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Which Islamic country is the strongest missile power?

Which Islamic country is the strongest missile power?

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Unlike your non-sense logic, Pakistanis here accepted that Iran had an advantage when it comes to SLV, but for all other claims they are nothing but claims. It is your puny insecure ego that is rendering you not being able to accept that there would be some one better than you. Multiple videos, from Iranian sources, sure let me believe those. And you have surface to air missile, guess you guys didn't needed any Russian S-300's, those must be using for decoration since Iranians have superior tech already.
Desperate... hahaha, sure sure.

How does Iran achieves Superior missile technology? With Photoshop

Iran is of course more advance than you in SLV technology. You think this facts depends on you people agreeing to it? You have yet to launch even a single satellite, of course Iran is light years ahead.

Iran is not just ahead in SLV, but in almost all aspects of missile technology. You keep running away from the points like a coward. What Iranian missile photoshops? You posted one such pictures and it was immediately debunked by a video footage of those missile launches.

Iran is vastly superior when it comes is ballistic missiles. What do you have over Iran in this technology? Show me one aspect of ballistic missile in which you're ahead. Iran has made anti ship ballistic missile and anti radiation ballistic missile, this is feat of technology which you are decades away from.

In other missile aspect you are dwarfed as well. Iran has 200km+ ranged surface to air missile and a whole load of medium ranged missiles, such as ra'ad 1,2 Talash 2. The s-300 deal was signed in 2007, Iran is in no need for the deal but the Antey-2500 is an anti ballistic missile system which could help Iran. Try to educate yourself.

As for cruise missile, Iran has multiple cruise missile from short ranges to 3000 km. Even in this regards, which Iran is still relative to our ballistic not very advance in, we're still ahead of Pakistan.

No go ahead and show me where these points are wrong. :lol: Instead of being a coward and running away from a technical discussion, back your claims with some evidence. Show what technology you have over Iran.

IN SLV may be iran ahead but in other tech not

Go ahead and prove it. If you are more advance then prove it. I have stated why Iran is vastly superior than Pakistan, so debunk the points. If you're more advance, then it should not be more difficult to prove, right?
Iran is of course more advance than you in SLV technology. You think this facts depends on you people agreeing to it. You have yet to launch even a single satellite, of course Iran is light years ahead.

Iran is not just ahead in SLV, but in almost all aspects of missile technology. You keep running away from the points like coward. What Iranian missile photoshoped? You posted one such pictures and it as immediately debunked by a video footage of those missile launches.

Iran is vastly superior when it comes is ballistic missiles. What do you have over Iran in this technology? Show on one aspect of ballistic missile in which you're ahead. Iran has made anti ship ballistic missile and anti radiation ballistic missile, this is feat of technology which you are decades away from.

In other missile aspect you are dwarfed as well. Iran has 200km+ ranged surface to air missile and a whole load of medium ranged missiles, such as ra'ad 1,2 Talash 2. The s-300 dead was signed in 2007, Iran is in no need for the deal but the Antey-2500 is an anti ballistic missile system which could help Iran. Try to educate yourself.

As for cruise missile, Iran has multiple cruise missile from short ranges to 3000 km. Even in this regards, which Iran is still relative to our ballistic not very advance in, we're still ahead than Pakistan.

No go ahead and show me where these points are wrong. :lol:

You are a broken record aren't you. Iran is vastly superior because Iran saids so, where as rest of the world considers your claims at par with North Korea. Indeed Iranians are so sure of their tech, that is why they still needed Russian SAMS to protect them. Like Kim Jong, Iran can make claims to have a cruise missile that can fly in Space and reach its target on the moon. But in reality just like North Korea, empty claims to calm puny Persian egos. Now carry on ranting about "SUPERIOR" Iranian missile technology with ICBM's and MRV's.
You are a broken record aren't you. Iran is vastly superior because Iran saids so, where as rest of the world considers your claims at par with North Korea. Indeed Iranians are so sure of their tech, that is why they still needed Russian SAMS to protect them. Like Kim Jong, Iran can make claims to have a cruise missile that can fly in Space and reach its target on the moon. But in reality just like North Korea, empty claims to calm puny Persian egos. Now carry on ranting about "SUPERIOR" Iranian missile technology with ICBM's and MRV's.

The only thing you're doing here is making Pakistanis look uneducated and making a fool out of your country.

I am giving you actual factual statements based on capability and you keep running away from taking on those points head on.

I am asking you to show me in which aspect Pakistan is more ahead? Where? If you're ahead then why can't you prove it? :lol:

I have already debunked your statement on Russian SAM's, but it seems you're semi illiterate and cannot fully read?

So go ahead and show me where you're superior. Go ahead.

Close=tech experience on SLV

Iran has already launched 4 satellites and many more coming. This is more than just experience bro.
But I agree, safir was a first step. Next step will involve the Ghaem solid fuel SLV.
@macnurv @The Last of us

Stop fighting in this thread please. The last thing we need is another Iran-Pakistan piss contest. Please, let's have, for once, a civilized and friendly discussion.

Iran and Pakistan both are Islamic countries, so if either of them is good, we should all be proud of that and be happy about it, we are NOT enemies, so a dick measuring festival will only and only produce hate and trolling.

Iran and Pakistan can actually cooperate in some missile fields (imagine a joint work on a very powerful SLV). In some fields Iran has the advantage and in some fields, Pakistan. In developing air defense missiles, Iran clearly has the advantage, given the number of finished and in-development projects. Pakistan has the advantage in long range ballistic missiles (although Iran deliberately has stopped working on longer range missiles because of economic unfeasible of non-nuclear warheads for ICBMs). In cruise missile tech, I am not much familiar with Pakistan's missiles, but Iran already has developed various cruise missiles, air launched, land launched, sea launched (both from underwater and naval vessels).

Anyways, as I have seen here, some members have not studies much about Iran's missile capabilities so it's our job to introduce them We can't expect members to judge missile capabilities without knowing much about our missile industry.

Here are some pics of different Iranian produced cruise missiles:

Air launched Qader and Nasr cruise missiles (with ranges of 200km and 35km respectively):



Sumar land launched cruise missile (range: +2500 km)


Land launched Qadir cruise missile (range: 330km)


Zafar short range cruise missile (land and sea launched). Range: about 50 km


Nasr cruise missile on a Bell-206


Noor cruise missle (reverse engineered version of Chinese C802), range: 120km


Launching Noor from Jamaran frigate:

Guys stop fighting, otherwise it is better this thread to get closed.
Both Iran and Pakistan are good but Iran is a way ahead.
Guys stop fighting, otherwise it is better this thread to get closed.
Both Iran and Pakistan are good but Iran is a way ahead.
in fact you start it to be fight while you know answer very well sir .
SUPARCO, just like almost EVERY other public sector company / institution got screwed because of incompetent retired generals who took over their reigns. It would have a similar ending if a bureaucrat had taken over.
"Iranian" missiles are pretty useless with that Patriot missiles and radar system in Turkey. Iran won't be able to use it against Israel and if Iran uses any missiles against Turkey it will be the last missiles it used. I don't see why this discussion has to drag on this much. Missile tech is only a small part of the decisiveness of an army. There are much more important aspects of an army.
@Serpentine bro,

You can see from my posts that I keep asking for a technical and real comparison. I have stated some portion of Iran's missile capability and I am asking those who are claiming Pakistan is ahead of Iran to show us why this is the case. But as we can see, they have yet to provide a shred of evidence.

There is no doubt Iran is considerably more advanced than Pakistan in missile technology. If our Pakistani friends disagree then they can tell us why.

I have no problems admitting to the truth. Just like I will not hesitate to say Pakistan has a more modern air force.
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