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Twin prop, guess the rank:partay:

This craft also traveled from Baghdad to Amman where the former left hours ago. Now it's returning back to Iraq.
Thank you for remembering me, brother, I'm doing well now, I'd to take some time off for health. I hope you're well as well and so is the family.
Glad to see you are well and kicking. Wishing you best of health. Stay tight brother
Where's Agnostic Muslim been? I like his opinions and posts but he hasn't been online lately.
He hasn't posted since 22nd April.
Sorry the usual. Tea and milk Horlicks. Despite your suggestion I am sure that the hair condition is not because of lack of water. Maybe to an extent but not entirely. Some years ago I had the same 1940s, Bond villain style along with generally good hair health.

My younger brothers also have hair issues. One colors his gray hair and the other has grays but doesn't color. A dear friend of mine also has developed hair fall. I see in my city that there are others too with unhealthy hair. It has to be something in the water and air. And food. And particularly for me that old big bottle of shampoo whose use-by date had expired.

For some months in 2013-2014 I used to eat two egg parathas every day. This not only increased my weight from underweight to a healthy 75 kgs but I think also kept my hair chugging along nicely. Do you think I should resume eating at least one egg everyday ?

I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry bro

I bookmarked your reply the same day you posted it but I totally forgot to respond please my accept my apologies for the delay

Do you think I should resume eating at least one egg everyday ?

That's good
I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry bro

I bookmarked your reply the same day you posted it but I totally forgot to respond please my accept my apologies for the delay

No problem, brother. :-)

That's good

Yes. In fact there is an ad being shown on TV by the NECC ( National Egg Coordination Committe ) that has three retired cricket players saying "Sunday ho ya Monday roz khao anday".
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@Indos I don't know much about Indonesia so to get a feel for the country and how it will fare in 21st century would you be kind to answer these few questions?

  • what official script do you use? Arabic, Roman, Chinese etc?
  • what is the normal attire for men?
  • what is your traditional dress for men - that was dominant prior to 1950s.
  • what is your traditional dress for women - that was dominant prior to 1950s.
  • is your country a Islamic republic?

Many thanks in advance.
New World Order
By Fakir S. Ayazuddin

Today Imran Khan stands tall as the only Pakistani on the world stage, at a time when his honesty and strength of character are desperately needed.

The situation facing the world is indeed dangerous. The fall of Kabul is imminent, and will be replaced by a fiercely independent Taliban government.

The Americans who are notoriously bad losers, but at least, would never like to be seen as one, are seeking positions from which they can strike the nascent Afghan government to ensure that the Afghans do not stray from US policy if they try.

China, and now Russia are all the new block in the region who jointly own their own sphere of influence. China, a nation ready to give the economic leadership necessary to the region.

The US will not accept this challenge to its formation of the world order.

Hugo Chavez who had the temerity to challenge the US governance was singled out to be made an example of.

Even though he was popularly elected and the Venezuelan people had the highest per capita income because of their huge oil wealth.

The US destroyed the Venezuelan economy and brought about a classic riches to rags end to the Venezuelan experiment in democracy.

Afghanistan has emerged as the victor in a bitter 18 year war and the US has been forced to sign a humiliating peace treaty with the Taliban in Qatar.

The Americans cannot resist the temptation to keep a careful watch on a victorious Taliban who have not struggled 16 years to be poodle lackey of someone they have just defeated.

The Russians and Chinese are already in the arena, with an established presence and will stop US attempts at forming new air bases.

Enter Pakistan a country that has long been the stooge of the Americans and has been used for the last fifty years as their vassal state.

Now the US has requested Pakistan for bases from which they can keep an eye and a gun aimed at the nascent Afghans.

Imran Khan has refused as this would be against his policy of independent actions.

The Indians are too far away, and the Afghans would consider bases or overflights a threat to their newly found peace.

Pakistan is mindful of this fact and will never attempt such a folly.

The US will then pressure Imran Khan failing which they will call upon Zardari and the abscondee Nawaz Sharif, who will be given a makeover as the new heroes and true bearers of the torch of democracy.

Condolezza Rice can be brought back from retirement into issuing a new NRO which has been the desire of Zardari and Nawaz all along.

The US does not care about the cost to the people of Pakistan. All the billions that have been stolen will now be given a safe exit from their cases and pending jail sentences.

The Americans should realise that their propping up Zardari and Nawaz Sharif will unleash a huge anti US wave throughout Pakistan for generations to come.

The US in their enthusiasm to destabilise Pakistan do not realise the disruption it will create and the ripple effect in India, a country facing its own factional divisive challenges.

These challenges are too close to the surface and Modi is too short sighted to see them.

These are indeed interesting times and we are lucky we have Imran Khan as a leader.
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