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White House has no clear plan for next steps in Syria after missile strike

When Assad has gone and democracy comes to Syria, I wonder which gang of bearded head choppers will win the popular vote? Ahrar-ash sham will probably appeal to the cosmopolitan side of Syria in their policy homosexuals should only be thrown off a cliff instead of slowly burnt to death. Jaysh-al-islam will probably go for the women's vote in calling for only twenty lashes for showing a tiny bit of skin instead of a public crucifixion. Al Nusra will not be happy about this of course. But here's hoping they'll be able to resolve their differences peacefully within the grounds of an inclusive political system.
Here the results of last free elections in Syria in 1961. Before Alawi gangsters turned Syria into a fascist dictatorship:


As u can see, Muslim Brotherhood had only 10 seats out of 172 - less than 6%. Baath thugs on free elections gained only 20 out of 172 - less than 12%. So basically 12% that's real support of Assadists in Syria.
Most rebel groups fighting in Syria are Islamically oriented and off course they have a bigger say on syrian future than any tom dick or harry partying in the london, moscow or washington. If you do NOT know, let me inform you that syria is historically a Muslim land with majority sunni muslims and land of great islamic scholars. Its people naturally would be averse to western moral degeneration.
It sounds like that it will become a great country in the future.
Insha'Allah putin and his kafir forces won't get their way in Syria.

They've gotten there way for the past century and —inshallah— they'll get their way in Syria to bring stability to the region.
Here the results of last free elections in Syria in 1961. Before Alawi gangsters turned Syria into a fascist dictatorship:

So it seems that Syria did have a democracy
because when nearly half the population feels
good enough to vote for people to go represent
their local interests instead of globally vesting
into groups with controlling intents ... or wildly
alternative projects, democracy serves the people.

Gangs of politicians are worst than street gangs.

Just sayin', please go on, Tay.

P.S. White House has no clear plan for next steps in Syria after missile strike
is too long and hides the simple truth : - White House has no clear plan.

Similarly, the first line of the article can be shortened from :

Tensions mount with Russia as Sean Spicer says Aus-russia-relations-syria-
military-strikes-putin-trump pons’ but fails to outline US objectives _
to :
Sean Spicer says ... but fails.
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