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I have recently come to question the standards of this forum and more specifically, the outlook of Pakistani members towards our Indian members.

As we all know, there is a great deal of hatred from Indians towards Pakistan and Muslims, for reasons beyond our control.
The question is whether it is worthwhile to engage their toxicity and fight it with toxicity.

If we decide to engage hate with hate, how are we any better than they are?
I have nothing specifically against Indians, I just understand that they hate our people, religion and country and oppress them within their own country as well.

I'm not calling for peace with Indians but rather a professional and grown-up detente on this forum.
You don't agree with me and I don't agree with you. Let's leave it at that.
There's no need to cuss out each other's traditions or values (I too have been guilty of this) or post things in an attempt to have a potshot at the residential indians.

Whilst some may argue that a more peaceful outlook towards Indians in general would be a disgrace due to the amount of hate that they spew at us and the way they treat our people, I say that simply ignoring their insults would do more damage to them rather than allowing our own status to be diminished by wrestling with them in the mud. As for the situation of Kashmir and Indian muslims, the argument has not changed in 75 Years. There is no need to keep mudslinging over it, even though both states claim the land as their own. Ultimately, it is the Kashmiri people that suffer at the hands of Oppression in India and massive incompetence in Pakistan, as well as their own dreams of independence being crushed.

I have seen the standards of the DeeFI (indian forum like this one) and I used to scorn their outlook towards us. But over time, I have seen our moral line narrow further and further. We are now exactly the same as those we swore to be different from.

In relation to the standards of this forum, I see political misinformation and sensationalism behind every tree.

A post of the Shaheeds? There will be someone cussing out the military
A post on healthcare improvement? There will be someone bringing sensationalist politics into it.

In short, I call for the following standards to be met:
1) A decrease in the hatred given towards Indians in general and to our Indian members
2)A decrease in the politicisation of threads that do not need to be.
3)An increase in respecting the rules and keeping an eye on basic civility.

Thank you for reading.
@villageidiot @Bleek @waz @Menace2Society @Neelo @Windjammer @Skimming @langda khan @Big Tank @Muhammad Saftain Anjum @M. Sarmad @PakSword @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @Azadkashmir @hussain0216 @khansaheeb @SecularNationalist @FuturePAF @Musings @NagaBaba @Cheepek @LeGenD @legacytiger18 @blain2 @SQ8 @Imran Khan @INDIAPOSITIVE @ghazi52 @Signalian @PanzerKiel @Irfan Baloch @Mav3rick @Sinnerman108 @Fasbre2 @Jaeger @alphapak @Abid123 @VCheng @mangochutney @Acetic Acid @lightning F57 @PakAlp @PakCan @Sayfullah

This is a professional forum, where we are standard bearers for the countries we are from and the religions we follow. It is our duty to keep things clear cut and civil and to be true men, not through the degradation of others, but through any attempts to educate them that are possible.
I have many Indian friends, work colleagues etc both Hindu and Muslim and even non religious. In day to day life like most people Indians are fine too. Issue is when you go on specific type forums like this one or others you will get specific people who want to troll or have hatred for Pak or Muslims in general. I have no issue with anyone on the forum as long as its respectful. People who come on to mock or troll are not really interested in conversing so should be ignored.
It’s not because their Indians my reply’s are harsh it’s just that there dickheads with no life begging for attention on this forum due to their miserable existence , ie trolls .

Dickheads come in many forms race religion etc but when you got these low life scum congregating trolling and spamming this forum , you have to give it to them straight .

I grew up with many Indians in Britain schooled with them clubbed dined grew up with them and still see them as some of my best mates but these imbeciles that frequent here logging in from their slums need to be told before they say it to a Pakistani guys face and get hammered thinking we’re like them .
A Russian Jew was finally allowed to emigrate to Israel. At Moscow Airport, Customs found a Lenin statue in his baggage and asked, "What is this?"

*The man replied, "What is this ! Wrong question comrade. You should have asked, 'Who is he ?' This is Comrade Lenin - who laid the foundations of Socialism and created the future and prosperity of the Russian People. I am taking it with me as a memory of our dear Hero."*

The Russian Customs Officer let him go without further inspection.

At Tel Aviv airport, the Israeli Customs Officer also asked him, "What is this ?"

*He replied, "What is this ? wrong question, Sir. You should be asking - Who is this ? This is Lenin, the bastard, who caused me, a Jew, to leave Russia. I take this statue with me so, I can curse him every day."*

The Israeli Customs Officer, "I apologize Sir, you are cleared to go."

Settling into his new House, he put the statue on a Table, and to celebrate his immigration, he invited his friends and relatives to dinner.

*One of his friends asked, "Who is this ?"*

*He replied, "My dear friend, ''Who is this ?'' is a wrong question. You should have asked, ''What is this ?". This is ten kilograms of solid gold that I managed to bring with me without paying any Customs duty and Tax"*

*MORAL :-- Politics is when you can tell the same thing in different ways to fool different audience, and steal their money, and allow yourself to look good in every way.*
The general has no fighting spirit, overly wordy, and nothing to action but more money. We'd like to know how much ISI budget they have now, and why isi division grows from 6 to 9 now and what they sold for LoC ceasefire on Indian. Why was COAS too late in visiting China and what are the terms of the discussion?
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