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When China Rules The World

The book which Martin Jacques wrote was this:

When China Rules the World - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now, why does a British Academic like Martin Jacques want to create such a headline?

For the same reason that Henry Kissinger wrote his book "On China".

Because this subject matter (China) has recently attracted a lot of interest, and by writing about China they can sell a lot of books and make loads of money. That's all.
ASEAN+, No. ASEAN has too many China haters.
Eurasia+, No.
African Union, Ok. But the thing is while China managed to put a good impression with African dictators, African masses are fiercely anti-China.

You don't appear to realize that China's influence is decreasing in ASEAN while the US influence is increasing.

This may seem counter intuitive at the moment, but it will become clearer with every passing year.

The biggest advantage China has is proximity with both ASEAN+ and Eurasia+, which the Chinese can leverage for economic integration with these areas, the US is too far away for that kind of integration.

Current US influence in these areas are temporary in my opinion and the Indian attempts will not amount to much. But of course it all depends on Chinese maintaining moral high ground, even at the expense of loosing some territory and resources.
China was run over by foreigners repeatedly because of Confucianism. It is in China's best interest to dump Confucianism and replace it with Christianity, which provides all the ethics of Confucianism(plus more) without its side effects.

"Today's Christianity" and ethics do not go along. And by the way Confucius pre-dates Christianity, so it has nothing new to offer China.
China has been invaded by Japan, that is the only foreign " unsuccessful -run over-" we know of, the other warrings were within Chinese groups themselves, and Confucianism as an earthly wisdom came out as the winner.
lol do the Chinese really think that Japan, Vietnam etc will let them rule anything? For God's sake China is scared of the small nations like Vietnam, Japan etc lol.

Now imagine these small nations getting together and bleeding China with a billion cuts, then backing off and leaving the rest to India/USA/Israeli/Australia etc lol.
For Asians it is better that world's center of gravity returns to Asia. So China becoming powerful is a good thing for all Asians. India may not like it, but it is trading with China. So even if there is political and strategic rivalry between China, ASEAN+, Eurasia+ and India, creation of regional unions like ASEAN+ (Japanese and Korean industrial base) and Eurasia+ (Russian industrial base) will bring better stability and balance in Asian region, which will mean no serious imbalance and hence no hot war. With enough economic integration, the whole region can then balance and perhaps overturn the 500 years of hegemony by people of West European origin.
lol do the Chinese really think that Japan, Vietnam etc will let them rule anything? For God's sake China is scared of the small nations like Vietnam, Japan etc lol.

Now imagine these small nations getting together and bleeding China with a billion cuts, then backing off and leaving the rest to India/USA/Israeli/Australia etc lol.
I believe China should have no problem annihilating little pests like Vietnam and India
Once a bully, always a bully.
The nation wants to become a world bully from current regional bully status.
Once a bully, always a bully.
The nation wants to become a world bully from current regional bully status.

Yet according to the BBC Country Rating Polls and the Pew Global Research Polls (the two biggest international polls)... China is viewed more positively worldwide than both the EU and USA.

And needless to say, ALL THREE are ranked FAR higher than India is. :P
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