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Which type of tank is more suitable for Pakistan?

Pakistanis budget constrains your options in all three services. The reality is now Indians will have 8 regiments of heavey armour by 2018. You need a suitable response in the desert. Ie t99 or leopard which indians have coped with arjun tanks or the challenger from UK. I say about 400 will be needed.
This is an If question.

If Pakistan has no MBT2000, and Pakistan could choose from 96A and 99A. Which type of tank is more suitable for Pakistan?

Could you tell me your points of view about this question from the aspects of price,georgaphy,strategy and so on?

This is my first thread. I don't know whether it is right according to this forum's regulation.If it is improper, please delete it.Thanks a lot for the help of the administrator.

I think Type 99 it is good Tank and and not cost much if our economy gets little better we can get that Tank
Bridges on the Indian side are being strengthened to cater for the Arjuns and FMBT (could be close to 70 tons), specilised railway carriages for the Arjuns are already in operational service with the IA in large numbers, orders for Arjun BLTs will be placed shortly.

FMBT was cancelled... its mk-2 ur talking about.... as for strengthening bridges and railway carriages and arjun BLTs... please post a source.
So please inform me what I have heard and also read and also know some facts that your Al Khalid one is not being able to stand simple rocket launchers and we need better tank so why not this one

"Our" Al Khalid wasnt even used in war with ur talicnt brothers... while the AZ took multiple hits frm rpgs and land mines and yet its crew survived...
FMBT was cancelled... its mk-2 ur talking about.... as for strengthening bridges and railway carriages and arjun BLTs... please post a source.

Like I've said time and again- FMBT wasn't cancelled, rather it morphed into the Arjun Mk.3.
Like I've said time and again- FMBT wasn't cancelled, rather it morphed into the Arjun Mk.3.

O paa ji... even mk-2 is still under development... as for FMBT... a reliable source would be helpful... same goes for the specialised railway carriages,strengthening bridges and arjun BLTs!
A better armoured version of Al Khalid weighing nearly 50 tons is best choice for PA I think
A better armoured version of Al Khalid weighing nearly 50 tons is best choice for PA I think

AK-I is already in service ... while AK-II or whatever they name it.. is under development.. and is around 50 tons...
AK-I is already in service ... while AK-II or whatever they name it.. is under development.. and is around 50 tons...

I have heard that side armor of AK-1 is not very strong

Probably the upcoming AK-2 will have better side armor, thicker armor on front and blowout panels
I have heard that side armor of AK-1 is not very strong

Probably the upcoming AK-2 will have better side armor, thicker armor on front and blowout panels

Thts BS.. composite armour of AK was also exported to Turkey... here is a prototype of (AK-I) under development in 2008 :


Al khalid I.....picture from feb 2010


O paa ji... even mk-2 is still under development... as for FMBT... a reliable source would be helpful... same goes for the specialised railway carriages,strengthening bridges and arjun BLTs!

FMBT effectively being the Mk.3 Arjun:

Broadsword: Army proposes to scrap Future Main Battle Tank: instead build successive models of the Arjun

Arjun's RAil wagon (already in service):



Just because the Mk.2 is still under development does that mean the DRDO can't have plans for the future?? Of course not!
Leopard or leclarec pakistan army should had for me leapard is at number one because it is a german technology
Leopard or leclarec pakistan army should had for me leapard is at number one because it is a german technology

Both Leopard and Leclerc are, simply put, good choices for PA.

Leopard is not no.1 just because it's German. That title belongs to M1A2SEP and might have belonged to Obyekt 477 "Molot" if it went into service.

Comparison of Leopard and Abrams:

Ground pressure: Leopard is better

Armament: Mostly equal. Abrams has a gun with less length - L/44 compared to L/55. But Abrams has better ammunition.

Leopard 2 APFSDS: DM63 Tungsten core - 750 mm certified penetration at 2 km - 800+ at point blank
Abrams M1A2SEP: M829A3 DU core - 800 mm certified penetration at 2 km - 860 mm at point blank. Polish brochures claim 920 mm.

Mobility: Leopard has better mileage and therefore more range. Acceleration and speed are more or less equal.

Weight: At 63.1 tons, M1A2SEP is the heaviest in-service tank when compared to 62.5 tons Leopard 2A7+. Challenger 2 up-armour heavy kit makes Challenger weigh 70 tons+ however.

Protection: Abrams wins with no hassles.

Armour estimates:
Frontal turret - Abrams - 950 mm vs Leopard 900 mm
Frontal glacis - Abrams - 850-900 mm vs Leopard 800-850 mm
Side turret - Abrams - 550-600 mm without ERA vs Leopard 450-500 mm without NERA
Side hull - Abrams - 600 mm without ERA vs Leopard 500-550 without NERA
Top armour - Abrams - 300 mm without ERA vs Leopard 300 mm without ERA
Rear - Unknown to me
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