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White Guy Tells How China Really is


Jun 16, 2014
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United States
United States

Eye opener for people who has never been to China.

Basic Summary:
-White guy lived in China for 8 years, has a good life, a wife, ect.
-Makes video on youtube showing how China really is (or the way he sees it)
-China looks pretty modern, has advance subways, and luxuries that 1st world enjoys like supermarkets ect.
-Cheap cost of living so even if you make less, you can still live a good life
-People are more friendly and casual, so they don't mind doing "low class stuff" like sitting on street drinking beer and playing chess, or spitting, or talking loudly ect.

Also expresses the view that:
-The issue of lack of democracy and human rights is completely overrated.
-The western world grew up with the view that China is suppose to be some communist hellhole where everyone is miserable, so they accuse him of being paid by Communist Party to tell the "party line".
I think it's absurd that foreigners come to China and say, "Wow it's a normal country! It's not some sort of communist death-camp!"

Well yeah obviously China is just a normal country, why wouldn't it be? The question is WTF made you think it was a communist death-camp in the first place? That's just media propaganda, with a tinge of racist and/or Cold war mentality.

Like the guy said, come to China and see for yourself.

I'm a Hong Konger who regularly travels to the Mainland, and I've been all over the world (including Europe North America East Asia), in no place have I felt like I was in a "golden cage" or a "communist death-camp". That's just a bunch of baloney, and anyone who doesn't believe it is welcome to visit themselves.
Seriously why do oriental always think in terms of whites?
Seriously why do oriental always think in terms of whites?

It has something to do with the effects of European colonialism, I guess. Add to that the 50-year long Cold War wherein it's either with us (Capitalists) or with them (Communists) and combine it with stereotypes and fear-mongering...
I really tried to listen to this guy but gave up. He talks a lot and says nothing.
I'm not going to tell you this...I'm not going to tell you that..
Spit it out man...don't waste my time.
It has something to do with the effects of European colonialism, I guess.

India was colonized yet we never mention white people. South Asia, the Middle East, other regions never think of white people. This inferiority complex is why when they come to the West their women are the most likely to interracially marry.
India was colonized yet we never mention white people. South Asia, the Middle East, other regions never think of white people. This inferiority complex is why when they come to the West their women are the most likely to interracially marry.

Unfortunately, the inferiority complex is a common trait found here in the Philippines, one perfect example is the amount of Whitening products that are prevalent in many shops and stores.

Then there is this US Green Cards...
India was colonized yet we never mention white people. South Asia, the Middle East, other regions never think of white people. This inferiority complex is why when they come to the West their women are the most likely to interracially marry.

You Indians forever think of getting H1B visa, fleeing your own country. Every year, that visa is over subscribe.
Seriously why do oriental always think in terms of whites?

well, it's not so much why think in terms of white, but we been telling you guys for a billion times, so maybe it'll sink in with one of your own.

He's an third party, just like a ref can't come from the same country as the teams playing, it's an somewhat neutral view rather than others are better.

The fact you would say that says more about you than me. Oh and this video I'm posting with a white guy has nothing to do with my "preference" for whites, more you can't understand Chinese.

Seriously why do oriental always think in terms of whites?

stfu. China quotes lots of Indians who say approving things as well, it's just that whites are the number one brainwashed terroristic anti-Chinese scum there are - so when even your enemy admits you're not so bad, what does that mean?
We never think in terms of orientals. All South Asians care about are other South Asians.
Then you think in terms of South Asians vs non South Asians. Stop accusing people of inferiority/superiority complex by how they group people. It is basic human thing to do.

Also the grouping "white people" was done by white people first, other people just followed their lead.
Then you think in terms of South Asians vs non South Asians. Stop accusing people of inferiority/superiority complex by how they group people. It is basic human thing to do.

Also the grouping "white people" was done by white people first, other people just followed their lead.

We think of South Asian groups against other South Asian groups.

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