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When China Rules The World

If this then that.... smell the coffee... China is getting unpopular day by day by threatning all of it's neighbours on daily basis. So much of "Peaceful rise of China"

So keep dreaming "If's"

The future is all about dreams and visions, grounded on reality of course rather than impractical fantasy.
Sons of Bangladesh who are very eager to be ruled by a forigner. Good quest...
We do not mendle in your afires, thats the reason that we are building the longest barbed wire fence to stop you guys from pouring into our space and spoiling the local demography to the max

If my predictions are correct, then our future growth will be higher than India's growth and those fence's will be of good use for us to keep would be migrants in check from India.:azn:

We just need to make sure that we put all meddling Indian agents in jail to stop Indian interference in our internal affairs, so we can take the right steps for our future.

Currently watching NHK news on TV and the Japanese anchor was talking about Chinese military buildup and the new aircraft carrier.
Islam will rule the world and you illegal state of israel will perish like the smoke in the air.you are going to be destroyed israHELL go to your religious texts and see that it says that in the end times israel will be formed by an prophet was u r first prime minister a prophet he was an atheist he does not even believed in God then come to our quran it says in the end times israel will be formed,israel will capture baitul muqadas(jerusalem) and then jesus will come from heaven to earth and will kill pig,break cross and will raise jihad against illegal state of israel and will recapture jerusalem(oh israHELL death is the only destination for you,down with israHELL)
What does the world mean to China???

Everyone here talks about "When China rules the world". Well, when does China have the intention to rule the world for the past 5000 years???

To Chinese, China is the world to Chinese people. That is all our interest focusing on.

When Zhenghe and his fleets voyaged across Pacific and Indian ocean extending to Africa, Mideast, I do not think China had any interest to conquer those foreign places or rule those foreign places for one bit.

You may want to look at this hour long video in this post by Chinese Century:

Here is the link to the video:
Breaking the code of history
Breaking the Code of History

I would urge all PDF members to see this video in full. I think this is one of the best and interesting studies of history, present and future I have seen and it kind of matches with many of my own analysis of past and predictions for future.

David Murrin was talking about a 500 year European hegemony and how it is coming to an end with new 500 year Asian hegemony that is going to start in just 10-15 years and will take shape by 2025.

Like him I have discussed the critical importance of Russian choice, in world geopolitics. Russia may either join EU or it may remain with Asians and this choice will have tremendous implications for the future of the world. Since he is an European, he prefers to see Russia to go with EU, but for Asia, it will be better to have Russia with Asia.

He has discussed the importance of trying to reduce China's growth rate to keep China in check, so that the coming shift from US to China as the worlds no. 1 economic and military power, is delayed resulting in a more smooth transition process. In my world order thread, I have also discussed how the US have made strategic blunders by engaging with China while Nixon was president and how Kissinger was instrumental in bringing China out from isolation and giving Western market access to Chinese products.

About how the world works between core and periphery countries, Wallerstein's world system theory is a good starting point:
World-systems theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now a few words about David Murrin. Regardless of his wonderful and insightful vision, he seems like a very murky character involved in African land grab and commodity speculation, using his Emergent Asset Management Limited:
OpEdNews - Article: Speculating with our Food

Corporatizing the Global Food Supply

A UK company started in 1997 called Emergent Asset Management claims to be the largest speculative fund investing in African industrial agriculture. See http://media.oaklandinstitute.org/sites/oaklandinstitute.org/files/OI_EAM_Brief_1.pdf. It uses private equity to take control of large tracts of African farm land for transformation into factory farms. Their prospectus attracts investors by predicting a armed conflict between the West and China will trigger mass food shortages -- accompanied by price spikes that guarantee a handsome return to investors. Emergent's founders, Susan Payne and David Murrin are former high level traders for Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan -- well-known as the architects of food derivative speculation. See http://www.wdm.org.uk/sites/default/files/hunger lottery report_6.10.pdf

Payne joined JP Morgan in 1986 and moved to Goldman Sachs International in 1993 as an Executive Director and Head of Sales and Trading. In the latter role, she was responsible for developing Goldman Sachs' emerging markets debt business in Europe. David Murrin joined JP Morgan 1986, where he traded (i.e. speculated) on the major bond, interest rate, bullion, foreign exchange and equity markets.

Emergent's direct control of large amounts of agricultural land -- combined with its ability to attract investors through its equity fund -- puts unprecedented control of the global food supply in private hands. It does so by creating a new type of vertical integration, in which a single company controls vast amounts of land, food production and processing -- while simultaneously inflating global food prices due to the speculative nature of the fund. Click here to see the video Emergent uses in their pitch to investors: Emergent video | oaklandinstitute.org

Here is a person who is more like an alter ego to corporate hacks like David Murrin and more of the hero's for tomorrows sustainable agriculture and the new geopolitics that support this kind of sustainable economic practices:
The Most Revolutionary Act

In brief, no country exists in vacuum, the world is intricately balanced with the varying powers of many nations of the planet. A change in one place automatically brings in a systemic change in all other parts of the globe.
Islam will rule the world and you illegal state of israel will perish like the smoke in the air.you are going to be destroyed israHELL go to your religious texts and see that it says that in the end times israel will be formed by an prophet was u r first prime minister a prophet he was an atheist he does not even believed in God then come to our quran it says in the end times israel will be formed,israel will capture baitul muqadas(jerusalem) and then jesus will come from heaven to earth and will kill pig,break cross and will raise jihad against illegal state of israel and will recapture jerusalem(oh israHELL death is the only destination for you,down with israHELL)

Very funny. Hope you are for real and not a false flagger. It will be entertaining to have posters like this.
3rd world people are all nice, we chinese are 3rd world too```but Indians are definitly in the ultra 'shining' world``as their delusion and cluelessness is way beyond normal people's comprehension

Buddy, India is a crow that longs to be a peacock! Usually people with an acutely low self-esteem behave this way.
Buddy, India is a crow that longs to be a peacock! Usually people with an acutely low self-esteem behave this way.

Apart from pakistani , bangladeshi and chinese , who are you saying possessing this acutely low self-esteem .........
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