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Which Islamic country is the strongest missile power?

Which Islamic country is the strongest missile power?

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EDIT, OP: Please remove Turkey from the list, thank God we don't have an Islamic military/state.
But you are supporting FSA and Islamic State already.


Meanwhile u will soon be expeled from NATO.
cool dream bro. And then you wake up and realise the real world is totally different.
Sorry we don't dream alone, we show the world our dreams........Unlike some country which has been trying to build nukes for the past 35 years. :lol:
Sorry we don't dream alone, we show the world our dreams........Unlike some country which has been trying to build nukes for the past 35 years. :lol:

Of course you don't dream alone, it was China that helped you realise that dream :rofl:
By the way kiddo, if Iran wanted a nuke, it could have them at any time it wishes.
A country that is light years ahead of yours in science and technology can build a nuke.
Think it will be a close contest between iran and pakistan.
However judging by comments/remarks coming from iranian officials/desolutional mullahs/members/media even the U.S is afraid of Iran's mighty military and Iran can defeat the U.S. lool so i cant say who has an edge in missile field.
Think it will be a close contest between iran and pakistan.
However judging by comments/remarks coming from iranian officials/desolutional mullahs/members/media even the U.S is afraid of Iran's mighty military and Iran can defeat the U.S. lool so i cant say who has an edge in missile field.

The Americans do not deny the sophistication of Iranian missile. Matter of fact, even Isrealis such as Uzi rubin have time and again shown they were very impressed with Iranian missile engineering.
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Of course you don't dream alone, it was China that helped you realise that dream :rofl:
By the way kiddo, if Iran wanted a nuke, it could have them at any time it wishes.
A country that is light years ahead of yours in science and technology can build a nuke.
I am not going to get embroiled in a bickering contest and you think whatever floats your boat.
One can also argue that Russian tech is the most crucial component of Iranian missile tech, but like i said, i am not going to argue over something which is as clear as a day. I am sure every Iranian also possess a personal time machine. :angel:
I am not going to get embroiled in a bickering contest and you think whatever floats your boat.
One can also argue that Russian tech is the most crucial component of Iranian missile tech, but like i said, i am not going to argue over something which is as clear as a day. I am sure every Iranian also possess a personal time machine. :angel:

You can go ahead and argue all you want about Iranian technology provided you show evidence. But in any case, keep your dreams and fantasies to yourselves. Here we're interested in proper discussion. Go ahead and show us in which aspects are you more ahead than in Iran in ballistic technology. Go ahead, I am waiting ;)
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Think it will be a close contest between iran and pakistan.
However judging by comments/remarks coming from iranian officials/members/media even the U.S is afraid of Iran's mighty military and Iran can defeat the U.S. .loool. so cant say for sure who is the leader
Think it will be a close contest between iran and pakistan.
However judging by comments/remarks coming from iranian officials/members/media even the U.S is afraid of Iran's mighty military and Iran can defeat the U.S. .loool. so cant say for sure who is the leader

Bro, why are you reposting the exact same comment?
Sorry we don't dream alone, we show the world our dreams........Unlike some country which has been trying to build nukes for the past 35 years. :lol:
As you are a Jinn you must have known that Iran could build nukes long ago if she ever intended to...
Building nukes are not technologically that high...

Just for fun I invite you to visit a few related threads:

Iranian High Tech Industries | Page 8

take your time and review a small part of what Iran is doing in above thread... start from page1 and when you finished page 10 and you still believe the same... then I give up on my claims... deal?
Of course you don't dream alone, it was China that helped you realise that dream :rofl:
By the way kiddo, if Iran wanted a nuke, it could have them at any time it wishes.
A country that is light years ahead of yours in science and technology can build a nuke.

You don't seriously believe this do you? You do know scientists involved with Pakistan's weapon program were part of the team that worked on the Manhattan project, that's even before China became a modern state....Geniuses such as Raziuddin Siddiqui, the man obtained his PHD in theoretical physics under Einstein himself.
Pakistan has received help on its missile program.
As for the thread, I do believe Iran has the edge and the greatest case in point is Iran's SLV program.
Your Photoshop picture were debunked already but you have nothing else to keep saying?
But those cartons are still more advance than anything your country can produce on its own. Seriously dude, what would you have if it were not for the Chinese? It took you an entire year to rename their CH-3 drone and unveil as indigenous :lol:

Tell me, when will we see your first satellite launch? Also, Let me know when you rename the Chinese HQ-7 and show it as your first short ranged SAM. :rofl:

Calm down my friend. Non of us, Pakistan, Iran or Turkey have any technology that you might call indigenous and original. We are all purveyors of recycled technology that already exists. Non of us have built anything new. We are all zeros. I frankly find it childish when one bunch of zeros argue with another bunch of zeros.

The only reason I jump into this is your using the Indian refrain "copy Chinese" which is just rubbish as they say this to malign Pakistan. After all they just get Russian junk and respray it as "Indian".

As regards cutting edge science there is one scientist I can think of in the Muslim world who pushed the boundary of science onto new ground. In doing so he found something new as opposed to regurgitating old stuff. That was Dr Abdus Salam of Pakistan who actually won a Nobel Prize for his work on electroweak unification.

This thread is rubbish anyway. Missiles are just lumps of metal. The punch is what matters. Otherwise what is missile for? Delivering flowers? On that score Pakistan has the punch as we all know. That is the bottom line.

Abdus Salam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It would just lead to fights. Thread closed.
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