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What's the story behind your username?

Nike from Raden Rara Nike Ratnadilla , one of the most successfull Lady Rocker in Indonesia, while she is death prematurely because of car accident when she is not touch 20 years old yet in 1995


She is in your profile-picture and I searched for other pics of her. She was quite pretty.

Her Wikipedia page says that she was famous in Russia too.
I used to like samurai jack back when i was kid, saw one small clip 4 days ago on youtube, seemed so weird...

Well, I still like it....saw the new Samurai Jack....the last season....don't want to spoil it for you so you should check it out. It's pretty awesome!!

Off topic...but Itachi is also my favorite character from all the animes I have watched so far...though that would be a very short list since I have only watched a handful.

There was a girl in my 6th grade Pakistani school that loved Sasuke.....all of us that knew about Naruto shitted (not literally) on her for liking Sasuke. :lol:
Well, I still like it....saw the new Samurai Jack....the last season....don't want to spoil it for you so you should check it out. It's pretty awesome!!

There was a girl in my 6th grade Pakistani school that loved Sasuke.....all of us that knew about Naruto shitted (not literally) on her for liking Sasuke. :lol:
Lol @spoil , I don’t watch cartoons...

I am Safriz
This is my username across the internet since Windows 95 was released to the public and dialup internet was cutting edge technology and 56 kbps were breakneck internet speed and my PC had 256 kB of RAM.
That’s something really interesting... “Since Win 95”
Lol @spoil , I don’t watch cartoons...

That’s something really interesting... “Since Win 95”
Yup ... At the time there was no Google and Yahoo was the goto website and and email service everyone used. Search engines like Altavista and AskJeeves were in.
No Watts app and ICQ was the chat client everyone used.
I was Safriz on all.
Im a Tolkein nerd and a gamer, so when Lord of the Rings Online game came out me and couple of friends got it straight away. We then had to come up with mystical elvish names for our characters. I simply took my biraderi/tribe name (kamboh) and added the suffix jaric to add some Tolkein flavor to the name. It has since stuck as the alias i use for my dealings via the web :)

A fellow Tolkien nerd and a gamer to boot!

I'll be honest though. Being an addict of World of Warcraft, I could never find enough time to add another MMO RPG into the mix. I was super excited when they first announced LOTRO but once it came out, direct comparisons of it with WOW disappointed me enough to stay away. Have you played WOW?

I have played pretty much all the other LOTR games though. The Two Towers on the PS2 is the one I remember most fondly. I stayed up and finished it in one night. Currently taking a break from Shadow of War. Got a little too repetitive for me.
A fellow Tolkien nerd and a gamer to boot!

I'll be honest though. Being an addict of World of Warcraft, I could never find enough time to add another MMO RPG into the mix. I was super excited when they first announced LOTRO but once it came out, direct comparisons of it with WOW disappointed me enough to stay away. Have you played WOW?

I have played pretty much all the other LOTR games though. The Two Towers on the PS2 is the one I remember most fondly. I stayed up and finished it in one night. Currently taking a break from Shadow of War. Got a little too repetitive for me.

Oh yes LOTRO is/was terrible. We were just so hyped about the Tolkein angle that we got it regardless. MMORPG's have never really been my thing, i tested WOW but never got into it. I can understand though why it would be considered a much better game than LOTRO.

Ah yes the LOTR games on PS2 were amazing, especially when playing Helms Deep in co-op mode. Same for the Battle for Middle East series (im personally into strategy games). Will have to test Shadow of Mordor although I am not sure how true to the lore they are?
Oh yes LOTRO is/was terrible. We were just so hyped about the Tolkein angle that we got it regardless. MMORPG's have never really been my thing, i tested WOW but never got into it. I can understand though why it would be considered a much better game than LOTRO.

I feel that the leveling grind in WOW, as with all MMO RPGs tbh, turns away many gamers before they get to experience what the game is all about. Once you hit the end game content though, you are done. It's a genuine addiction.

specially when playing Helms Deep in co-op mode.

That was a brilliant mission indeed.

Same for the Battle for Middle East series (im personally into strategy games).

Pretty big fan of RTS myself. Wasted countless hours on Battle for Middle Earth as well. Have you tried the Total War Series? They are all pretty good but the Medieval II with the Ottoman campaign is just something else. There's a Middle Earth campaign mod for it as well with troops, maps and cities from the books.

Will have to test Shadow of Mordor although I am not sure how true to the lore they are?

It's a good game. The Nemesis System is a gem and guarantees that no two playthroughs are ever the same. That said, by the time you get to Shadow of War the lack of a robust narrative starts taking its toll.

Unfortunately, neither of the games are canon.
Have you tried the Total War Series? They are all pretty good but the Medieval II with the Ottoman campaign is just something else. There's a Middle Earth campaign mod for it as well with troops, maps and cities from the books

You are talking about Broken Crescent. You can play Ghaznavi and Ghori empires in it. Great mod with unique units and events, but so many factions on that map that it takes forever between each turn.

I conquered all of Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, and part of Iran, Oman as Ghoris. They have unique units such as Ghazis and Ghulams. Basically holy warriors.
For me Zelda peaked during the n64 days OOT,

"Hey! Listen!"

I'm sorry, had to get it out of my system. What a game. Before the time of emulators, I bought the N64 a second time just to replay it. Then replayed it again last year with an emulator.

I did get the Wii U for BOTW but after it was no longer an exclusive I sold the console, I also didn't like the direction were Nintendo was taking the franchise trying to copy elder scrolls (via generic leveling up RPG)..

They released BOTW on Wii U as well? Had no idea. We are talking about Breath Of The Wild, right? Or am I completely clueless here.

I think Assassin Creed series was good up untill post desmond arc, now its the same old same old 'leveling up' crap that ruins the gaming experience of otherwise good gaming frachises..
Speaking of which, the best Assassin Creed games were probably the Ezio ones but I thoroughly enjoyed Black Flag. I'm behind AC, just beat AC Unity recently, liked it alot despite the hate.

It got too repetitive, tbh. A common criticism for Ubisoft games, from Far Cry to AC. AC was so burnt out that seeing the positive response to the Naval Battles in AC 3 they released Black Flag based mostly around that mechanic. Wasn't really an AC game in essence. How do they try to reinvigorate it now? Turn it into an Open World RPG of course. Has worked for everyone else. I haven't tried Origins and Odyssey yet but I've heard good things about them.

Take me back to the days of Brotherhood. Where you'd just stop playing the game and stand there whenever Echoes of the Roman Ruins came on.

You are talking about Broken Crescent.

Nah. I'm talking about the base Medieval II: Total War. You could unlock the Ottomans, the Moors and the Fatimids, along with others, just by editing a text file in the original game folder. Think you could unlock them in-game too but I just always did it the above way. Think their in-game faction names were The Turks, Egypt and Moors.

Unlocked the Mughals in 'Empire: Total War' similarly as well. Pretty stupid that they were made an unplayable faction right before the release.

You can play Ghaznavi and Ghori empires in it. Great mod with unique units and events, but so many factions on that map that it takes forever between each turn. I conquered all of Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, and part of Iran, Oman as Ghoris. They have unique units such as Ghazis and Ghulams. Basically holy warriors.

Was a great MOD indeed. I mostly only played with The Mamlakat of Sindh, though. Had to represent.

but so many factions on that map that it takes forever between each turn.

Probably too late to tell you this but, from the options menu, you could choose to skip 'focusing' on other factions' turns :p Saved a lot of time.
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I feel that the leveling grind in WOW, as with all MMO RPGs tbh, turns away many gamers before they get to experience what the game is all about. Once you hit the end game content though, you are done. It's a genuine addiction.

I can imagine. I do sometimes fancy the idea of giving a decent MMO RPG a shot but simply do not have time anymore, especially after the marriage.

Pretty big fan of RTS myself. Wasted countless hours on Battle for Middle Earth as well. Have you tried the Total War Series? They are all pretty good but the Medieval II with the Ottoman campaign is just something else. There's a Middle Earth campaign mod for it as well with troops, maps and cities from the books.

Big fan of the Total War series and still consider the first Rome Total War to have been amongst if not the best game I have ever played. Never got into the base Medieval game the same way although I did enjoy the LOTR and Broken Crescent mods for it.

Speaking of which, the best Assassin Creed games were probably the Ezio ones but I thoroughly enjoyed Black Flag. I'm behind AC, just beat AC Unity recently, liked it alot despite the hate.

Huge fan of the AC series, not so much due to the actual gameplay which as @krash pointed out gets repetitive after while, but rather for the settings and extreme effort they put into recreating the era and nations the games are based in. Have yet to play the two latest editions but they look simply stunning as well.

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