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When Islamic atheism thrived

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As I said you linked only to the half baked pseudo-science blog and I had cited their responses already for you to read. I didn't mention them citing a fake and concoted report or claiming that "there is a layer of material that splits the moon into two halves and the only explanation to this discovery that the moon was split at some times in its history and rejoined". Of course you didn't care reading about them. I didn't attach the "famed picture" for you had most definitely seen it earlier. I provided with a rel bigger picture beyond the small area covered by a small picture. You didn't care reading my response. Don't throw pseudo-science and concocted news stories. I wonder how people can lie when they claim to be religious, for the concerned site has conjured a story out of thin air which is indeed lying.

I did not question religious beliefs about miracles nor did I question a local king in India witnessing it. I was pointing out your fallacious scientific response which I, and perhaps everybody with a basic scientific knowledge and rational mind, would attest is fallacious and erroneous. Just do not use science to justify religion in the wider context for they are mutually exclusive domains.

PS:- Indeed the "report" used words such as "material". Very scientific of "scientists".

and please stop quoting entire text with pictures, it makes the page too long. I have asked you earlier in this regard as well.
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Explanation of the Hadith

This incident was narrated by a number of the companions of the Prophet (PBUH), among them were: 'Abdullah ibn 'Umar, 'Abdullah ibn Abbas and others. The Indian and Chinese calendars have recorded the incident of the splitting of the moon.

A few years ago while I was giving a lecture at the Faculty of Medicine at Cardiff University, in Wales, a Muslim asked me a question about the verses at the beginning of Surat al-Qamar (the moon), about the splitting of the moon, and whether it is considered as one of the scientific signs which are mentioned in the Qur'an and whether there is any scientific evidence discovered to explain this incident.

My answer was that this incident is considered one of the most tangible miracles, which took place to support the Prophet (PBUH) when he was challenged by the polytheists and disbelievers of Quraish, showing them this miracle to prove that he is a Messenger of Allah. Anyway, miracles take place as unusual incidents that break all regular laws of nature. Therefore, conventional science is unable to explain how miracles take place, and if they were not mentioned in the Qur'an and in the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH), we would not have been obliged to believe in them. Therefore, we believe that the incident of the splitting of the moon took place exactly as the words of Allah Glorified be Who says:

﴾ The Hour has drawn near , and the moon has been cleft asunder . And if they see a sign, they turn away, and say: (This is continuous magic). They belied (this Qur'an), and followed their own lusts. And every matter will be settled [according to the kind of deeds (for the doer of good deeds, his deeds will take him to Paradise, and similarly evil deeds will take their doers to Hell)]. And indeed there has come to them news (in this Qur'an) wherein there is (enough warning) to check (them from evil), Perfect wisdom (this Qur'an), but (the preaching of) warners benefit them not. ﴿ (Surat Al-Qamar (The Moon): 1-5)

When I finished my speech, a British man from the audience named Dawud Musa Pidcock, leader of the British Muslim Party, asked to add something to my answer. He said: “It is these verses, at the beginning of surat al-Qamar that made me embrace Islam in the late seventies.” This occurred while he was doing extensive research in comparative religion, and one of the Muslims gave him a copy of translation of the meanings of the Qur'an. When he opened this copy for the first time, he came across Surat al-Qamar, and he read the verses at the beginning of the surah, and could not believe that the moon had split into two distinct parts and they were rejoined, so he closed the copy of the translation and kept it aside.

In 1978 Mr. Pidcock was destined by Allah's Will to watch a program about space journeys, in which the well-known British announcer Jamed Burke, received three of the American space scientists. During the debate, the announcer kept criticizing the immoderate spending by NASA (millions of Dollars) on space projects, while there are millions of people on earth suffering from starvation, diseases and ignorance. The answer of the space experts came to assert that it was these journeys that made it feasible to develop important technology applied in medical diagnosis and treatment, industry, agriculture, and many other fields. During this debate, they referred to the first time that a human being landed on the surface of the moon, and how this trip cost more than $100 million dollars. The scientists went on to say that this journey proved a scientific fact, that if they had spent several times as much as they did to convince people with it, no body would have believed them. This fact was that the moon had been split a long time ago and rejoined, and there is a lot of concrete evidence on the surface of the moon to prove this.

Mr. Pidcock went on to say : “ When I heard this , I jumped off my chair , and said this is a miracle which took place fourteen hundred years ago to support Muhammad , and the Qur'an narrates it in such a detailed way . After this long period and during the age of science and technology, Allah employs people (non-Muslims) who spent all this money for nothing but to prove that this miracle had actually happened. Then, I said to myself, this must be the true religion, and I went back to the translation of the meanings of the Qur'an, reading it eagerly. It was these verses at the opening of surat al-Qamar that lie behind my reversion to Islam.”

This happens at a time when some Muslims claim that the splitting of the moon has not yet taken place, and that it is one of the signs of the Hereafter as the opening of the surah says: ﴾ The Hour has drawn near. ﴿ They are oblivious to the fact that the Prophet (PBUH) said in a hadith narrated by Imam Muslim , on the authority of Sahl ibn Sa'd that Sahl said : "I heard the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) say :

“I and the Last Hour are (close to each other) like this (and he pointed by joining his forefinger, (one) next to the thumb and the middle finger (together).”

Those who deny the incident of the splitting of the moon, use incorrect evidence to support their opinion as they use the verse in surat al-Isra:

﴾And nothing stops Us from sending the evidences (proofs , signs) but that the people of old denied them. ﴿

(Surat Al-Isrâ' (The Journey by Night): 59)

This verse is not used in the right context since many perceptible signs and miracles took place during the noble life of the Prophet (PBUH).

Peace and blessings of Allah be upon the seal of Prophets (PBUH) , for whom Allah made the moon split into two parts , twice , as an honor for him and to raise his rank and support his message (among his people) , and left for us a concrete evidence to prove that this splitting did actually take place .
Who are you to say whether what these people have grasped is or is not the "actual meaning".

Anyway, isn't the very term "Islamic atheism" a contradiction?

that exactly why said "MAY have not " please read the post ...
that u just validated my point ... do not quesstion other understanding and beliefs ... just follow ur own understanding !!!!
Do not try to counter my facts with stories that claim to have scientific proof yet narrate a personal tale and quote:-

The scientists went on to say that this journey proved a scientific fact, that if they had spent several times as much as they did to convince people with it, no body would have believed them. This fact was that the moon had been split a long time ago and rejoined, and there is a lot of concrete evidence on the surface of the moon to prove this.

There is no scientific evidence presented and within a sentence a conslusion is reached about "concrete evidence " without citing any "concrete evidence". Why do you imagine is that? For illiterate people use such sentences devoid of any logic, scientific proof and reason to fool their fellow illiterate humans.

I can imagine that you have to rely on pseudo-scientific and concocted half-baked articles to back your erroneous claims for there isn't any scientifically proven evidence.

I have told its a matter of faith, keep it don't try to use science to justify it.

There is no evidence of any splitting of the moon as of now. Search as far and as wide as you want, consult Lunar experts and come back to me; I repeat there is no scientific evidence.

Do not try to fool me with half-bake concocted stories and articles with fake and erroneous claims.
Short Details about the Prophet Muhammad’s Journey of Mi’raj

On the midnight of Monday 27th Rajab, Prophet Muhammad was resting. The famous angel Gabriel came to Prophet Muhammad and brought Buraq (the horse-like animal). Buraq means electric and its travelling speed is equal or more than the speed of light. Angel Gabriel awoke Prophet Muhammad and told him the message of Allah. Angel Gabriel split (tore) the blessed chest (sacred chest) of Prophet Muhammad. Angel Gabriel washed the blessed heart of Prophet Muhammad by Aab-e-Zamzam (sanctified water in the “Mecca”) and angel Gabriel also filled the blessed body of Prophet Muhammad with wisdom (mystery) and splendour (special light “Noor”). Prophet Muhammad bathed with Hozz-e-Kosar (a holy water which is in the heaven). Buraq can travel a very huge distance within an instant. Angel Gabriel handled the bridle of Buraq. Angel Isra’feel and other angels followed them. In the galaxy of angels Prophet Muhammad started the journey with the highly dignity (glory). Riding (Buraq) reached to the Bayt al-Muqaddas (Jerusalem the holy place in Palestine) in a very short time. In the Bayt al-Muqaddas, all the Prophets and angels prayed “Namaz” within the leadership of Prophet Muhammad.

After the prayer, the Prophet Mohammad started the journey towards the sky, by the same riding (Buraq) and the same speed. Prophet Muhammad reached to the first sky where father of all humans Adam welcomed him. On the second sky Prophet John and Jesus Christ welcomed Prophet Muhammad. On the third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh sky, Prophet Muhammad met to all the Prophets namely Joseph, Enoch, Aaron, Moses and Abraham respectively. After the seventh sky, Prophet Muhammad and angel Gabriel reached to the place called Sidrat-ul-Muntaha, where angel Gabriel had no permission to move further. After that place Prophet Muhammad kept continue the journey without Buraq and angel Gabriel. Prophet Muhammad was honored to meet with Allah. Prophet Muhammad did conversation with Allah. Prophet Muhammad also visited the gardens and other places of heaven and hell.

It is said that time stoped when Prophet Mohammad(PBUH) made this journey.

In Albert Einstein's theories of relativity, time dilation in these two circumstances can be summarized:

In special relativity (or, hypothetically far from all gravitational mass), clocks that are moving with respect to an inertial system of observation are measured to be running slower. This effect is described precisely by the Lorentz transformation.

In general relativity, clocks at lower potentials in a gravitational field — such as in closer proximity to a planet — are found to be running slower. The articles gravitational time dilation and gravitational red shift give a more detailed discussion. Special and general relativistic effects can combine, for example in some time-scale applications mentioned below.

Time dilation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"The Hour has drawn near, and the moon has been cleft asunder (the people of Makkah requested Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to show them a miracle, so he showed them the splitting of the moon). * And if they see a sign, they turn away, and say: This is continuous magic. *They belied the Verses of Allah - this Quran), and followed their own lusts. And every matter will be settled according to the kind of deeds: good deeds will take their doers to Paradise and similarly evil deeds will take their doers to Hell." (Quran 54:1-3).

Nothing more to say
I do not want to quote figures of the percentage of atheists among the scientific community in general and among the elite bodies in particular. The numbers aren't startling and speak for science and rationality itself.

I'm going to leave further debate before it turns ugly.

Do not try to persuade me or force your religious views down my throat because neither am I doing so nor do I plan to do so.
Self Delete
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I do not want to quote figures of the percentage of atheists among the scientific community in general and among the elite bodies in particular. The numbers aren't startling and speak for science and rationality itself.

I'm going to leave further debate before it turns ugly.

Do not try to persuade me or force your religious views down my throat because neither am I doing so nor do I plan to do so.

There is no point in forcing someone's views on others. Here we argue with each other, nothing more otherwise what is the ratioanal of us being here.

Yeah ugly it will get if you argue without any context.
What i believe is what i am trying to convey to you with references.

Qote any one you like majority of them may be just scientist with no interest in religion what so ever. They maybe just rational thinkers. The people i have quoted have some knowledge of religion thats why they got the sign and are convert.

Religion Islam is not mutually exclusive to Science for the rest or what you follow can be for your sake. I dont care.
If you are not muslim dont judge Islam.
I dont think that Islam and Science are mutualy exclusive.
Islam is the way of life and it includes every aspect of life including science.

Sorry I disagree, Science and religion are mutually exclusive. However the conclusions that can be drawn from knowledge are not. for example, Science can explain how the Big Bang happened but not why.
Sorry I disagree, Science and religion are mutually exclusive. However the conclusions that can be drawn from knowledge are not. for example, Science can explain how the Big Bang happened but not why.

Believe in science or believe in religion. Believe in big bang theroy or believe in the Quranic Verse
Allah created the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them, in six days" (7:54)

i can quote alot of other verses from our Holy Book regarding creation of the Universe.

Believe what ever you like.
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