didn't exist at that time neither did the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH)

Then don't say things you don't know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what a troll!
Wen did deccan tried to become a part of pakistan???
Such theories exist in ur media only i guess!!!
The nawab wanted to remain independent , but its people thought otherwise...
They wanted to join india and they welcomed indian troops when they came !!!
And even when indian troops landed in srinagar after the maharaja had signed the INSTRUMENT OF ACCESSION with india the people of kashmir never protested that time!!!
only ur country is protesting it in the form of so called black day every year!!!

Hyderabad was captured militarily.... and abt IOK... better go and learn a few things abt it... after 47... Kashmiri protestors were massacred... and at 1 gathering maharajas dogra forced genocided 2 hundred and fifty thousand people in one go!villages were burnt... looted... women were raped.. refugees started pouring in jhelum n other parts of Pakistan.. And about black day.. its observed in IOK on 15th august!

Want sources?
When India was partitioned 7 in 8 muslims stayed back in India. We are a country with Muslim Cities. If you start claiming our Cities, be prepared, our country Muslims will claim the whole of Pakistan.

We can claim the whole india- hindu- muslim included based on once Mughal Empire-

as i said to him- i say to you- - Lets not try to be smart- :tup:
why so....he said a valid point that it was the same british who gave you pakistan gave the jews their israel..if you question the validity of one action you automatically end up questioning the validity of the other....

Very eloquently put. That was my point all along.
Moses- Abrahams and Adam were prophet of Allah- and were Muslims-
It doesn't matter what christians or jews think-
Tbh- do you believe in this "son of God" hogwash?-

from where have you got this such rubbish claims to make. Moses Abraham Adam all were simple men not prophets.

Abraham had two sons Ismail and Issac. And thats where in history Christian+Jews & Muslims separated. Muslims are Ismail's
descendants, wheras Jews Christians are of Issacs tribe.
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