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Only pulling your leg. I am uber secular but also life long teetollar. Dont drink, do drugs or smoke, or ganble but fcuk anything that moves.

And the answer to your Q is it is a goggle.

haha, You previously mentioned You didn't drink.. So I assumed it may be a non-alcoholic drink i.e. those sparkling varients. A goggle ah I see, I guess the angle made it difficult to make it out what it was.. my bad.
According to Bible prophesy , Israel and Palestinians will sing a 7 year peace deal in the presence of anti christ(nobody knows he is anti christ at the time). There will a lot of prosperity in the region during that first 3.5 years. He will also help Israel built the Third Temple without destroying the Al Aqsa mosque. After 3.5 years wrath of God will fall on earth. Bible call it The day of the Lord.

What is the source of the above statement. Can you give me exact sources from the Bible? I assume it is from Revelations.

On what basis are you making these claims?
@AZ1 Is cheeni chor back from London?

You said i should tag you if cheeni chor does not come back from London and runs away like his chor brother Nawaz Sharif?

Are you going to be stop supporting Munafiq n Chor Riasat e Jhoot maker or are you a patwari as well?
@AZ1 Is cheeni chor back from London?

You said i should tag you if cheeni chor does not come back from London and runs away like his chor brother Nawaz Sharif?

Are you going to be stop supporting Munafiq n Chor Riasat e Jhoot maker or are you a patwari as well?

No he has not nor he is convicted one by law yet. Your courts has stopped and then go ahead then stop then go ahead playing with inquiry report.


JTK is not in pti, while shareef are free within pakistan and not in jail?
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What is the source of the above statement. Can you give me exact sources from the Bible? I assume it is from Revelations.

On what basis are you making these claims?

End time prophesies in Bible are listed in many chapter including Revelations, Book of Daniel chapter 10, 11 and 12, Ezekiel 38(Gog and Magog war- Some theologians think Magog represents Russia), Zachariah 14 and many other places in Bible.

The next big event before all these is Rapture(google it) an event foretold in Matt. 24:40–41, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
From Mufti Menk @jamahir

We are humans and we are prone to mistakes and sins. Never mind how many times you’ve sinned but the biggest mistake is to lose hope in the Almighty’s Mercy. Keep repenting. Keep turning back to Him. Always believe that He will forgive you. This is what sets us apart from Satan! ‬
Exactly like i thought. Keep defending and bringing excuses for them, patwari.

Just don't claim you've any integrity or challenge anyone, mkay? Thanks

Haha just because you have bughz toward imran khan wouldnt make you good. You are and will be crying no matter what. You think pakistan govt should listen to uand not court? and do as you say. System is different than ur fantasy world. JTK is not in pti and neither he is convicted so whats the issue just because u cry govt should hang someone.

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@AZ1 Is cheeni chor back from London?

You said i should tag you if cheeni chor does not come back from London and runs away like his chor brother Nawaz Sharif?

Are you going to be stop supporting Munafiq n Chor Riasat e Jhoot maker or are you a patwari as well?
avoid name calling please
End time prophesies in Bible are listed in many chapter including Revelations, Book of Daniel chapter 10, 11 and 12, Ezekiel 38(Gog and Magog war- Some theologians think Magog represents Russia), Zachariah 14 and many other places in Bible.

The next big event before all these is Rapture(google it) an event foretold in Matt. 24:40–41, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

I know much about your religion, and specifically the sources you are sharing, but you have not provided me exact scriptural proof to prove each assertion you have put forth.

You gave me exact duration of future events, what is that based on?

I assume you are an Evangelical Christian. Do you follow some speaker or some televangelist who makes these predictions?
I know much about your religion, and specifically the sources you are sharing, but you have not provided me exact scriptural proof to prove each assertion you have put forth.

You gave me exact duration of future events, what is that based on?

I assume you are an Evangelical Christian. Do you follow some speaker or some televangelist who makes these predictions?

Christian did have many insight about future event, even there is Quran verse saying that Injil (bible) has many insight about end of time period. It is why I keep one old bible and I do read Revelation chapter in Bible. But of course they did some editing and I know prophet Muhammad is replaced with Jesus when the bible said about one person that will become a leader when we are all gathered after we are raised from our death body. I even saw that moment on my dream and I have seen prophet Muhammad face and other of his physical like hair, beard from that dream.
Haha just because you have bughz toward imran khan wouldnt make you good. You are and will be crying no matter what. You think pakistan govt should listen to uand not court? and do as you say. System is different than ur fantasy world. JTK is not in pti and neither he is convicted so whats the issue just because u cry govt should hang someone.

You're right.

We are crying in this world. But in the next world, the oppressors will be crying not running off to London like Kings or hiding in Bani Gala InshaAllah
I know much about your religion, and specifically the sources you are sharing, but you have not provided me exact scriptural proof to prove each assertion you have put forth.

You gave me exact duration of future events, what is that based on?

I assume you are an Evangelical Christian. Do you follow some speaker or some televangelist who makes these predictions?

There are 66 books in Bible and they were written over a period of 3000 years. Since it is written inspired by spirit of God, you have to read all books in the order it is chronologically ordered. Some of the prophesies are scattered across multiple books I have those books and chapters indicated in my previous post.

Following verses will not make sense to you if you don't read Revelations from chapter 1.

Revelation 11:1-2 (I was given a reed like a measuring rod and was told, “Go and measure the temple of God{Jewish place of worship} and the altar, with its worshipers. 2 But exclude the outer court; do not measure it, because it has been given to the Gentiles{non Jews, Arabs}. They will trample on the holy city for 42 months.)

Above verse when read in its full contest means, Jewish place of worship can exists without its outer court. Anti Christ will find out that Palestinians' holy place starts at outer court. That means Jewish Temple and Masque can co exists.

Chapters 11-13 of Revelation contain five references to various periods of time, which I will quote in the order of their appearance in the inspired text. “But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months” (11:2). “And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth” (11:3). “And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days” (12:6). “And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent” (12:14). “And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months” (13:5).

You will notice that in these three chapters, we have the following three temporal terms: 1,260 days, mentioned twice (11:3; 12:6); 42 months, also mentioned twice (11:2; 13:5); a time, times and half a time, mentioned once (12:14).

Let us look carefully at these three temporal periods. First, if we reckon that there are 30 days in a month, how many days are there in 42 months? The answer is 1,260 days! Second, 42 months are how many years? Since there are 12 months in a year, 42 months are 3 ½ years, which is the equivalent of “a time [1], and times [2], and half a time [½]” (12:14), for 1 + 2 + ½ = 3 ½. Thus these three time periods are the same! The 1,260 days are equivalent to 42 months, which are equivalent to 3 ½ years or times.
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