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whats wrong with indians

Indians are obsessed with Pakistan.

Anyone remembers what was being discussed everywhere in Pakistan before 2018 elections and the rants in neighboring India before their 2019 elections?

Go to any Indian channel, there's hardly a day passed when MODIfied anchors don't bash Muslims or Pakistanis for the problems in India.
If you're a daily subscriber of Indian news, who's really obsessed? Pakistan hardly ever mentioned in Elections and the only instance you are mentioned is when the security situation is discussed. You're a threat to our internal security, so you will be discussed. How often do you see India discussing the politics of Pakistan?

In comparison, Pakistanis discuss Delhi election results or any such local elections. Not to mention the Prime Minister talking about political parties in India, Federal Minister asking Indians whom they should vote to. Indian media may like to blame Pakistan, but that's media. What TRP rating does Pakistani ministers get when they talk about India's internal politics, they don't have anything better to do?
If you're a daily subscriber of Indian news, who's really obsessed? Pakistan hardly ever mentioned in Elections and the only instance you are mentioned is when the security situation is discussed. You're a threat to our internal security, so you will be discussed. How often do you see India discussing the politics of Pakistan?

In comparison, Pakistanis discuss Delhi election results or any such local elections. Not to mention the Prime Minister talking about political parties in India, Federal Minister asking Indians whom they should vote to. Indian media may like to blame Pakistan, but that's media. What TRP rating does Pakistani ministers get when they talk about India's internal politics, they don't have anything better to do?

Horse crap!!

we deliberately don't show muslim lynching news because it will lead to war as no government can control such agitated masses.

instead of pulling up the most evident lie. why not just give up and sati yourself
Horse crap!!

we deliberately don't show muslim lynching news because it will lead to war as no government can control such agitated masses.

instead of pulling up the most evident lie. why not just give up and sati yourself
That in itself is stupid. Why should Pakistanis get agitated about something happening in a different country?
That in itself is stupid. Why should Pakistanis get agitated about something happening in a different country?

We don't like oppression, tyranny and injustice anywhere in the world.

We don't mind speaking up for humanity you 3rd world fascist
We don't like oppression, tyranny and injustice anywhere in the world.

We don't mind speaking up for humanity you 3rd world fascist
Yeah, keep saying that to yourself if that makes you feel better.

What you are saying is you are a bunch of emotional fools who may go to war over some social issues in another country.
Yeah, keep saying that to yourself if that makes you feel better.

What you are saying is you are a bunch of emotional fools who may go to war over some social issues in another country.

that some social issue happens to be genocide in a neighbouring country.

why do you think people go to war? to reclaim some ancient land held by that one king who lived 3000 years ago?

you may have 9 lives as an indian. we only believe in 1 and we don't mind spending it for the good of humanity.

so you and your next 8 avatars we nuking you when we bored enough with your 3rd world raju antics
A thread about online behavior of Indians and Pakistanis show their class. Lol.
that some social issue happens to be genocide in a neighbouring country.

why do you think people go to war? to reclaim some ancient land held by that one king who lived 3000 years ago?

you may have 9 lives as an indian. we only believe in 1 and we don't mind spending it for the good of humanity.

so you and your next 8 avatars we nuking you when we bored enough with your 3rd world raju antics
Irrespective of what you define it in your own imagination. With all your blablabla about India, you fail to raise a finger against the Uygur issue, or when US killed scores of Muslims in Iraq, when Muslims killed Muslims, you aided them in Lebanon even bombed hapless Palestinians. I guess your goodwill and humanity is for sale to the highest bidder.
hindu culture should be dealt with utter contempt. But sadly, pakistanis watch hindu movies and give space to their culture. Pakistanis have not realized this. In many Pakistani programs one sees hindu culture being given ample space.

Word of advice, on any given forum whether entertainment or news, sports or politics - butcher their culture and their very existence.
Wonder why they watch so called 'Hindu' movies? Oh right, because the Pakistani film industry is not at the level of Bollywood.

Improve your movie industry. Even our regional movies have a tough time against Bollywood. Many times, they are better than Bollywood. But we don't complain of culture encroachment.
Irrespective of what you define it in your own imagination. With all your blablabla about India, you fail to raise a finger against the Uygur issue, or when US killed scores of Muslims in Iraq, when Muslims killed Muslims, you aided them in Lebanon even bombed hapless Palestinians. I guess your goodwill and humanity is for sale to the highest bidder.

Were you indulging in vouyerism when all of this was happening?
its getting very difficult to browse online
i mean on internet , you will find them in everything related paksitani content and i am ok with healthy conservation but come on man, why unnecessary and excessive abuse like m..... nd b...da or whatever those bhayya slangs.

Why they are so aggressive online ?

my own opinion is that Indians resort to two things with rather ease compared to others. One is mob lynching and the other is social media ranting. In both these activities people are under perception that there are no repercussions involved. Coward individuals feel vindicated for their actions while part of a mob. Same goes for social media they feel the same kind of vindication under perception of anonymity.
I agree with this. People are taking undue advantage of hidden social media identity. Even I don't like it when my fellow Indians abuse mindlessly. It just looks so stupid.
If you're a daily subscriber of Indian news, who's really obsessed? Pakistan hardly ever mentioned in Elections and the only instance you are mentioned is when the security situation is discussed. You're a threat to our internal security, so you will be discussed. How often do you see India discussing the politics of Pakistan?

In comparison, Pakistanis discuss Delhi election results or any such local elections. Not to mention the Prime Minister talking about political parties in India, Federal Minister asking Indians whom they should vote to. Indian media may like to blame Pakistan, but that's media. What TRP rating does Pakistani ministers get when they talk about India's internal politics, they don't have anything better to do?


You see, the OP isn't only talking about the Media in general, the problem is with Indians and their Media included. Whether you'd like to admit it or not doesn't matters, but our media does not achieve the same level of bigotry and war mongering as Indian media does and that is a fact. India is not mentioned at the same level in our media as Pakistan is mentioned on Indian media. Take a simple example, when you search for Pakistan on youtube, how many Hindi outlets come into view??

The problem is with Indians mass swarming Pakistani content online and indulging in blatant hateful and often self feel good false comments.
We don't like oppression, tyranny and injustice anywhere in the world.

We don't mind speaking up for humanity you 3rd world fascist
Time to sever ties with China? US? Afghanistan? Saudi? But no, severing ties with Israel looks good. What you say is ideally how countries should behave but it doesn't happen.
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