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When I. K. Gujral dismantled RAW assets inside Pakistan...


Jan 18, 2011
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I K Gujral during his tenure as PM, as part of his doctrine, wound up RAW covert operations in Pakistan. Acting in the belief of earning 'goodwill' of Pakistan, gave details of RAW assets in Pakistan. It has been alleged that this led to physical elimination of RAW human assets through extra-judicial means by Pakistan's intelligence agencies.

Ex-Gen Ziauddin was the DG ISI , when Indian minister IK Gujral choose to dismantled RAW in Pakistan.

Now watch this video to know how ISI chief Gen Ziauddin rounded up RAW assets working inside Pakistan.

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Indian PMs like IK Gujral in terms of terrorism and and Moraji Desai in terms of Pakistan's nuke program did grave damages to the long term security aspect of India.
I.K.Gujral and Moraji Desai were two of the most short-sighted leaders post Independence India ever had.
What happened, happened for the best and i wouldn't change a single thing.
RAW was pretty powerful in 1990's and can be once again Powerful, if political will is powered by MMS.
What IK Gujral did permenantly erodded the trust any agent would have in his handlers as well blew the cover of RAW operations quality.
I mean come on, which agency exposes their agents to their enemy in plain sight so they can be targetted like sitting ducks?
We shouldn't make anyone with Pakistan ancestry as PM including Advani, they all suffer from arjuna's syndrome.
Ziauddin was DG ISI from October 1998. And Vajpayee became the PM in March 1998. If this is true, then the resposibility goes to BJP and Vajpayee?

IMO Ziauddin is misleading the people of Pakistan. Its the same old story of Indian RAW agents bombing shias or Ahmedis and not "strategic assets" gone wrong theory that is making the Pakistani state and the people confused and instead of going after the militant groups with a laser like focus.
I. K. Gujral was on ISI payroll- hope we have more indian pm like him-
It can be seen from this History who before carried out the terrorist activities in our country and what is their mind set.
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