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What's in your Gun Locker?

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My gun locker contains.....nothing. I don't have a gun locker.

Seriously guys, what's the point of keeping guns at home. Especially automatic weapons?

You will realize the importance of personal protection when you feel the need to ''clear'' your house some night, although I hope you never have to experience it, better safe than sorry, every house should have atleast one firearm per adult.....

One has to wonder how this will affect the rednecks, there favorite pass time of shooting stuff seems to be in peril.....:lol:
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The only Russian 5.56/.223 ammo I see around is steel-cased Tula, which is cheap outdoor plinking gear.

The amno shortage in the last year has opened the gates for multiple foreign manufacturers to bring product to the US market.

The case of .45 in my pic above is South Korean, and I have seen Mexican and Croatian at the store recently. Leaning towards fake story.

One has to wonder how this will affect the rednecks, there favorite pass time of shooting stuff seems to be in peril.....:lol:

I never expected to see derogatory statements towards law abiding arms in a defense forum.
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Cleaning time mandates Picture:


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I wasn't able to find any .22 lr recently how about you? BTW nice collection. I own several of the ones you got there in the pic.:D
I have given up on .22LR, I haven't found any recently... all the hoarders and small gun shops are buying it off the market and selling it online to make profits... there was a time when i could go to gun store in even "cali" and pick up a federal or cci brick for 20 bucks, now paying 100 for the same just is ridonkulous.

I just bough a couple of air rilfes for backyard plinking... I just have a brick of cci and some shitty hornet for my marlin...Hopefully things will change....

you dont like wooden furniture on your guns?
My Ak is FA Curgir arsenal rebult by M+M arms, it came with quadrail and syn stock... I didn't change any wood. As a matter of fact, my fav passtime is wood working, so I might be the last person against wood.... :)
I never expected to see derogatory statements towards law abiding arms in a defense forum.

I never meant it as a derogatory statement, sorry if you felt that way, but you have to admit an arms shortage will affect the gun loving country people ''adversely''....:-)
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