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Who gave British the right to grant the land of Palestine to Jews?

Then don't say things you don't know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what a troll!

i am a troll for what exactly? you havent even contributed anything to this thread yet you call me troll?

the prophet wasnt born at that time, im not a scholar or imam that knows this. you havent done anything else than trolling on other threads to... talking about hypocrites!

If you believe in Darwin's evolution then there was not Adem and hence a person who does not exist can't be a Muslim.

i dont believe in darwins stupid theories...

whatever...just accept the fact they did it the traditional way and move on...

i dont care, you where the one who said Muslims saw them as terrorists i said it was the Brits and then you just say "whatever move on" if it was Muslims you would go all over the place and bash us...
actually it is not muslims perse who were isaac's descendents...but it was arabs...but now it does not make much difference as most arabs are muslims except for a tiny minority who are christians and jews...

dear friend arabs were Ismails descendants not issacs. Issac lineage belongs to all the jews.And when i say arab i mean all of todays muslims
dear friend arabs were Ismails descendants not issacs. Issac lineage belongs to all the jews.And when i say arab i mean all of todays muslims

so you know everything about world history from that time, and you also know the Quran enough to back your claims?

and every muslim today is actually Arab without knowing it?
Neither does Hyderabad wanted to join bhartis.

Correct. But the people of Hyderabad wanted to. The agenda of the partition was to Split the Pre 1947 India in to two countries.
1. Pakistan
2. India

There was no room for dozens of Independent countries where every tom dick and harry with a tribal council can be a king of an independent state.
from where have you got this such rubbish claims to make. Moses Abraham Adam all were simple men not prophets.

What you think Prophets are? Men with super natural powers?- We dont have prophets on their flying chariots shooting brahmastra all over the place- Moses Abraham and Adam were like ordinary men but were messengers of Allah thus "Prophets"-

Abraham had two sons Ismail and Issac. And thats where in history Christian+Jews & Muslims separated. Muslims are Ismail's
descendants, wheras Jews Christians are of Issacs tribe.

We believe Adam was the First Human- First Prophet and First Muslim on planet earth- We Muslims are descendants of Adam-
@ vinod...lol the maratha strongman sadashiv rau bhau..was staying in delhi and extorting the hapless mughal empire (whose writ at that time ran across only the mughal palace in delhi) showing that the mughals were a spent force....
how would they win if the arabs stayed loyal? in the end the arabs learned a lesson. never to thrust the west who dont keep their promise. palestine today would be a different place without the ARAB REVOLT and the jews would still be in soviet union

The Arabs had no military force and it did not matter who they were loyal to. The British wanted for political reasons to portray their war on the Ottomans as a liberation campaign of the Arabs. But in reality the British defeated the Turks almost by themselves.

The Arab revolt is a myth, and still today the Arabs are independent and has the ME. Of course, although they are almost 70 years after getting independent, the Arabs never took responsibility for their fate and blame the West and Israel for everything wrong in their countries, but never themselves. With or without the Arab activity in WWI Israel would eventually be established.
What you think Prophets are? Men with super natural powers?- We dont have prophets on their flying chariots shooting brahmastra all over the place- Moses Abraham and Adam were like ordinary men but were messengers of Allah thus "Prophets"-

arey baba you still have the moon splitting and those crazy events.....so relax on the brahmastra part.....btw did not musa cross egypt into levant by splitting the red sea..wasnt that a supernatural event...?
What do Pakistani Punjabis, Sindhis or Pushtuns have to do with the Mughals?

They were foreign invaders who had anyway been thoroughly trounced by the Hindus a hundred years before the British came!

The over-all all-lndia causes of partition are well enough known. At the root of it all was history. The Hindus had an acute sense of grievance over the Muslim mayhem in India. But the Muslims on the other hand were dismayed that Islam, which had prevailed everywhere else, had been checkmated in India. In the celebrated words of poet Hali:

Woh deene Hejazi ka bebak beda
Nishan jiska aqsai alam mein pahuncha
Kiye passipar jisne saton samandar
Woh dooba dahane mein Ganga kay aakar.

(The fearless flotilla of Islam, whose flag fluttered over all the world, the ship that crossed the seven seas, came here and sank in the Ganga.)

In the eighteenth century, Hindu society stood up triumphant from Attock to Cuttack and Delhi to Deccan --- having contained the poison of the preceding centuries like a `Nilakantha'. Islam stood tamed --- and Indianized. And then came 1761 and the defeat of the sovereign power of the Mahrattas in the Third Battle of Panipat, which opened the way to British rule in India. It also revived the Wahabis and the Waliullahs, who took Islam back to fundamentalism and greater fanaticism in hopes of an Islamic revival.

Alright- you wana play smart-
Forget Mughals- Deny that they were not Muslims- and we as Muslims cannot claim India-
i dont believe in darwins stupid theories...

Then get educated and come back once you know about Darwin's theory of evolution. The research by man for the last century without doubt proved that evolution is the reason why humans exist and are what they are today. Forget Darwin, what about genetics. Is that stupid too ?
What you think Prophets are? Men with super natural powers?- We dont have prophets on their flying chariots shooting brahmastra all over the place- Moses Abraham and Adam were like ordinary men but were messengers of Allah thus "Prophets"-

We believe Adam was the First Human- First Prophet and First Muslim on planet earth- We Muslims are descendants of Adam-

You Pakistanis take Hindu Scriptures too literally. They are symbolism to explain good from bad. We don't take them literally as you do with Quran.
My freinds(Pakistanies) and AZEEZ HAMVATNO why the thread is going to gutter it was about british , palastien & Isreal how come india come into it???????????

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