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When Charlie Hebdo Denied Freedom of Expresion to its Cartoonist

Not justifying the violence but

I condemn what happened yesterday... but lets face it

Still doesn't justify killing someone but

Nobody is justifying anything. But

I don't justify killings either. But

It is just like how you guys SHOULD be saying I am ok with freedom of speech but freedom to spew hatred should stop!

Let me tell you what needs to be stopped. Your excuses for the murders. Nobody have to respect your (or any) religion, nobody have to respect its teachings. If it was the case, there wouldn't have been 5 billion people who are refusing to believe it. People have to respect your right to believe in one but don't force it down people's throat by reinterpreting the definition of respect and hatred. You should stop passing judgements on Europe by the standards of your own country.
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Yes indeed, it should be condemned unanimously.

The problem is, at the same time the world was crying about the Paris attacks, Tens of people were killed in Yemen,Iraq, Nigeria and Pakistan in terrorist attacks. But for security council, only the Paris attack mattered, same as the world media and the public, all thanks to the media. It seems European and western lives matter much more than other parts of the world. Attacking innocent civilians is always a disgusting act, be it in Paris, ME or Mars.

The France's role in Syria was not mentioned, neither its dark history of actions in ME and N Africa, and how its colonialism killed hundreds of thousands in Algeria and North Africa. If western media dare to bold Islam as its whole in all these attacks, so why shouldn't we bold the extremely dark history of European colonial powers centuries ago which is still making these countries suffer directly and indirectly and changed the world's shape forever.

Ironically, Assad warned 1.5 years ago that by arming unknown groups in Syria, Europe is going to get the backlash, because terrorism is a 2-way streets, but it seems that the only thing that mattered for Europe is removal of Assad, nothing else. Now look at European chickens coming home to roost.

We all condemn this cowardice attack and any similar attack around the world, but talking about some side stories and some roots of these incidents is necessary.

But why stop at European colonial past ? Why not go back to the 7-8th centuries when all the Christian ME,Northern Africa was invaded by Muslims ? Why not point fingers at Muslim Ottoman colonialism in Europe,Muslim colonialism in Spain ? Why not go back and point fingers at the Iranian Sassanids agression acts against the Romans ?

After all of this we have an answer....Charlie Hebdo was killed because a human threw a rock at another human 3000 years ago.Those terrorists are innocent,that evil Homo Sapiens who did something 3000years ago it's at fault.
The apologies continue. And fail.
Answer me this:
Why should I apologize for what they did?

Did they ask me before they committed their crime?

Did they ask our permission before they yelled some Muslim slogan? Do we have copyrights for such slogans?

Did they check if Islam allowed it?

Answer to all is no! THEN WHY ON EARTH am I called an apologist? Why on earth should I not tell what is YOUR bloody mistakes which caused your own pain?

I am not saying it was right for them to be killed! But why should I apologize for what some moron did when I wasnt consulted before he made his move?

Why does Islam go to trial when Islam wasnt checked if it allowed killing blindly of unarmed people?

Why is there a call for hatred against Muslims?

When your brother steals are you dragged to jail?

If these are saviors of Islam well they havent made Muslims to be liked! So why the hell am I called an apologist when ALL I AM DOING IS WRITING DOWN HOW THEIR BLOODY MIND WORKS AND WHAT SCREWED IT!
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Because the apologist mind works in the same ways.
Yes indeed, it should be condemned unanimously.

The problem is, at the same time the world was crying about the Paris attacks, Tens of people were killed in Yemen,Iraq, Nigeria and Pakistan in terrorist attacks. But for security council, only the Paris attack mattered, same as the world media and the public, all thanks to the media. It seems European and western lives matter much more than other parts of the world. Attacking innocent civilians is always a disgusting act, be it in Paris, ME or Mars.

The France's role in Syria was not mentioned, neither its dark history of actions in ME and N Africa, and how its colonialism killed hundreds of thousands in Algeria and North Africa. If western media dare to bold Islam as its whole in all these attacks, so why shouldn't we bold the extremely dark history of European colonial powers centuries ago which is still making these countries suffer directly and indirectly and changed the world's shape forever?

Ironically, Assad warned 1.5 years ago that by arming unknown groups in Syria, Europe is going to get the backlash, because terrorism is a 2-way streets, but it seems that the only thing that mattered for Europe is removal of Assad, nothing else. Now look at European chickens coming home to roost.

We all condemn this cowardice attack and any similar attack around the world, but talking about some side stories and some roots of these incidents is necessary.

Hassan Nasrallah of the Lebanese Hezbollah made a very interesting speech yesterday. Pretty well articulated, if i may say. Condemned the attack but also reminded tht it was certain countries that utilized extremists/fanatics for their secret wars in Libya, Syria etc.

the scum bags (former criminals) who did these attacks are the same type of people they are dispatching to the Syria/Iraq theaters. In Libya - the French were the most active in recruiting these people. Failed and dangerous policies.
Let me tell you what needs to be stopped. Your excuses for the murders.
Show me where I said it is excusable! Please dont imagine things which are not there!

Nobody have to respect your religion, nobody have to respect its teachings.
Where am I begging for respect? Telling one how things work is not asking for respect!

If it was the case, there wouldn't have been 5 billion people who are refusing to believe it.
Do I care? HELL NO!

People have to respect your right to believe in one but don't force it down people's throat by reinterpreting the definition of respect and hatred.
Who is forcing down people's throats? Learn the definitions of each word and phrase you use before using it!

This is a public forum everyone has their rights to discussing! If you cant discuss truth then dont read the post! SIMPLE! I never went hunting for Dannish cartoons nor for French cartoons hell I didnt even know about them THAT IS HOW MUCH I CARE ABOUT IT or what they do!

You should stop passing judgements on Europe by the standards of your own country.
Why should I? Its my freedom to express! Why stop me from showing the truth but bow your head in front of hypocrisy and lies?

Because the apologist mind works in the same ways.
In the same breath: You def are an apologist for the West's mistakes against mankind
Answer me this:
Why should I apologize for what they did?

Did they ask me before they committed their crime?

Did they ask our permission before they yelled some Muslim slogan? Do we have copyrights for such slogans?

Did they check if Islam allowed it?

Answer to all is no! THEN WHY ON EARTH am I called an apologist? Why on earth should I not tell what is YOUR bloody mistakes which caused your own pain?

I am not saying it was right for them to be killed! But why should I apologize for what some moron did when I wasnt consulted before he made his move?

Why does Islam go to trial when Islam wasnt checked if it allowed killing blindly of unarmed people?

Why is there a call for hatred against Muslims?

When you brother steals are you dragged to jail?

If these are saviors of Islam well they havent made Muslims to be liked! So why the hell am I called an apologist when ALL I AM DOING IS WRITING DOWN HOW THEIR BLOODY MIND WORKS AND WHAT SCREWED IT!

Well said.

by the way - one of the gunmen spent time in jail for drug dealing charges.

not exactly model religious figures
Again that is YOUR idea...if it was THEIR idea too...they wouldnt be called extremists now would they?

Yes, thats my idea... and the ideal of citizens living in democratic secular nations. If those islamists dont like them, they are free to leave to their backward dark age nations where there are religious courts and laws or the shithole called Islamic "state" itself !.
And if the resort to violence, they will be exterminated.


And it does not matter for me if its in my country or somewhere else like France... I stand with anyone who beliefs in these ideals.

And I believe you are right, there are not evil people (if you look at it 100% in an objective way, which is impossible).. Hitler did not believe that what he was doing was evil... yesterdays terrorists did not believe that what they did was evil... the monsters who killed little children in Pashawar did not believe that they were the evil ones... for them, those who see them as evil are the evil ones.

We, who live in a modern nations with the ideals of democracy, freedom and secularism are united in our beliefs in these values.
And we dont give a sh*t if your 1400 years old text prohibit US from doing things we like to do which are ok according to our laws made by the people !!. One is free to do follow and practice any religion as long as one does not start requiring others to live by its laws.

And if anyone starts doing so he/she will be facing the consequences. Freedom came at a cost... and will be defended with all means if necessary.

And if anyone starts doing so he/she will be facing the consequences. Freedom came at a cost... and will be defended with all means if necessary.

Nothing as drastic as what you propose will be needed to make sure these nutcases and their apologists are defeated, for they are in the wrong. Justice and fair play thrive in the open societies and that is their worse nightmare that will defeat the terrorist ideology.
Answer me this:
Why should I apologize for what they did?

Did they ask me before they committed their crime?

Did they ask our permission before they yelled some Muslim slogan? Do we have copyrights for such slogans?

Did they check if Islam allowed it?

Answer to all is no! THEN WHY ON EARTH am I called an apologist? Why on earth should I not tell what is YOUR bloody mistakes which caused your own pain?

I am not saying it was right for them to be killed! But why should I apologize for what some moron did when I wasnt consulted before he made his move?

Why does Islam go to trial when Islam wasnt checked if it allowed killing blindly of unarmed people?

Why is there a call for hatred against Muslims?

When you brother steals are you dragged to jail?

If these are saviors of Islam well they havent made Muslims to be liked! So why the hell am I called an apologist when ALL I AM DOING IS WRITING DOWN HOW THEIR BLOODY MIND WORKS AND WHAT SCREWED IT!

yup if someone MoCK Islam he/she is sure gonna get something....
Drawing a cartoon is not "hate".This dramatisation when it comes to Islam is what's causing all of this.Islam is opened to scrutiny,ridicule,discussion like every other thing in this world.
Sure it is...go ahead and do it....But at the same time dont go attacking countries, raping their women and children ....

Coz when they come back to bite...its them having sold their souls to the devil...and all they need is a trigger

THAT is the truth! Nothing to do with the right to criticize
Answer me this:
Why should I apologize for what they did?

Don't.Just don't find excuses for what they did.

Did they ask me before they committed their crime?

I certainly hope not.

Did they ask our permission before they yelled some Muslim slogan? Do we have copyrights for such slogans?

They sure seem to trade mark it in recent years.Every one knows to duck and cover if they hear that "slogan" near them.

Did they check if Islam allowed it?

I don't know.They debate with AK's.

Answer to all is no! THEN WHY ON EARTH am I called an apologist? Why on earth should I not tell what is YOUR bloody mistakes which caused your own pain?

Because you're creating a whole story around loonatics executing journalists.

I am not saying it was right for them to be killed! But why should I apologize for what some moron did when I wasnt consulted before he made his move?

Been there.

Why does Islam go to trial when Islam wasnt checked if it allowed killing blindly of unarmed people?

They're not doing it in the name of Amun Ra.

Why is there a call for hatred against Muslims?

Human instinct of preservation.Others get killed for desecrating the Quran in muslim countries,excuse people for activating defence reflexes when they're butchered by Islamist extremists in their own countries.

When you brother steals are you dragged to jail?

No,but the community points fingers at me to.Human reflexes again.

If these are saviors of Islam well they havent made Muslims to be liked! So why the hell am I called an apologist when ALL I AM DOING IS WRITING DOWN HOW THEIR BLOODY MIND WORKS AND WHAT SCREWED IT!

Because i can sense the "Charlie Hebdo had it coming " in your narative
yup if someone MoCK Islam he/she is sure gonna get something....
That is insanity!

He/ she can mock all they want! their business...

the very fact that he or she will get something is more to do with he or she being involved in something in the background!

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